Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Tao knows.  Past, present, future.

Brain turns energy into words.

Words are air fluctuation, vibration, resonance, oscillation, frequency, waves.

Wow, your language has beautiful air fluctuations.  Esameeamba.
Letters ,words, sentences, paragraphs, books are a collection of sounds.
What’s your name?  A.  Your name is A.  yes.  Spell it. A
Humans are meaning-generators communicating with other meaning generators.

Humans are energy organized into form assigning meaning to other energy organized forms.

Life is energy playing.  Life is energy organizing, unorganizing, morphing into this and that, one energy form consuming and expelling other energy forms.  Energy doesn’t die, doesn’t kill.  Kill and death means an energy form is no longer in that form.

All is energy morphing, transforming, organizing, unorganizing, reorganizing.  Life is energy dancing.  There is only energy dancing.  
What is war?  Energy-forms, inanimate, battling other energy-forms.
Weapons?  Energy-forms capable of quicker disassimilation of energy forms.
Humans are energy in form.
What is consciousness?  Energy aware.  What is self-aware mean?  An energy-form knows it is an energy form, sees other energy forms.  Senses what other energy forms are doing.

I, a conscious self-aware energy-form, am sitting on a energy-form that was given, by a modulating a rush of  air by a human-energy form, the vocalized name,  chair.  I am currently creating and inhaling an energy-form dubbed, smoke, which is being created by an energy form called cigarette.  I used an energy-form called fire to begin the process of slowly destroying the energy form called cigarette.  

Most opposite sexed human-energy forms can connect their energy forms and produce a bran new human energy-form.

The universe (everything therein that human energy-forms are capable of detecting) contains various energy-forms coming and going in and out of human awareness.

There are energy-forms that human energy-forms cannot sense.  They exist but human energy-forms cannot experience them while being a human energy-form.  

What is a human.  A human is a amount of energy captured and formed into an energy-form called human.  A human energy-form is limited, bound, and finite, whereas before that portion of energy was a dirt energy-form, and before it was captured and became a dirt-energy-form, it was energy without form, and energy not in form is unbound, unlimited and infinite.

How is that the Tao knows past, present, future?  How is it that the energy-sound that humans make, called Tao, knows what other energy forms have done, are doing, and will do?

As one human energy-form is more intelligent than another, and another more intelligent than it, the totality of all energy is more intelligent than them all because the totality of all energy, is them all, knows them all, knows their past, senses their present, knows their capacities, inclinations, needs, wants, desires, knows their circumstances, knows their thoughts, knows all other energy-form’s comings and goings and their intersects in time and space, knows what is on its way, knows when they will intersect and cross paths and crash and burn or not.  The sound, the word, Tao, represents the intelligence that is all energy, and it knows what all it’s energy-forms are doing because it is all its energy-forms.

The dance of energy, in and out of form, is this:   Energy, in the form of a human shoots energy in the form of a deer, thereby releasing that portion of captured energy (that humans call a deer) back to the energy form that humans call earth, until such a time when the energy that was captured, that humans call earth, is released and returns to energy unorganized.  Life is merely energy dancing.  Life is a fiction.  Life is a fiction  story.  The only thing not a fiction is energy unorganized.  Bon Appetite, deer slayer.

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