Friday, January 3, 2025



On planet, Placent’Parenta’Lamenta, we breed humans for our pleasure and entertainment.

It took us a long time to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) that would work in a biological robot.  We were going to name humans, Biobots, but decided on Human because they’re such a huge managing problem.  Some thought we should name them Pita, for Pain In The Ass (except we don’t have asses–but we do have two headed horses).  

When a human is born it is helpless, but it does come with early warning systems.  If it feels uncomfortable, unpleasant, or is in pain it makes shrieking sounds until its pacified. When they’re born they come bald headed or hairy headed.  The hairy headed sell better, but more get bald when old.

Baby and toddler humans are the best entertainment in the universe, but after those stages, they’re a bloody pain in the ass until they turn teenager and you wonder why you ever bought one.

You can brainwash a human to think whatever you want, and it will go along with it as long as you keep it in a survival environment and feed it.  We go to a lot of trouble to make sure its training, conditioning, brainwashing, indoctrination  programming, and our propaganda stay firmly embedded.  Very few are intelligent enough escape their social programming.

Humans are very, very, very entertaining, and give us a lot of joy and pleasure because they get physically, mentally, emotionally, attached, entangled, and identified with their needs, wants, desires, people, places, and things, and have lots of opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, theologies, theories, philosophies and draw lots of conclusions.  Which is why we keep them on a separate world, called Earth and just watch them at a distance.

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