Monday, September 9, 2024


 I AM ALL THAT TRULY IS.   I am Consciousness, but right now I am limited by this body, mind, thoughts, emotions.  When I quiet my body’s mind, ego, thoughts and eliminate its mind created persona I can experience what I really am: Consciousness unlimited, unbound, infinite, all present, all knowing, all powerful living in through, roundabout all things, HOWEVER, currently, while in a human body, I get to experience  unique realities as Tom, Tammy, Troy, Travis, Toran, Tyler, Abbie, Christian and every person, place, and thing.

When this body that I am currently limited by, dies, if I have no mental, physical or emotional attachments, entanglements, identities, no needs, wants, desires that must be met or satisfied (if I have eliminated my brain/mind/ego created persona) I will again be Consciousness, unbound, unlimited, infinite.

When a limited consciousness in a human body appreciates all its experiences regardless of what they are, and when it view creation’s magnificence with appreciation for it’s astounding, awesome grandeur, and also realizes my contrast its “nothingness” as a personal consciousness, it will be as a drop of water returning from its journey and diving back into the ocean of the one consciousness from which it emerged, and which it always was.

Once you experience that you are all consciousness having a limited consciousness experience as a human, you enjoy all that is life.  You continue to live your life as a human consciousness while fully knowing it’s but a temporary adventure on Disneyland Death World.

All the experiences humans have (all races, ethnicities, societies, customs, religions, theologies, philosophies, businesses, careers, jobs, abilities, talents, hobbies, etc.) are adventures for the one consciousness.  The one consciousness becomes all consciousnessess for ITS joy, happiness, and pleasure.

As is written, “I God (Consciousness) create the dark and the light, the good and the evil and I do all these things for my pleasure.”

Life (consciousness) is not about humans.  It’s about THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS (which doesn’t mean THE ONE doesn’t give consideration to humans and doesn’t care about human plight on Disneyland Death world).  But the bottom line is, the play of life is not about the actors (humans) as much as it is about the audience, which is THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.

So in your day to day interaction with humans,  all animals and vegetables (especially Cauliflower) consider being pleasant, kind, and empathetic.  Life is not easy for any of the avatars of CONSCIOUSNESS.

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