Tuesday, February 27, 2024


After much scientific analysis and other ridiculous thinking the self-aware mind in one of life’s avatars (named Tom) thinks its conclusions about itself have been wrong.  It now thinks it doesn’t exist except in its own mind (Bingo!).

Furthermore, life’s avatar’s mind in Tom acknowledges that Tom’s body doesn’t exist either.  It now concludes that both the body named Tom and the mind in that body, are life itself Being Tom (some would call that an awake mind.  Others would call it bullshit).

At the scientific level of human misunderstanding about life, everything is energy, and everything in-form is made of life-energy.  Which means all life-forms are energy-forms of life itself being those forms (not totally confusing).

Sun, air, water, earth, all people, places, and things are energy, energy in, or  without, form.  So all things are energy, or life (which might mean the ego part of a life’s avatar’s mind could get upset because an ego thinks quite highly of itself even though it really doesn’t know shit about life–and will replace its not knowing with nonsensical beliefs and faith).

Since it’s a plausable scientifically established fact that an avatar’s mind has many facets, and that one part of a mind can observe another part thinking, an avatar’s mind talks to itself, or better yet, one part of that mind can say, “I want dinner,” and the other part says, “Screw you.  We’re fasting.” (some avatar mind’s believe there’s a higher-mind communicating with a lower-mind which means there’s plenty of bullshit to go around).

Since humans only have theories, philosophies, theologies, beliefs, faiths and opinions about life, but no experiential truths, the questions are, where REALLY did we (life’s avatars–humans) come from, why are we here, and where are we going, and, “What the hell is going on?”  (Those unanswered questions (beliefs don’t count) are so old that when mythical Adam and Eve asked the Garden of Eden snake in the grass what life was all about, immediately struck the forbidden apple, poisoned it, talked Eve into eating it, and Eve talked Adam into eating it, and thereafter, in the end, all die screaming–except those on drugs).

What follows are the absolute no bullshit answers to the questions, (1)  “Where did we come from?  (2) Why are we here? (3)  Where are we going?”  And the answers to the bonus questions (each worth ten points) (4) “What are we made of?  (5) And why the hell did you do it?”




After much bullshit thinking, I’ve come to the absurd conclusion that the ONE (LIFE ITSELF) is being me.  

That means I am life itself.  

Well, EXCEPT for this self-aware mind that thinks it’s an, I, a, me, a, someone, a, human.  

This self-aware mind inside the ONE’S avatar thinks its something besides the ONE.  

Dumb asses are everywhere.



I don’t recall gettin’ born, but I seen lots of folks dying.  Here one minute gone the next.  At age eight wondered where I came from why I am here where am I going.  Ain’t got a clue.  I’m just here having experiences.  Sooner than later I’ll be gone.  Don’t know if there is an after, ain’t sure there was a before, and don’t know if there is a point for humans being here, or for me being here.  No one knows.  Everyone guesses.  Everyone believes.  Belief is bullshit.  Since it can’t stand up in court, why do humans have beliefs.  Must be entertainment for their minds.

Another day, another night.  Keep on weaving.   Are we someone’s entertainment?  Maybe.  Makes sense.  Something smart did this world.  It’s fantastic, and deadly.  Beautiful, and terrifying.  What’s up with that?  I think maybe someone’s having a good time playing us.  

Maybe that someone or something is us.  After all, if I was ONE and got bored, I’d figure out how to divide my consciousness into separate consciousnessess and morph into different forms.  Then I’d make sure that a bunch of them forms had self-aware minds wherein their mind’s think they are themselves, an I, a me, a someone.  

And so here I am, thinking I’m me, and I am thinking and doing shit, and don’t know I am really the ONE entertaining myself through millions of individual consciousnessess with individual perspectives, actions, etc.  Hell of a joke.

I figure since One is this form now, and the One is getting entertained being me, for now, the One will morph into a different me.  No need to waste an avatar’s progress in weirdness.  So the One will become a new me.  Let the adventures continue.

The One probably created games for its avatars.  Religious games; war games; all kinds of challenges, risks, hazards, excitement, adventures, thrills and chills for ITSELF through ITS avatars.  And why not.  Humans love movies and plays.  The One is really good at creating realities that thrill ITS avatars.

Love, hate, romance, fights, all the emotions, all the injuries and deaths in movies are real to the ONE’S avatars.  

For us avatars, experiences is the game, and also for the ONE. The ONE is just having trillions of adventures.  HELL OF A RIDE FOR EVERYONE.

As an avatar of the ONE I am grateful to the One for being me, temporarily.  And why not, I’m having a hell of ride too.  Maybe the ONE calls us, mini-me’s.   Seems appropriate.  Anyway, got no other thoughts on the subject, for now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024




As a movie, play, or fiction book has scenery and actors, so is Life.  Life on earth is a fiction.  An actor that awakens during its performance realizes it was its mind that created the illusion of a separate and individual persona. Thereafter, that actor’s mind is free of its delusion, but its body is in the play until its part in the play runs its course.  The actor is mentally and emotionally liberated, but is still physically in the play and must haul water and carry wood until its part in the play is over.


Every person, place, thing, happening is Life doing life its way.  Life is the planet doing what it does.  Sun, air, water, earth is life.  All life forms are life.  All forms are avatars for Life, of Life.   Humans are life doing life, life’s way.  Every thought, word, action is life doing life its way.  A human who thinks things are right or wrong is life doing the thinking.  Life created the adventure and is having the adventure it created.  Life assumed separate forms, with separate consciousnessess, and individual perspectives.  Human-thinking is life thinking itself separate and individual personas.  There is only life doing life its way.

An awake actor has great empathy for minds not yet awake, and may help minds awaken, while working to make the play more pleasant.

AN AWAKE AVATAR MIND IS STILL A SEPARATE CONSCIOUSNESS AND AWARENESS, and as such, it is in awe of the unfathomable greatness and beauty and splendor of Life’s creations.

An awake avatar may have experienced being every person, place, and thing;
may have experienced that it is life itself, and as life itself, it is unlimited, unbound and infinite, while temporarily limited, bound and finite as a human.

An awake actor/avatar of life is at peace with all its experiences;
does not chase, and does its best with whatever appears in front of it for the joy of doing its best;
does not use people, places, things to feel pleasant;
has no mental, physical, emotional needs, wants, desires that must be met;
accepts what cannot be influenced, altered, changed or controlled;
 is inclusive, not exclusive’
does not become mentally, emotionally physically attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things;
has  no biases, prejudices, philosophies, theories, theologies, dogma, beliefs, faiths, religions, make no judgements, and draw no conclusions about life;
has no preferences, likes, dislikes;
 does not use ethics, virtue, morality to judge;   
does not call things good or bad, virtuous or vile, good or evil, and does not divide life into dark and light;
relaxes, releases and lets go, and is entertained when its avatar’s mind or emotions have conniption fits;
does not let its self-aware avatar mind create a persona that mentally separates it from life;
is less ego, more life;
Lives, loves, dances;
does not take the play seriously;is aware of the law of diminishing returns.

Friday, February 9, 2024

i am life update 2-9-2024 FRIDAY



“HI there.  I am Life.  Want to know the truth about me, about yourself, what you are, where you came from, why you are here and where you are going–if anywhere?  OK THEN, Let’s talk (Oh...you didn’t know I have a voice?  SURPRISE!).  


By the way, if your ego thinks it’s a  big cheese on the pizza of life (and maybe it is) I’m the Pizza.  I am life. I am pure energy.  In English I am Life-Force, or coffee and energy drinks.  In China I am Chi.  In India I am Prana. Science calls me Atom, or worse, Quark’i’.
Since it’s a proven truth that everything is made of energy (me) I am you (Now hold your britches for the big reveal: I am every person, place, and thing, which includes the gas you release and blame on your goldfish–you can call Stinky).   I’m like coffee or an energy drink, without me you’d be a dead couch potato in a murder mystery unable to wonder who-done-it.  Whether you like me or not is another question.  I am energy.  I am life.  I am all that is (but then I repeat myself.  I can’t help it, I mean, look at all the humans I am, not to mention all those quadrillion look-a-like Quarks”).  I am every life-form, even mosquitoes, weeping willows, and toe fungus, and whether you like it or not,  I am you, no matter how weird you are.  AND (and this is a BIG and) I am your thoughts, or as humans call them, The good, the bad, and the ugly.   

“Your thoughts are energy (me).  However, though I make thinking possible, what you think, is someone else’s fault (if  you’re young).  If you’re older and self-aware, what you think is your fault (maybe you shoulda got “No Fault Insurance– just in case”).
“‘Just in case of what?’ you ask.   Thanks for asking.  Now I can get into why I’m flapping my lips.  Thoughts create perspective, perspective creates attitude, attitude creates a state of mind. And your state of mind (unless your brain has physical problems) determines whether you’re able to enjoy living under a bridge and dumpster-diving for dinner and die screaming, or determines if you turn asshole (or worse, a crybaby) when you get a paper-cut.  In other words, your thoughts determine whether you enjoy life or suffer life (me).

But enough about me.  Let’s talk about you.

If your parents are around, you can blame them, if not, you can blame your young gullible mind, unless you’re old and nuts.  Actually (and I freely admit it if you bought this book) you can blame me because I created your mind to be exactly what it is.  Me bad.  But still, you should blame your parents and crazy relatives for programming, indoctrinating and brainwashing you when your mind was so young and open I could of (maybe should of)  sailed my yacht through it on my way to Venus or Mars.
Speaking of Venus and Mars, did you know female and male minds are incompatible unless they’re in love, which is when human minds stop working and  other things show up (never mind, I’m off subject).
Where was I?  Oh yeah.  The reason I am not your thoughts is because they are your thoughts.  Your thoughts are generated from your memory, from all the experiences you gathered from the moment you screamed ejecting your prenatal escape pod and entered (wait for it, wait for it) EXCITING, DARING, THRILLS AND CHILLS  DEATH WORLD–Welcome to the Universe’s ultimate pain and pleasure theme park adventure (“Damn that was a long sentence.  I gotta quit that.  I get confused”).  Birth is your  ticket in and death is your ticket out when your time is up  (“What time is it anyway?  Hmmm...You’re OK, your time is not up yet...wait a minute, I’m looking at the wrong name.  Oops!  Oh well, you’ll probably know when it happens” ).
Question: Is life going your way?  (If it is, I might have to change something... kidding).  Seriously, if life ISN’T going your way, I’m the villain.  Why?  Because I do life my way. I am life doing my thing.   The good news is, if you are having trouble with me do me my way,  it’s not your fault.  And as I said earlier, It’s your mind’s programming that is at fault (“We should talk a little more about me (life) and how to train your mind to enjoy ALL that is me (life) so you can get rid of your emotional support animal. It’s not a Giraffe, is it?”).


Ever wonder what you really are, where you came from, why you are here, where you are going and why you don’t enjoy all that is life (“of course you have–unless, before you were born–when they said, ‘Come get your brain,’ but you heard, ‘You’re to blame,’ and you ran like hell and haven’t stopped yet)?
I’m going to give you the whole enchilada right up front so you don’t have to suffer through this BIG book to find out why you don’t enjoy all that is life.  And, and, after reading the “Why You Don’t Enjoy All That Is Life”, if you do the opposite, you’ll know how to enjoy all that is life (“Brilliant, aye?  Oh never mind, I changed my mind.  Instead, here is THE LIST of what you need to tell your mind so you can enjoy all that is life...even more brilliant”).
HOW TO NEVER AGAIN GET IRRITATED, UPSET, ANGRY, CONCERNED, WORRIED, ANXIOUS, STRESS, AFRAID (UNPLEASANT) unless you enjoy it so much that it thrills you to death (after reading THE LIST, that you may not like or agree with (your mind has a perfect right to be wrong) the rest of the book expands and explains each point so you can argue with me (life), which happens in the last part of the book: TALKING TO YOURSELF.


 Manage your mind.

Receive all things with thankfulness.

Be grateful you are alive having experiences.

Do your best for the joy of doing your best.

Have no way life must go.  Life’s way, is THE WAY.

Have no mental, physical, emotional needs, wants, desires that must be met.

Do what is in front of you–don’t chase.

Do not use people, places, things to feel pleasant.

Accept what cannot be influenced, altered, changed or controlled.

Do not care about outcomes

Be inclusive, not exclusive.

Do not become mentally, emotionally physically attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things.

Have no biases, prejudices, philosophies, theories, theologies, dogma, beliefs, faiths, religions, make no judgements, and draw no conclusions about life because your definitely not as smart as your mind thinks it is since it can’t even figure out how dial an old phone or something or other..........

Have no preferences, likes, dislikes and you’ll be less bored because you’ll  try new things, but then, if you don’t like something, enjoy your boredom.

Do not use ethics, virtue, morality to judge people unless you are hiring a plumber. Do not call things good or bad, virtuous or vile, good or evil, and do not divide life into dark and light unless you’re a vampire.

Relax, release and let go when your mind or emotions have conniption fits.

Don’t let your self-aware mind create a persona that mentally separates you from life.  Be less your ego, and people won’t run when they see you coming.

18.  Live, love, dance, and do not take life too seriously unless you run out of pizza.

YOU are infinite, limitless, unbound life having a finite, limited, bound human experience.  YOU ARE temporarily a body, mind, and emotions, which means you’re gonna eventually be manure.

20.  Be aware of the law of diminishing returns, and I don’t mean inflation.

Trust the universe–you ain’t smarter than it is unless you can make a Peacock shut the hell up when a stranger comes on your property.

I AM LIFE.......



“HI there.  I am Life.  Let’s talk.  By the way, if your ego thinks it’s a  big cheese on the pizza of life (and maybe it is) I’m the Pizza.  I am life. I am pure energy.  In English I am Life-Force, or coffee and energy drinks.  In China I am Chi.  In India I am Prana. Science calls me Atom, or worse, Quark’i’. Since it’s a proven truth that everything is made of energy (me) I am you (Now hold your breath for the big reveal: I am every person, place, and thing, which includes the gas you release and blame on your goldfish–you can call Stinky).   I’m like coffee or an energy drink, without me you’d be a dead couch potato in a murder mystery unable to wonder who-done-it.  Whether you like me or not is another question.  I am energy.  I am life.  I am all that is (but then I repeat myself.  I can’t help it, I mean look at all the humans I am, not to mention all those quadrillion look-a-like Quarks”).  I am every life-form, even mosquitoes, weeping willows, and toe fungus, and whether you like it or not,  I am you, no matter how weird you are.  AND (and that’s a BIG and) I am your thoughts, or as humans call them, The good, the bad, and the ugly.   
“Your thoughts are energy (me).  However, though I make thinking possible, what you think, is someone else’s fault (if  you’re young).  If you’re older and self-aware, what you think is your fault (maybe you shoulda got “No Fault Insurance– just in case”).
“‘Just in case of what?’ you ask.   Thanks for asking.  Now I can get into why I’m flapping my lips.  Thoughts create perspective, perspective creates attitude, attitude creates a state of mind. And your state of mind (unless your brain has physical problems) determines whether you’re able to enjoy living under a bridge and dumpster-diving for dinner and die screaming, or determines if you turn asshole (or worse, a crybaby) when you get a paper-cut.  In other words, your thoughts determine whether you enjoy life or suffer life (me).
But enough about me.  Let’s talk about you.

If your parents are around, you can blame them, if not, you can blame your young gullible mind, unless you’re old and nuts.  Actually (and I freely admit it if you bought this book) you can blame me because I created your mind to be exactly what it is.  Me bad.  But still, you should blame your parents and crazy relatives for programming, indoctrinating and brainwashing you when your mind was so young and open I could of (maybe should of)  sailed my yacht through it on my way to Venus or Mars.
Speaking of Venus and Mars, did you know female and male minds are incompatible unless they’re in love, which is when human minds stop working and  other things show up (never mind, I’m off subject).
Where was I?  Oh yeah.  The reason I am not your thoughts is because they are your thoughts.  Your thoughts are generated from your memory, from all the experiences you gathered from the moment you screamed ejecting your prenatal escape pod and entered (wait for it, wait for it) EXCITING, DARING, THRILLS AND CHILLS  DEATH WORLD–Welcome to the Universe’s ultimate pain and pleasure theme park adventure (“Damn that was a long sentence.  I gotta quit that.  I get confused”).  Birth is your  ticket in and death is your ticket out when your time is up  (“What time is it anyway?  Hmmm...You’re OK, your time is not up yet...wait a minute, I’m looking at the wrong name.  Oops!  Oh well, you’ll probably know when it happens” ).
Question: Is life going your way?  (If it is, I might have to change something... kidding).  Seriously, if life ISN’T going your way, I’m the villain.  Why?  Because I do life my way. I am life doing my thing.   The good news is, if you are having trouble with me do me my way,  it’s not your fault.  And as I said earlier, It’s your mind’s programming that is at fault (“We should talk a little more about me (life) and how to train your mind to enjoy ALL that is me (life) so you can get rid of your emotional support animal. It’s not a Giraffe, is it?”).


Ever wonder what you really are, where you came from, why you are here, where you are going and why you don’t enjoy all that is life (“of course you have–unless, before you were born–when they said, ‘Come get your brain,’ but you heard, ‘You’re to blame,’ and you ran like hell and haven’t stopped yet)?
I’m going to give you the whole enchilada right up front so you don’t have to suffer through this BIG book to find out why you don’t enjoy all that is life.  And, and, after reading the “Why You Don’t Enjoy All That Is Life”, if you do the opposite, you’ll know how to enjoy all that is life (“Brilliant, aye?  Oh never mind, I changed my mind.  Instead, here is THE LIST of what you need to tell your mind so you can enjoy all that is life...even more brilliant”).
HOW TO NEVER AGAIN GET IRRITATED, UPSET, ANGRY, CONCERNED, WORRIED, ANXIOUS, STRESS, AFRAID (UNPLEASANT) unless you enjoy it so much that it thrills you to death (after reading THE LIST, that you may not like or agree with (your mind has a perfect right to be wrong) the rest of the book expands and explains each point so you can argue with me (life), which happens in the last part of the book: TALKING TO YOURSELF.


 Manage your mind.

Receive all things with thankfulness.

Be grateful you are alive having experiences.

Do your best for the joy of doing your best.

Have no way life must go.  Life’s way, is THE WAY.

Have no mental, physical, emotional needs, wants, desires that must be met.

Do what is in front of you–don’t chase.

Do not use people, places, things to feel pleasant.

Accept what cannot be influenced, altered, changed or controlled.

Do not care about outcomes

Be inclusive, not exclusive.

Do not become mentally, emotionally physically attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things.

Have no biases, prejudices, philosophies, theories, theologies, dogma, beliefs, faiths, religions, make no judgements, and draw no conclusions about life because your definitely not as smart as your mind thinks it is since it can’t even figure out how dial an old phone or something or other..........

Have no preferences, likes, dislikes and you’ll be less bored because you’ll  try new things, but then, if you don’t like something, enjoy your boredom.

Do not use ethics, virtue, morality to judge people unless you are hiring a plumber. Do not call things good or bad, virtuous or vile, good or evil, and do not divide life into dark and light unless you’re a vampire.

Relax, release and let go when your mind or emotions have conniption fits.

Don’t let your self-aware mind create a persona that mentally separates you from life.  Be less your ego, and people won’t run when they see you coming.

18.  Live, love, dance, and do not take life too seriously unless you run out of pizza.

YOU are infinite, limitless, unbound life having a finite, limited, bound human experience.  YOU ARE temporarily a body, mind, and emotions, which means you’re gonna eventually be manure.

20.  Be aware of the law of diminishing returns, and I don’t mean inflation.

Trust the universe–you ain’t smarter than it is unless you can make a Peacock shut the hell up when a stranger comes on your property.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

RA - chapter one


Ra is sitting on a beach watching the sunrise when out of ocean mist and walking on foaming seas appears a white bearded old man. He steps onto the beach, and announces, “My name is Nemesis,” and then trips and almost face-crashes into the sand, but instead horizontally levitates a few inches above the sand and floats upright with his feet touching the earth, and laughs, saying, “Another grand entrance.”
Ra watches as Nemesis plops down in front of him, crosses his legs, and says, “You have been wondering what you are, where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going.  I came to answer those questions, and dispel a lot of bullshit beliefs.”
“Who are you?  What are you?”
“I am temporarily a limited consciousness imprisoned in an old fart’s body.”
“Yeah.  Kind of unstable ain’t yeah.  So tell me again, what you are?”
I am consciousness caged in an energy form, a life form that humans call a human (I’m just like you) and we’re both temporary, which means these avatars will deteriorate, poop themselves and die screaming unless they’re drugged out of their minds.”
“That ain’t a pretty picture.  Why did life, or whatever, create anything?”
“Why questions are a fools questions.  Anyway, I Don’t know, and so far I’ve never met anyone that does.  But, just like you, and every person, place, and thing, we are all avatars for consciousness, even worms and moldy bread.  It’s kind of obvious that whatever life is, it created energy-life-forms.  And these life forms are limited, bound, finite captured pieces of conscious, or as I often say, a portion of energy maliciously trapped in ugly forms.  
“Ever watch yourself shove food into that hole in your head, and THAT tongue.  Holy shit!”
“You’re not presenting a very positive picture.”
“If you knew what I know, and if you experienced what I have, you’d be as nuts as I am.  I know a lot of stuff, but I am not going to sugar-coat it.  Anyway, perspective makes life interesting, unique, worth living, which is the very reason life divided itself and morphed into energy-forms, meaning, human bodies with emotions and self-aware minds that drive humans nuts.  Let’s take a walk on the beach.  I want to introduce you to someone.”
Ra agrees, and pushes himself up and out of the sand, while Nemesis levitates in his cross-legged sitting position and then unfolds his legs and stands on the beach.  Before either could take a step, a cane appears in Nemesis hand and he says, “OK.  Lets go.  You walk; I’ll hobble.”

Thursday, February 1, 2024


TRUE, ABSOLUTE REALIZATION (realization means you realize something you did not know, you’ve gained a knowledge and understanding about something).  

MINDS of humans imagine themselves as persons, personas, personalities, individuals. Mind assumes, or is taught, it is an individual identity by other humans. As a result, humans think they are NOT Life-Force playing a human identity, temporarily.  I’d call it a big mistake, except, Source knows what it’s doing, which is superbly evident by what is known of the wonders, magnificence, brilliance and intricacies of creation.

Source is doing everything it is doing to itself.  The personal mind of a human thinking it is Ed,  thinks life is doing it to Ed.  But Ed doesn’t exist except as an errant thought in the mind of one of life’s avatars. EVERYTHING SOURCE IS DOING IS DONE BY SOURCE TO ITSELF ON PURPOSE.  


Every thought, every action, every text, every voice, every philosophy, theology, theory, religion was created by Source through its avatars.  Source is the source of all pleasure and pain, all love and hate, all good and evil, all morality and ethics, all vice and virtue, and all health and disease, all life and death, all war and peace, and it does it, and is doing it and it does all things to itself through its avatars.  Life is Source playing mind-games.  Life is happening in the mind of Source.  

So what game is afoot?  Does life have a purpose for its avatars, a goal, a finale, before it drops the curtain on this play that is life?

There is but one Source.  Humans have given many names to Source:  Space, Life-Force, Energy, Intelligence, Consciousness, God, etc.  Whatever they call Source, it is in and through and roundabout all that humans sense, and IS every person, place and thing.  Source is all that is. Life-Force is everything.

Life-Force knows what humans are thinking, what each human is thinking because Life-Force is ultimately doing the thinking, and yet, that thinking created mental separateness.

Life-Force interacts with human minds subliminally, but does not coerce human minds.

What are you?  You are Life-Force.  However, your self-aware mind creates a persona, an identity, an individual that thinks itself separate from Life-Force.  

When your mind is silent, the thought of being a separate persona, a separate identity, is also silent.  A silent mind can “hear-feel” Life-Force’s impressions.

You can experience THE profound realization that you are Life-Force, that you are everything.  That realization happens when your mind (your separate beingness) is SILENT.  When silent, mind can experience ONE CONSCIOUSNESS BEING EVERYTHING, every person, place, rock, plant, water, air, fire, animal, everything.  After that experience, you know you are Life-Force (unbound, unlimited, infinite) while also being a portion of Life-Force temporarily bound, limited and finite in a human life-form.  Life-Force IS every life-form.  YOU NOW KNOW BY EXPERIENCE WHAT YOU REALLY ARE.


Life-forms are temporary, finite, whereas formless Life-Force is infinite, never-the-less, portions of Life-Force (formless energy) does morph into finite forms–temporarily.

Physical (life-forms) are not immortal, do not have eternal life, whereas Life-Force (NOT in from) is eternal.  Whatever organizes into forms, or is organized into forms, is temporary, will disorganize and return to primary unorganized Life-Force, or Source.

Knowing a portion of Source morphed into a form named you, and knowing that you and every person, place and thing are one energy (which is life itself) means that, you thinking you are an individual person, is just a mistaken idea in your mind, in the mind of one of life’s avatars, EXCEPT, IT IS NOT YOU THINKING IT, it is SOURCE thinking it through you.  PURE GENIUS!!