Sunday, January 12, 2025


DIED, am conscious, sparkling little oscillating vibrating micro dot of awareness, traveled through space, lots of solar systems, lots of planets all kinds of life forms, went further, deeper, wider, higher, lower, no end to planets and life forms, everywhere, unimaginable life forms, inconceivable, astounding, surrounded by them, like being inside an ocean of atoms, I wondered, what’s going on, why this happening of life.  Life is a glorious happening, an astounding explosion of realities, life bursting in seamless endless space.  Sat with a group of humans, humans who knew what they were.  Each aware they were in a temporary wonderland on a temporary world in a temporary solar system, galaxy universe, just goofing off.  They knew they were each a separate point of consciousness, part of the one consciousness, and they were pretending to be human (and of course they are in human space suits) laughing their human asses off.  When you awaken you realize that every person, place, thing is a separate focal point of consciousness within the one consciousness (and you being a point of consciousness) all creation revolves around you.  It’s just you having adventures, and when discard your human space suit, you go on experiencing, having learned what you learned, having acquired your unique perspective, other adventures await.  Right now you are in a human space suit.  Each time you discard a space suit you move on to another space suit for another cosmic adventure.  Your body seems alien to you because you are not the body you are in.  You are merely traveling in a chevy or dodge, or ford body or mazaradi body, or a horse and buggy body, whatever, for the joy, fun, entertainment, amusement of it.  Your space suit thinks it’s what’s life is all about, but fact is, life is all about consciousness playing in space suits.  Who are you?  Asked a point of consciousness.  I am a point of consciousness?  Oh, OK, you’re kind of ready for more, so go check the beginners menu and get yourself a body, and I’ll see you when you get back.  Example: like a string of lights on a christmas tree, when a light is on its awake, aware, conscious, glows, whereas lights that are off are asleep, unconscious, unaware, resting, voiding out for a time.  Each bulb is a point of consciousness either on andbeing conscious or off, resting.  when you, a light bulb are in a human space suit, you’re on, but your space suit thinks it’s all that is, and you, the light bulb are as if it were, within a bound limited space suit, and are a dim light and the space suit plays the bright light thinking it is the bright light, that it has a continuing life but not true, you, the point of consciousness are the bright light, and when you are done experiencing a space suit, you are no longer bound, limited, and finite.  You are again just a spark of consciousness in space without a space suit, and seeking your next space suit adventure.  WHEN YOU SEE WHAT YOU REALLY ARE, WHAT DO YOU SEE? A SHIMMERING ORB OF LIGHT.  THAT’S THE REAL YOU.  You are a singular point of consciousness, a spark, a little conscious-star pulsating inside a human space suit having a human experience, and when your space suit dies, there you are.  You’ve popped out of your space suit, are back in space, wondering whether to chill for awhile or jump back into another space suit for another adventure.   While in a space suit, it either drives you or you drive it, or somewhere in between.  If you’re awake you drive it more than it drives you.  A space suit’s mind can drive itself nuts and drag you along for the ride.  Eventually you, the little conscious-star you are, is no longer dumbed down and becomes aware it’s not the space suit, is not the mind and emotions of the space suit, and then it just enjoys the space suit.  IT takes a lot of effort to not get drawn back into your space suit’s dramas.  Now that you’re awake you realize you’re kind of bound to the space suits doings,, and though your space suit takes life serious, or still tries, you’re awake, but you ain’t done as long as your space suit is alive, so you gotta deal with it.  YOU’RE SCREWED.


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