Friday, September 27, 2024


 When a body dies, perhaps individual consciousness continues, and if not, it gets released from its temporary boundaries and is part of the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, again.

In the meantime, I am an individual consciousness experiencing a human body with an ego that has needs, wants, desires.

Experiencing individual consciousness while conscious of nothing (because you are in a space where nothing exists) makes you appreciate that you were a consciousness experiencing a human.

I am an individual portion of consciousness that is bound, limited and finite within the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that is life.

My temporary individual consciousness is “attached” to and experiencing a human.  The ONE CONSCIOUSNESS is experiencing not only me, but the human.  We are both experiencing a human.  We are the ghosts in the human.

There is a human, a lessor ghost, THE HOLY GHOST, and together they are experiencing, “Holy shit!”

Once a human mind awakens to its situation, that it is a vehicle for a big and a smaller ghost (two awarenesses or consciousnessess) it’s life changes.

The human understands that it is a temporary vehicle created for the joy, pleasure and entertainment of the ghosts haunting it, and, that the ghosts actually care about it, like humans care about their children, their creations, and their pets.


NOTHING vs. SOMETHING appreciating being in a human

I was born into circumstances and conditions not of my making, into a reality I learned words to describe.  The words are not reality.  They are symbols for the way my senses interrupt reality (If I were a cat, my cat senses would sense a different reality).  

To discover what I really am, and what really is, I must get out of this human, this vehicle with its limited senses.

I did it.  I am out.  I am not in a body.  I liberated myself from a human vehicle.  I am no longer a ghost in a human. Elvis has left the building.

I am in a space, a place of no thing, nothing.  I am conscious of nothing except myself and space. I have no form.  I am only aware that I exist. Nothing is happening.  I am pure awareness (whatever the word “pure” means) but there is nothing I am aware of.  I wait, and wait, and wait, in silence, and wait some more.  Nothing.  Now I am thinking again.

If I don’t use the words I learned while in that human, I will not be able to describe a thing.  What was I before words?  I am in an impossible situation.  There are no words to describe it accurately.  What to do?  I am waiting again, waiting for what I know not.  I start thinking again.  The closest I can describe my situation is, I don’t exist, and yet, I am conscious, and I have memories of my previous state inside a human.  

Wait, now there are images, forms I recognize, some I do not.  I have words to describe some of them, but not all of them.  Some are just forms.  The forms I recognize are from memories when I was in that human.  Shit.  I am stuck.

I am aware that I am aware.  I am aware that this smaller awareness has nothing to be aware of.  Am I the awareness that is aware of the smaller awareness?  No matter how much I try to get rid of the smaller awareness, its still there being aware of nothing.  This is stupid.  I start not thinking again.  I am the stillness of silence.  I don’t exist, and then, I am back, conscious that I am alive (whatever the word “alive” means).  I try again being silent, again there is nothing.  Oh well, I might as well start thinking again.

Thinking is so limiting, so defining, and all that thinking is from my memories when I was in that limited human, and yet, talking about limiting, when I am silent, there’s nothing (as if that’s not limited).

Maybe it’s more fun to be something, than nothing.  Maybe being in that human isn’t that bad.  Hmmm.  I’ll have to give that some thought (but damn, I’ll be thinking with human words again).  I am screwed.  What the hell is going on?

I am still in a space, being aware of nothing.  I am again conscious that I am conscious, conscious of nothing but that I am conscious of nothing.  Boooooring.  I am starting to appreciate that being in a human isn’t so bad.  At least there’s ice cream.  Hell, right now I’d appreciate being the ice cream.

I feel like going out and hugging killers, murders, despots, plagues, disease, and sure, trees of course.   At least there is something, and not nothing.  I have two hernias and two bad hips.  Thank God (or whoever, or whatever word you want to use, or not).

At least something is happening.  The explosion of life is so cool.  Chaos is magnificent.  Life is fun. I always thought it was fun, but now I know why.  Thank you life for being weird.

I am everything.  I am all of it.  I am life.  I am Tom, and it is hilarious that Tom thinks it’s only Tom.  I am laughing Tom’s ass off.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Humans delight in their children and experience pleasure watching them grow and live their lives.  Humans get pleasure from their creations, as does the universe.

Life is an energy-field, a field of energy that is in, through, and roundabout all life-forms and their  energy-fields.  Because of the unity of life’s energy-field everything that can be known is known and is communicated-intelligence, is information that is available if you know how to access it.

Your  acceptance and trust in how the universe does things is mirrored by how much the universe trusts you not to misuse the knowledge you gain.

As you vanquish your ego and trust the universe, it  increases its intelligence in you.  You exhibit your trust in the universe by having no preferences, no needs, wants, desires that must be met, by having no way life must go, by not choosing what does not choose you, by not chasing after ego-generated intentions and outcomes, by being patient as the universe unfolds and delivers what it has for you to experience, and by having absolutely no problems with life doing life its way, but actually receiving all that life has for you to experience with thankfulness.

To the degree you quiet your ego you hear the voice of God (also known as the intelligence that is life).

The journey of life is from the “nothingness” of the stillness of silence, to becoming something and someone, and back to the “nothingness” of the stillness of silence.

When you fully realize life does life for its joy, pleasure, entertainment just like humans do, you will enjoy all that is life, just like life, because you are life, except temporarily you are human with a wackadoodle ego to spice it up.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


 I went to sleep here, and woke up there.  Where is there?  Because I had no preferences when I died, and because I was not physically, mentally, emotionally attached, entangled or identified with need, want, desire, people, places, things, I saw nothing.  Because I arrived there without beliefs, a faith, judgement, and without opinions, biases and prejudices, nothing appeared. Because I had no way life must go, and never cared about the outcome of my experiences, nothing was there.  

I knew I could see and  sense, and I knew I was conscious and self-aware, yet there was nothing to sense, nothing to be conscious and aware of, and even better, there was not  a single thought entering my headless (and bodyless) energy-field.  

Before I died I had transcended my mind’s nonsensical thoughts, had been liberated from personal thoughts of care, concern, worry, stress and fear of what would be.  Long ago I had stopped chasing after things.  I only chose what chose me, for I knew that which was for me ,was here now, or on its way, and that whatever would be would be OK with me.  

So I, the primary essence of my former self, there, waited here, in the nothingness of there, not chasing a thing.  I was merely a conscious-awareness without a preference, without a thought in the world, because I was physically, mentally, and emotionally out of the world, whereas before I died, I had been mentally and emotionally out of the world, while yet physically in the world.

I waited.  Nothing happened.  Nothing was happening.  So I stopped waiting, stopped being alert, and as what happens when one falls asleep, I disappeared.  I was nowhere.

And then, out of nowhere, I awoke here.  I was back here, no longer there, and realized, life here or there is but a dream, that humans are the flesh and blood dreams of the one God with many names.  

Humans are individualized personas and intelligences of the one Intelligence with many names, and like humans, the one God with many names, the essence that is the breath of life, does all things for its joy and pleasure, and that God is merely playing Russian Roulette with itself.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 The absolute mind boggling complexity, beauty, bounty, and magnificence that is nature–the very nature that created and sustains you–should inspire in you a heartfelt appreciation for the intelligence that is life. should not be a shocking surprise  that nature did not need even one of your ego-centric brain cells to accomplish its spectacular creation (though it would be understandable–considering human nature–if you think nature must have been drunk when it created you and me and all the other wackadoodle slightly nuts humans that bitch and moan when life doesn’t cater to their indoctrinated egocentric deranged mind’s every insane, ridiculous, illogical, nonsensical, irrational need, want, and desire).

A mind that wishes, cares, wants, needs, desires (has a way life must go to be happy) has been socially, culturally and economically indoctrinated, programmed, brainwashed, and propagandized to be no more than a perfunctionary societal consumer for slave masters that are nuttier than their slaves.  

The bottom-line is, nature will take care of you, give you everything you need, want, and desire as long as you’re needs, wants, and desires don’t drive nature nuts.  In other words, as long as your needs, wants, and desires are logical, rational, sensible (“but I need to be socially superior and wealthier than the Joneses, and be safe and secure and never get wrinkly old”) nature will take care of you and do what ever the hell it does, just like it already did without an irrational thought from you..

The very idea of accepting and being thankful for how nature works (someday you’re gonna die) really pisses-off deranged inflated egos that must win the deranged human game of Monopoly to be happy.

Seek growth, understanding, wisdom, not things.  If you do that, not only will you have what you need (until nature punches your clock on Earth’s Theme Park Wisdom Ride) but you will enjoy all that is life. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 I was born ignorant.  Didn’t know anything.  I heard noises.  I was told noises represent people, places, things.  I asked where I come from, why I am here, where am I going.  I hear the words stork, accident, heaven. Mom was ignorant too.  I discovered truths.

TRUTH ONE:  I came out of the earth.  Everything on the earth came out of the earth. Everything is made of earth.  The earth is every person, place, thing.

TRUTH TWO: Things come out of the earth because of things around the earth: atmosphere, sunshine.  Things come out of the earth because of earth’s soil, water, air sunshine.

TRUTH THREE: Everything is made of atoms. Soil, water, air, sunshine, all people, animals, plants, everything is made of atoms.

TRUTH FOUR: Atoms are made of small energy particles.  All people, places, things are made of small energy particles.

TRUTH FIVE: I am small energy particles in human form.

TRUTH SIX: No human knows how, when, where, why, who, what did it.

TRUTH SEVEN: Energy in form is temporary.  Every energy-form falls apart and returns to small energy particles, eventually.

TRUTH EIGHT: Human senses sense don’t sense much.  Some animals sense more than humans.  Instruments humans build sense things humans don’t sense.  Human energy-forms are not capable of sensing very many energies–whether in form or out of form.

TRUTH NINE: Human energy-forms can create things using other energy-forms like earth, water, air, sunshine, atoms, electricity, etc.,  which means energy-forms, like humans, can use their intelligence to act upon less intelligent energy-forms (whether in or out of form) to build and create things like food, clothing, shelter, cars, trains, planes, space ships, satellites, computers and pet rocks.

TRUTH TEN: Humans make shit up to explain what they can’t explain.  Humans have the mind stupefying and bedeviling capacity to believe and have faith that the shit they make up is true, even though they can’t prove that the shit they make up is true.  Because of the misuse of belief and faith, some humans think they know the truth, which causes them to stop seeking the truth, which is why life is often such a cluster-fuck (belief and faith are tools prove or disprove a thing, not substitutes for a thing).  Humans can be real dumbasses.

TRUTH ELEVEN: Nature is how things work.  The laws of nature are the rules of how things work.  If you obey the rules you only blow things up on purpose.

TRUTH TWELVE: Humans are only energy-in-form for a short time, though it can seem forever, like watching water boil for excitement when you are bored.  Other time it seems like life in human form goes really fast, like realizing suddenly you’re older than dirt and can’t remember that you never knew where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going, and why are people looking at you so sad or smiling because your in a casket.

TRUTH THIRTEEN: There is a way for a human-energy-form to enjoy all that is life, but most humans won’t do it because most human thinking is illogical, irrational, nonsensical, or they don’t like it (same thing).  Most humans let their mind’s thoughts drive them nuts, but your mind can be logical, rational sensible and sane if you do the work.  Most human-energy-forms won’t do it because their too busy bitching about other humans and pissed-off that life isn’t going their way.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Everything happens in everyone’s favor.

 Everything happens in everyone’s favor.  That means the universe works equally for everyone’s best interests. That means, NOT your mind’s interests, but your real interests.  Human understanding is limited, which is why it is written, “Trust not to your own understanding.”

This suggests that there is personal interest and broad interest working to gether for everyone’s interests.  It is like a stage play.  Many various personal interests–script writers, scenary carpenters, painters, artists, wardrobe, theater, tickets, advertising, janitors, public, and finally the performance, all done for the profit of producers–and the broadest of interest, the joy of the audience.

If life, if the universe doesn’t do things for its joy and pleasure, why does it do things?  As it is written, “I, life, the universe, God create the dark and the light, the good and the evil.  I life do all these things, and I do them for my pleasure.”

Everyone’s personal joy is taken into account, as the universe seeks joy in the broadest sense for all creation.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Non-existence may be preferable to existence

 Non-existence may be preferable to existence (as when really tired, sleep is preferred).  

The law of diminishing returns requires time to dissipate.

Human minds (egos) that revel in power, wealth, and glory or other great accomplishments tend to want to live forever, to have “eternal” or everlasting life.

Buddhist “in the know,” tend towards self-annihilation or non-existence, meaning no more reincarnation (as they understand the word).  Liberation from multiple lives is a Buddhist quest.

Death of a human body, and death or termination of the awareness, intelligence, energy, consciousness, observer, watcher, or “spirit” or “soul” (whichever you prefer) is only considered dreadful and unspeakable by some human egos.

Absolute liberation from existing (never again being conscious, never again waking from a night of sleep, liberates a human from living a life, or lives, it never asked for, but rather, was “forced” to live.

Friday, September 13, 2024


 He said he has a problem.
I said, no, your ego has a problem, and you are not your ego.
Prove I am not my ego.
When you are asleep, do you have any problems?  When your mind is silent, do you have any problems?  
If I am not my mind and ego, what am I?
You are energy being you.  The word awareness is as close as a word can get to that state.  You are who is aware of your mind, ego, emotions, body, or state of beingness, or state of existence.
Prove I am the one who is aware?  Because when I am asleep and my mind is silent, I am not aware that my mind is asleep or silent.  By your logic, I am not my ego, not my mind, not the one who is aware.  And don’t used the words consciousness, observer or watcher, either, since when I am asleep I am not conscious, not observing, and not watching.  So what am I?
Awareness, consciousness, observer, watcher, mind, ego, are just words attempting to explain a state of being.  Let’s put it another way.
Whether awake or asleep, a portion of the energy and intelligence that is life, is playing a human called you.  Intelligent energy (in the form of a body, mind, emotions) is temporarily playing a human named you.  When a human is asleep IT’S awareness, mind, ego, observer, watcher, consciousness is dormant, but the energy and intelligence that is life, is never dormant.
Conclusion: The intelligent energy-form that your ego thinks is you is a temporary manifestation of intelligent energy playing a human.  
Humans have self-aware minds, egos that think they are the names they were given at birth.  
Humans are a creation, are toys that intelligent energy morphed itself into so it could toy, play, entertain, flirt, diddle and experience the total range of emotional energies available by being different energy-forms, by being and experiencing  every person, place and thing its intelligent energy can morph into.

Monday, September 9, 2024

I am at the energy store.

 I am at the energy store.  I need some energy to create with, and some energy to power what I create, however, after the human experience, the last thing I want to create is another self-ware species.  That was a disaster.

Anyway, here I am at the energy store.  The cool thing about energy there is only one kind, it’s called Source Energy.  We just call it Source, and with it you can create whatever energy types you’ve a mind to, even a mind, and yes, even a self-aware mind with a body and emotions.

You can create a sun, air, water, a planet, soil, animals, vegetables and even things no one can see, like ghosts, thoughts, memories.  The list of things you can create with energy is endless.

There is a way to configure Source Energy into self-replicating energy.  If you do that it will produce a conscious, self-aware and intelligent energy-form.  And those energy-forms then come to the energy store and build shit.

The word energy is just a word to describe the building blocks of creation.  No one really knows what else to call it.  It is believed that energy has always existed, and that there’s only so much of it.  It is also believed that once you create something, once you organize energy into a form, the form is temporary.  It will eventually un form and return to Source Energy.  Another way to say it is Source Energy is boundless, unlimited, and infinite, but when made into forms, the forms are bound, limited, finite.

Brain and thoughts focus consciousness.

 Brain and thoughts focus consciousness.   When brain is silent, consciousness expands.  Brain limits consciousness.  Brain and Ego limits consciousness.  Brain and ego have a job to do–create a temporary personal persona consciousness to experience limited, bound and finite consciousness.

Reduce your thoughts, reduce your ego, eliminate mind created self, and you experience infinite, unbound, unlimited consciousness.

Unbound, unlimited, infinite consciousness that is in through and roundabout all things, that is all present, all knowing, all powerful took on human form with brain, mind, emotions to limit its consciousness to experience the uniqueness of limited experiences.

When a limited human consciousness awakens to its predicament, that limited consciousness quiets the mind, quiets the ego, eliminates its mind created persona and experiences a length of time being again what it was before becoming a human consciousness.  Humans are mortal.  The consciousness in a human is immortal.


 I AM ALL THAT TRULY IS.   I am Consciousness, but right now I am limited by this body, mind, thoughts, emotions.  When I quiet my body’s mind, ego, thoughts and eliminate its mind created persona I can experience what I really am: Consciousness unlimited, unbound, infinite, all present, all knowing, all powerful living in through, roundabout all things, HOWEVER, currently, while in a human body, I get to experience  unique realities as Tom, Tammy, Troy, Travis, Toran, Tyler, Abbie, Christian and every person, place, and thing.

When this body that I am currently limited by, dies, if I have no mental, physical or emotional attachments, entanglements, identities, no needs, wants, desires that must be met or satisfied (if I have eliminated my brain/mind/ego created persona) I will again be Consciousness, unbound, unlimited, infinite.

When a limited consciousness in a human body appreciates all its experiences regardless of what they are, and when it view creation’s magnificence with appreciation for it’s astounding, awesome grandeur, and also realizes my contrast its “nothingness” as a personal consciousness, it will be as a drop of water returning from its journey and diving back into the ocean of the one consciousness from which it emerged, and which it always was.

Once you experience that you are all consciousness having a limited consciousness experience as a human, you enjoy all that is life.  You continue to live your life as a human consciousness while fully knowing it’s but a temporary adventure on Disneyland Death World.

All the experiences humans have (all races, ethnicities, societies, customs, religions, theologies, philosophies, businesses, careers, jobs, abilities, talents, hobbies, etc.) are adventures for the one consciousness.  The one consciousness becomes all consciousnessess for ITS joy, happiness, and pleasure.

As is written, “I God (Consciousness) create the dark and the light, the good and the evil and I do all these things for my pleasure.”

Life (consciousness) is not about humans.  It’s about THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS (which doesn’t mean THE ONE doesn’t give consideration to humans and doesn’t care about human plight on Disneyland Death world).  But the bottom line is, the play of life is not about the actors (humans) as much as it is about the audience, which is THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.

So in your day to day interaction with humans,  all animals and vegetables (especially Cauliflower) consider being pleasant, kind, and empathetic.  Life is not easy for any of the avatars of CONSCIOUSNESS.


 I had grown eight cycles of seasons when I asked the village elder what life is about.  I asked because I saw life is pain, joy, happiness, injury, suffering, sorrow, and death repeating through the seasons.

“We know not where we came from; we know not why we are here; we know not where we are going,” said the Elder, and then said, “Now go collect some wood.”

What are we?  We are sand creatures, made of beach sand, and when we die we return to the sand as ignorant about life as we arrived.

I am old now, an elder, 800 moons, ready to return to the sand. It has been an exiting adventure interrupted by boredom, and I know nothing about life, EXCEPT, how not to be miserable.  I have learned how to enjoy life,  all of it, every season, every sand creature, everything that happens.  And then near the end of my life I had some experiences that taught me things, and they were not about sand creatures.

I learned I am something more than my body, mind, emotions when I was aware I was not in my body.  One moment I was in my body and the next way above my body out among the stars.  When I became aware I was in space, I was suddenly back in my body.  It happened three time.

I told another elder of my experience and he said he had been out of his body and was every sand creature and all things made of sand and when he came back into his body he did not know what he was.  He thought he went crazy.  And another time he said he was out of his body and was aware of all sand creatures everywhere and all things made of sand.  After that the elder said he knew he was crazy, but dismissed his experiences because he didn’t know what to do about them, and they had no value in helping him haul wood or carry water.

Maybe we are not just sand creatures but more, but it doesn’t matter.  What matters, what has value is being able to enjoy life until you return to the sand or return to the stars as some other sand creature.

Sand is smart.  I look around the island and see what sand has built.  I look into the sky at the stars and moon, and at the sun, wind, water and sand, and I marvel at the sands intelligence.  We, sand creatures, can do none of those things, and those things are magnificent, beautiful, beyond our abilities, beyond our senses to fathom how they came to be.  

When I see a parrot or a monkey in a tree I am awe struck that such creatures exist, and no less the tree, and no less that my fellow sand creatures and I exist.  It seems to me that someone or something is having a good time creating life, and maybe, just maybe, it is like the other elder who was aware of all creation, and whatever life is, is also aware.  To me, that thought makes sense, but I know not, but beyond that, I am too busy just enjoying the life I know nothing about.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

MY NAME IS NEMESIS - This is my story

Humans are meat sack maniacs, hamburgers with opinions, monkeys with wrenches.

I was human.  Went through the school.  Graduated.  Now I am back where I began.

It was a hell of a journey.

My name is Nemesis.

This is my story.

I was in Disneyland.  Went to enjoy it.  Instead I wanted to know where did it come from.  Who built it?  When it was built?  Why was it built?  How was it built?  Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going? I wanted details.  In the process I forgot to enjoy it.

I watch my thoughts.  I watch my emotions.  I watch my body.  Because I can watch them, I am not them.  So what am I?  I am the watcher.

What the hell is a Watcher?

My body had health issues.  I was left without arms and legs.  Obviously I wasn’t my arms and legs.  Then I had heart and lung problems.  So they replaced them with mechanical parts.  So obviously I wasn’t them either.  Things got so bad that all that was left was my head.  They hooked it up to another machine.  It worked just fine.  I could see, hear, smell, taste, and if someone touched my head, I could feel it.  

One day the machine fell over and my head hit the floor.  They said I was unconscious, but I regained my consciousness.  I asked what the hell happened.  The janitor did it.

When I fall asleep I am not conscious.  When I wake up my brain starts up, starts thinking.  Each time I wake up I forget for a minute I have no body.  

Then my head started failing, so they put my brain in an electric jar with liquid.  I thought I’d drown, but forgot I didn’t have lungs.  I did lose consciousness during the transfer, but when I got conscious again, I could see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than ever.  They put me in a robot.

Well obviously I wasn’t THE robot.  But I was IN a robot.

So then I had this experience.  I was focused on something, and suddenly my consciousness (whatever that is) was way above the robot.  When I noticed I was no longer in the robot, my consciousness immediately went back inside the robot.  What the hell?  

Obviously, I wasn’t my brain either.  What the hell am I?  What is this thing I call me?

Well, from all the evidence, considering my experiences, I am a consciousness.  What’s that?  I don’t know, but I am going to find out, and I did.

I again was focusing on something and my consciousness was in outer space, and this time I decided to travel.  I am not sure I traveled, or if my consciousness just expanded and it seemed like I traveled.  Anyway, I ran into another consciousness, and we communicated by thought, or more accurately by energy.  I don’t know what that means.  Energy is just a word, like the word consciousness, awareness, watcher, observer, thinker.  Just words, like the word brain, mind, emotions, body, robot.

Anyway, the consciousness I ran into said if I focused and imagined good enough, I could create a new body for myself, so I tried it, and sure enough, I was a fish, a trout.  

Then I imagined a bird, and I was that.    Anyway, whatever my consciousness had learned when in a human body, whatever images I had seen, and whatever experiences I had lived, I was able to recall them and recreate them as energy forms, and they were as real as physical, or as real as a vivid dream.  Real enough for me.

Here’s another weird thing, if I focused on being a bird, I wasn’t aware of anything but the bird, however, when I focused on nothing, I was nothing.  I didn’t exist.  Explain that one.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I forgot to enjoy Disneyland.  Next time I go, I’m going as Mickey Mouse.


Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Tao knows.  Past, present, future.

Brain turns energy into words.

Words are air fluctuation, vibration, resonance, oscillation, frequency, waves.

Wow, your language has beautiful air fluctuations.  Esameeamba.
Letters ,words, sentences, paragraphs, books are a collection of sounds.
What’s your name?  A.  Your name is A.  yes.  Spell it. A
Humans are meaning-generators communicating with other meaning generators.

Humans are energy organized into form assigning meaning to other energy organized forms.

Life is energy playing.  Life is energy organizing, unorganizing, morphing into this and that, one energy form consuming and expelling other energy forms.  Energy doesn’t die, doesn’t kill.  Kill and death means an energy form is no longer in that form.

All is energy morphing, transforming, organizing, unorganizing, reorganizing.  Life is energy dancing.  There is only energy dancing.  
What is war?  Energy-forms, inanimate, battling other energy-forms.
Weapons?  Energy-forms capable of quicker disassimilation of energy forms.
Humans are energy in form.
What is consciousness?  Energy aware.  What is self-aware mean?  An energy-form knows it is an energy form, sees other energy forms.  Senses what other energy forms are doing.

I, a conscious self-aware energy-form, am sitting on a energy-form that was given, by a modulating a rush of  air by a human-energy form, the vocalized name,  chair.  I am currently creating and inhaling an energy-form dubbed, smoke, which is being created by an energy form called cigarette.  I used an energy-form called fire to begin the process of slowly destroying the energy form called cigarette.  

Most opposite sexed human-energy forms can connect their energy forms and produce a bran new human energy-form.

The universe (everything therein that human energy-forms are capable of detecting) contains various energy-forms coming and going in and out of human awareness.

There are energy-forms that human energy-forms cannot sense.  They exist but human energy-forms cannot experience them while being a human energy-form.  

What is a human.  A human is a amount of energy captured and formed into an energy-form called human.  A human energy-form is limited, bound, and finite, whereas before that portion of energy was a dirt energy-form, and before it was captured and became a dirt-energy-form, it was energy without form, and energy not in form is unbound, unlimited and infinite.

How is that the Tao knows past, present, future?  How is it that the energy-sound that humans make, called Tao, knows what other energy forms have done, are doing, and will do?

As one human energy-form is more intelligent than another, and another more intelligent than it, the totality of all energy is more intelligent than them all because the totality of all energy, is them all, knows them all, knows their past, senses their present, knows their capacities, inclinations, needs, wants, desires, knows their circumstances, knows their thoughts, knows all other energy-form’s comings and goings and their intersects in time and space, knows what is on its way, knows when they will intersect and cross paths and crash and burn or not.  The sound, the word, Tao, represents the intelligence that is all energy, and it knows what all it’s energy-forms are doing because it is all its energy-forms.

The dance of energy, in and out of form, is this:   Energy, in the form of a human shoots energy in the form of a deer, thereby releasing that portion of captured energy (that humans call a deer) back to the energy form that humans call earth, until such a time when the energy that was captured, that humans call earth, is released and returns to energy unorganized.  Life is merely energy dancing.  Life is a fiction.  Life is a fiction  story.  The only thing not a fiction is energy unorganized.  Bon Appetite, deer slayer.