Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I wanted to know why anything exists...

I wanted to know why anything exists, and I wanted to know how to explain it by an example, a parable, or story, or an example humans can relate to.  This is what I got.

Everything knowable is knowable by analyzing yourself, which is why it is said, “Go within.”  Nature cannot, NOT, create, even as its creations cannot, not be, and cannot, but do, according to their natures.  Nature is compelled, by its nature, to create.

“The breath of life,” or “life-force” IS blissful, orgasmic, passionate, ecstatic energy.  This orgasmic energy is the uncreated, primal force that causes nature to create.   Why did God create anything?  The nature of nature’s God is to create and in so doing, goes orgasmic.  Breathing tells you all you need to know about the reason life exists.  Example:  You are at equilibrium, relaxed, not existing, calm, at peace, then you naturally tense, strain, work to breath, take a breath–a momentary ecstasy–then naturally relax, and return to equilibrium, until your next orgasmic fix.

The fabric of space moves like a human lung.  The movement is energy.  The result is orgasmic.  The orgasm is why there’s something instead of nothing.  Which is why you see stars.  Life is an orgasmic explosion of energy doing naturally what it does for the next orgasm, or feeling of bliss and ecstasy.  As to the details, do the science.  Discover the cause and effect, action and reaction that is the uncreated nature of nature, meaning, how things work.  The force behind creation is orgasmic.  The greater the tension the greater the release.  The longer you hold your breath, the greater the inhale or exhale.

Which is why you feel more alive when life is chaotic, and dead when its not.  And then there’s the law of diminishing returns, and new is more exciting than old.  And forgetting is better than remembering.  Which is why it is said that life is love, bliss, and ecstasy.  It is the love for the feeling of bliss and ecstasy. Love means you appreciate the feeling you get when in love.  Life is in love with the feeling of love.  Life creates for love’s sake.  Which is why it said, “God is love.”   God loves feeling the energy of love, just like humans.

Do we exist after we are dead?  What is this “we?”  This “we”, or I, or you, or them, or they, or us, what is that?  It is memory.  If you lose your memory, where is the “we,” or I?  The body is dead, and is there memory?  For a time, then it gets old, and disappears, and a new “you” becomes possible.  How long with memories of a repeated you, can you endure?  How long, how often will you regurgitate and bring up again and again old memories and be blissful?  How many times will you enjoy memories before its power is diminished.  That’s how long “you” will be you.  New “yous” is the bliss of life, new experiences, even re-experiencing, over and over, and not remembering you ever experienced it, that too is new.  Forgetting and experiencing, or literally new, same bliss.  If you were to retain all your memories, then new, new, is your only option.  Forgetting allows for reruns, reliving cherished experiences, anew.  Like watching again and again your favorite movie, rereading a favorite book, all for the orgasmic blissful energy feeling they evokes.

What are we?  We are many energy-forms made of one energy, one intelligence, one life force, one breath of life, breathing and living as individuals life-forms, temporarily. Life-forms die; memories evaporate, new life-forms emerge creating new memories, a “never” ending cycle of life, as long as there’s life.

Why so much suffering and pain?  Why so many horrific happenings?  War, murder, kill to live, etc.?  You could ask, “Why do humans love the feelings they get watching those happenings, even experiencing them physically?”  And again, you will never feel quite as alive than when experiencing physical reality with all its adventures–challenge, risk, danger, gamble, thrills and chills.  Those are the spices of life, never knowing what’s next (though, for some, for most, they never experience beyond the “comfortable” range, or slight discomfort.

How bored, how unpleasant does life become when everything you desire appears at a thought?  How long before you long for something different, and when different comes, how long for something new and different, and then how long before you go batshit crazy and venture to earth, to Death World?  And now you know why there’s a waiting list (you just forgot how bored you were).  And even bitching about here can be orgasmic.

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