Sunday, January 5, 2025

Whether your mind is a Pandora’s box or a Nirvana’s Paradise

Whether your mind is a Pandora’s box or a Nirvana’s Paradise, you can enjoy both.

Whether your mind appreciates the unfathomable grandeur majesty and beauty that is life and causes your emotions to be vibrant, pleasant and sweet, or your mind rages against the pain and suffering that is life and causes your emotions to go berserk and blow a gasket, you can enjoy all that is life when you realize you are not your body, mind, and emotions.

What are you?  You are life itself playing the character your mind thinks it is.  You (life) can enjoy your character, be entertained by your character, be amused by its antics, just as you (life) enjoy the antics of every person, place and thing that it is.

How?  Experience that you are life, and not your character.  How?  Notice that you can observe your body, mind, and emotions. Notice that your mind is aware of what it is thinking. Notice that YOU are aware of all that your character’s emotions.  You are that Awareness.  You are life being aware of itself being all the characters it is playing.

Know that when your mind thinks, it is not you thinking (it is life thinking through your character).  Confusing, right?  

What is not confusing?  You did not create the universe, galaxies, solar systems, the Earth.  You did not create fire, air, water, soil.  You did not create the animal, vegetable, mineral kingdoms, and you most certainly did not create yourself or other humans, which means what?   It means life-force that is in, through, and roundabout you (energy) is the real you playing you like a fiddle for its pleasure, joy, merriment, and entertainment.

Whatever nature and human nature do, is life doing it.  If your mind is not OK with nature and human nature doing what they do, that’s OK, because your mind is life doing you mind.

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