Saturday, September 21, 2024


 I went to sleep here, and woke up there.  Where is there?  Because I had no preferences when I died, and because I was not physically, mentally, emotionally attached, entangled or identified with need, want, desire, people, places, things, I saw nothing.  Because I arrived there without beliefs, a faith, judgement, and without opinions, biases and prejudices, nothing appeared. Because I had no way life must go, and never cared about the outcome of my experiences, nothing was there.  

I knew I could see and  sense, and I knew I was conscious and self-aware, yet there was nothing to sense, nothing to be conscious and aware of, and even better, there was not  a single thought entering my headless (and bodyless) energy-field.  

Before I died I had transcended my mind’s nonsensical thoughts, had been liberated from personal thoughts of care, concern, worry, stress and fear of what would be.  Long ago I had stopped chasing after things.  I only chose what chose me, for I knew that which was for me ,was here now, or on its way, and that whatever would be would be OK with me.  

So I, the primary essence of my former self, there, waited here, in the nothingness of there, not chasing a thing.  I was merely a conscious-awareness without a preference, without a thought in the world, because I was physically, mentally, and emotionally out of the world, whereas before I died, I had been mentally and emotionally out of the world, while yet physically in the world.

I waited.  Nothing happened.  Nothing was happening.  So I stopped waiting, stopped being alert, and as what happens when one falls asleep, I disappeared.  I was nowhere.

And then, out of nowhere, I awoke here.  I was back here, no longer there, and realized, life here or there is but a dream, that humans are the flesh and blood dreams of the one God with many names.  

Humans are individualized personas and intelligences of the one Intelligence with many names, and like humans, the one God with many names, the essence that is the breath of life, does all things for its joy and pleasure, and that God is merely playing Russian Roulette with itself.

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