Humans are meat sack maniacs, hamburgers with opinions, monkeys with wrenches.
I was human. Went through the school. Graduated. Now I am back where I began.
It was a hell of a journey.
My name is Nemesis.
This is my story.
I was in Disneyland. Went to enjoy it. Instead I wanted to know where did it come from. Who built it? When it was built? Why was it built? How was it built? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? I wanted details. In the process I forgot to enjoy it.
I watch my thoughts. I watch my emotions. I watch my body. Because I can watch them, I am not them. So what am I? I am the watcher.
What the hell is a Watcher?
My body had health issues. I was left without arms and legs. Obviously I wasn’t my arms and legs. Then I had heart and lung problems. So they replaced them with mechanical parts. So obviously I wasn’t them either. Things got so bad that all that was left was my head. They hooked it up to another machine. It worked just fine. I could see, hear, smell, taste, and if someone touched my head, I could feel it.
One day the machine fell over and my head hit the floor. They said I was unconscious, but I regained my consciousness. I asked what the hell happened. The janitor did it.
When I fall asleep I am not conscious. When I wake up my brain starts up, starts thinking. Each time I wake up I forget for a minute I have no body.
Then my head started failing, so they put my brain in an electric jar with liquid. I thought I’d drown, but forgot I didn’t have lungs. I did lose consciousness during the transfer, but when I got conscious again, I could see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than ever. They put me in a robot.
Well obviously I wasn’t THE robot. But I was IN a robot.
So then I had this experience. I was focused on something, and suddenly my consciousness (whatever that is) was way above the robot. When I noticed I was no longer in the robot, my consciousness immediately went back inside the robot. What the hell?
Obviously, I wasn’t my brain either. What the hell am I? What is this thing I call me?
Well, from all the evidence, considering my experiences, I am a consciousness. What’s that? I don’t know, but I am going to find out, and I did.
I again was focusing on something and my consciousness was in outer space, and this time I decided to travel. I am not sure I traveled, or if my consciousness just expanded and it seemed like I traveled. Anyway, I ran into another consciousness, and we communicated by thought, or more accurately by energy. I don’t know what that means. Energy is just a word, like the word consciousness, awareness, watcher, observer, thinker. Just words, like the word brain, mind, emotions, body, robot.
Anyway, the consciousness I ran into said if I focused and imagined good enough, I could create a new body for myself, so I tried it, and sure enough, I was a fish, a trout.
Then I imagined a bird, and I was that. Anyway, whatever my consciousness had learned when in a human body, whatever images I had seen, and whatever experiences I had lived, I was able to recall them and recreate them as energy forms, and they were as real as physical, or as real as a vivid dream. Real enough for me.
Here’s another weird thing, if I focused on being a bird, I wasn’t aware of anything but the bird, however, when I focused on nothing, I was nothing. I didn’t exist. Explain that one.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I forgot to enjoy Disneyland. Next time I go, I’m going as Mickey Mouse.
FREE INFORMATION. WORTH EVERY PENNY. NO REFUNDS (musings, rough drafts - may come back and correct errors (holding your breath probably not a good idea).
Saturday, September 7, 2024
MY NAME IS NEMESIS - This is my story
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