Sunday, January 26, 2025


 LIFE throws things.  Last winter a kid threw a snowball at me.  It was LIFE–in the form of a kid–that threw the snowball.  At least it wasn’t an asteroid.

LIFE is always the culprit or the benefactor.  Life is just doing what it does through its creations.  LIFE is every person, place, and thing.  LIFE is all knowing, all present, all powerful, all intelligence, all consciousness, all energy, all everything.  Some call LIFE, God.  Most call LIFE, “God dammit!  CUT THAT OUT!”

When you boil a potato and mush it, you just boiled and mushed one of LIFE’S many forms, or in the case of a human, one of LIFE’S many faces.

Apparently (by historie’s accounts) LIFE doesn’t take itself seriously, however, it has humans for that.  Human LIFE forms believe anything, sometimes everything, seldom nothing.  Makes one wonder why they think so highly of themselves since they’re so dupable.   No wonder most folks don’t trust politicians, lawyers, banks, and vampires.

LIFE plays games.  LIFE amuses itself.  You didn’t think it morphed parts of itself into humans just for the fun of it, did you?  Well it did.  Humans are grand entertainment.  And you gotta admit, Death World Earth is one hell of a stage for thrills, chills, and murder.  Good thing the average human life span is only six hundred and seventy four thousand, five hundred and twenty minutes long (but whose counting, right?).

LIFE doesn’t care.  LIFE doesn’t care if you’re bored, blow up like a balloon, or get popped by the cops. LIFE doesn’t give a shit.  It’s too busy having fun, which is as it should be since LIFE is humans, and humans want to have fun (except the crazy ones who think LIFE isn’t funny).  Seriously, life is hilarious.  Watch out for snowballs.

Humans have mental problems.  They know that LIFE does what it does, kills who it wills, and only sometimes buries the bodies.  Humans knowing this, object to LIFE doing LIFE its way, while fully knowing, it’s the ONLY way.  To not accept the reality that life does its own thing without regard to human wishes, is the very definition of village idiot.  Most humans are nonsensical, irrational, illogical, and nuts, which means LIFE is nonsensical, irrational, illogical, and nuts, EXCEPT, LIFE did LIFE for its joy, pleasure, and entertainment, which makes perfect sense in this perfect theater of the absurd.

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