Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Humans delight in their children and experience pleasure watching them grow and live their lives.  Humans get pleasure from their creations, as does the universe.

Life is an energy-field, a field of energy that is in, through, and roundabout all life-forms and their  energy-fields.  Because of the unity of life’s energy-field everything that can be known is known and is communicated-intelligence, is information that is available if you know how to access it.

Your  acceptance and trust in how the universe does things is mirrored by how much the universe trusts you not to misuse the knowledge you gain.

As you vanquish your ego and trust the universe, it  increases its intelligence in you.  You exhibit your trust in the universe by having no preferences, no needs, wants, desires that must be met, by having no way life must go, by not choosing what does not choose you, by not chasing after ego-generated intentions and outcomes, by being patient as the universe unfolds and delivers what it has for you to experience, and by having absolutely no problems with life doing life its way, but actually receiving all that life has for you to experience with thankfulness.

To the degree you quiet your ego you hear the voice of God (also known as the intelligence that is life).

The journey of life is from the “nothingness” of the stillness of silence, to becoming something and someone, and back to the “nothingness” of the stillness of silence.

When you fully realize life does life for its joy, pleasure, entertainment just like humans do, you will enjoy all that is life, just like life, because you are life, except temporarily you are human with a wackadoodle ego to spice it up.

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