Friday, September 13, 2024


 He said he has a problem.
I said, no, your ego has a problem, and you are not your ego.
Prove I am not my ego.
When you are asleep, do you have any problems?  When your mind is silent, do you have any problems?  
If I am not my mind and ego, what am I?
You are energy being you.  The word awareness is as close as a word can get to that state.  You are who is aware of your mind, ego, emotions, body, or state of beingness, or state of existence.
Prove I am the one who is aware?  Because when I am asleep and my mind is silent, I am not aware that my mind is asleep or silent.  By your logic, I am not my ego, not my mind, not the one who is aware.  And don’t used the words consciousness, observer or watcher, either, since when I am asleep I am not conscious, not observing, and not watching.  So what am I?
Awareness, consciousness, observer, watcher, mind, ego, are just words attempting to explain a state of being.  Let’s put it another way.
Whether awake or asleep, a portion of the energy and intelligence that is life, is playing a human called you.  Intelligent energy (in the form of a body, mind, emotions) is temporarily playing a human named you.  When a human is asleep IT’S awareness, mind, ego, observer, watcher, consciousness is dormant, but the energy and intelligence that is life, is never dormant.
Conclusion: The intelligent energy-form that your ego thinks is you is a temporary manifestation of intelligent energy playing a human.  
Humans have self-aware minds, egos that think they are the names they were given at birth.  
Humans are a creation, are toys that intelligent energy morphed itself into so it could toy, play, entertain, flirt, diddle and experience the total range of emotional energies available by being different energy-forms, by being and experiencing  every person, place and thing its intelligent energy can morph into.

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