Thursday, September 19, 2024


 The absolute mind boggling complexity, beauty, bounty, and magnificence that is nature–the very nature that created and sustains you–should inspire in you a heartfelt appreciation for the intelligence that is life. should not be a shocking surprise  that nature did not need even one of your ego-centric brain cells to accomplish its spectacular creation (though it would be understandable–considering human nature–if you think nature must have been drunk when it created you and me and all the other wackadoodle slightly nuts humans that bitch and moan when life doesn’t cater to their indoctrinated egocentric deranged mind’s every insane, ridiculous, illogical, nonsensical, irrational need, want, and desire).

A mind that wishes, cares, wants, needs, desires (has a way life must go to be happy) has been socially, culturally and economically indoctrinated, programmed, brainwashed, and propagandized to be no more than a perfunctionary societal consumer for slave masters that are nuttier than their slaves.  

The bottom-line is, nature will take care of you, give you everything you need, want, and desire as long as you’re needs, wants, and desires don’t drive nature nuts.  In other words, as long as your needs, wants, and desires are logical, rational, sensible (“but I need to be socially superior and wealthier than the Joneses, and be safe and secure and never get wrinkly old”) nature will take care of you and do what ever the hell it does, just like it already did without an irrational thought from you..

The very idea of accepting and being thankful for how nature works (someday you’re gonna die) really pisses-off deranged inflated egos that must win the deranged human game of Monopoly to be happy.

Seek growth, understanding, wisdom, not things.  If you do that, not only will you have what you need (until nature punches your clock on Earth’s Theme Park Wisdom Ride) but you will enjoy all that is life. 

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