Life is everything, and a portion of life became humans so it can judge its own performance.
What attributes will you come back with?
1. I receive all things with thankfulness.
2. I do my best for the joy of doing my best.
3. I care not about outcomes.
4. I have no way life must go.
5. I do what I feel passionate about.
6. I do NOT judge, draw no conclusions.
7. I know I am not my body, mind, emotions.
8. I know my mind is a tool, often a fool.
9. I have no ego or persona to defend.
10. I have no needs, wants, desires to meet.
11. I am not attached, entangled, identified with my body’s physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, people, places, things.
12. I have no opinions, biases, prejudices, philosophies, theologies, theories.
13. I am inclusive, NOT exclusive.
14. I know human nature is part of nature, and that what humans do is nature doing it.
15. Life does life perfectly (per cause and effect, action and reaction) therefore I always say, “It’s perfect,” regardless of what I do, others do, life does.
16. I am kind, loving, appreciative, patient, longsuffering, helpful, courteous, brave.
17. I have no guile. I do not lie, deceive, embellish. I tell the truth.
18. I am mostly silent, listening, learning, obey my parents.
19. There is only the bright side of life, which is life doing life it’s way, regardless of what my mind might say.
20. I live life within the peace that passes all understanding.
21. I am never alone, for nature and I are one happening, individualized. I am within the one living, intelligent life force that manifests as my family.
22. I am NOT prideful, vain, self-centered, egotistical BECAUSE I know I did not make the universe, and I did not make this body, mind, and emotions the way they are. I inherited a body, mind, and emotions with its propensities, talents, abilities, willpower, tenacity, intelligence, aptitudes, THEREFORE, I have NOTHING to gloat about, but rather, EVERYTHING to be thankful for.
23. I am enthralled by the majesty, beauty, power and brilliance that is life. All I have to do is watch a sunset, sunrise, a child at play, or a bee buzzing a flower to appreciate the miraculous grandeur that is life.
24. The weather is always perfectly the weather, and humans are always perfectly being human, and flies and mosquitoes are always doing their jobs perfectly, and so on and so forth which is why life is a perfect happening, merely action and reaction, cause and perfect effect.
25. If you are perfectly able at this time to view life perfectly you will be at peace, if you cannot or will not view life as perfect, that is perfectly you at this time.