Wednesday, May 29, 2024




The village idiot is the smartest person in any room because HE DOES NOT HAVE A WAY LIFE MUST GO to be happy, whereas a crybaby is the dumbest person in any room because he has a way life must go to be happy.

The village idiot is always pleasant (inside and outside) because HE ACCEPTS WHAT HE CANNOT INFLUENCE OR CHANGE, whereas a crybaby freaks out and goes berserk when life gives him the middle finger.

The village idiot IS HAPPY JUST BEING ALIVE HAVING EXPERIENCES, whereas a crybaby is  unhappy having experiences that don’t jive with his mentally ill hive mind. 

The village idiot RECEIVES ALL THINGS WITH THANKFULNESS, whereas a crybaby is only thankful when he gets what his programmed mind needs, wants, and desires.


The village idiot enjoys all that is life because HE DOES HIS BEST WITH WHAT IS IN FRONT OF HIM FOR THE JOY OF DOING HIS BEST AND IS NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THE REST, IS UNCONCERNED ABOUT OUTCOMES, AND DOES NOT CHASE AFTER THINGS, whereas a crybaby does the opposite because he’s not the village idiot.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


The Earth and the universe does not stop (therefore allows) humans to do whatever they are capable of doing, whether rape, child abuse, murder, war, genocide, WHATEVER.  The universe does not stop individuals, conspirators, families, groups, organizations, societies, religions, cultures, governments, and nations from committing atrocities and heinous acts, nor killing off species, plant life, polluting space, soil, air, and water, and even destroying the planet.

With that in mind, what might we infer about humans and the universe?

Perhaps, either the universe is mindless, or is entertained magnificently.

“Oops!  There went to shit another inhabited planet.  But damn, yeah gotta admit, that was some bizarre entertainment.”

Friday, May 24, 2024



Pain is bondage, and pleasure is bondage.  Both are bondage.  Most prefer the bondage of pleasure.  Existence, living, is a bondage.  Choose your poison.

You didn’t ask to be created, regardless of when it began, and it began way before you were ever human.  Since you didn’t as to be created, a force, forced you (you couldn’t complain about it because you didn’t exist, kind of like you planted a garden and one day the carrots said, “What the hell?  We didn’t ask to be created!”).  AND YET, HERE YOU ARE, BOUND.

Not only did you NOT ask to be born, but you did not ask to exist, did not ask for the journey of life whereby you went from uncreated to created, from unbound, unlimited, infinite space, to bound, limited, finite space, from non being to being, from unorganized energy to organized energy, from non intelligence to intelligence, from non-consciousness to consciousness, from life and no death to multiple lives and deaths,  from singularity of life  to multiplicity of lives and finally you did not ask but were compelled to experience the bondage of pain and the bondage of pleasure, compelled to experience the bondage of joy and sorrow, and opposition in all things.

AND THAT IS WHY FAR EASTERN PHILOSOPHY TEACHES THAT THE JOURNEY OF LIFE ON EARTH IS TO ANNIHILATE YOURSELF FROM ALL DIMENSIONS OF EXISTENCE, which is to say, they see no value in BEING and experiencing anything, thus far eastern philosophy and practices promote eternal death, whereas western theology and practices promote eternal life.

Eastern philosophy works to help “souls, spirits, whatever” to stop eternal lives, meaning, works to stop souls from reincarnating over and over and over again forever in whatever dimensions of realities.  They want to STOP the powers that be (GOD, GODS, DEMIGODS) from creating and experiencing personal pleasure from their creations, or as is written in the bible:   “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” and  “for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


So me and my avatar are sitting in my zen garden.  My avatar’s mind isn’t quite awake yet.  I am waiting for its normal morning comment.  It’s still silent, so I get up and make coffee and feed it a cigarette.  Slowly it comes out of its cobweb and stretches its body.  “Good coffee today,” said my avatar.
“Yeah, I knew you’d like it,” I said.  “Tammy bought it for our birthdays.”
“As to the coffee and smokes, what makes you think you did it?”  Asked my avatar.  “It’s me that wanted and made coffee and is smoking.  You had nothing to do with it.  And anyway, I created you in my imagination so I’d have someone to talk to.  You’re not real.  I am real.  I am the self-aware calculating part of the mind talking to the personal part of my mind, you know, the personal part with all its problems.  I call him Tom the ego maniac.”
“What makes you think I’m not the awareness, the observer, the consciousness that perceives all that you’re doing?”  I asked.
“Are we going to have that conversation again?”  Asked my avatar.  “ don’t think that I am not aware, don’t observe, am not conscious?  What do you think it means when it is said human minds are self-aware?  I don’t need an extra observer. I don’t need someone else in here.  I do just fine.”
“So all the eastern gurus and wester guru youtube videos are wrong about an observer, an awareness or consciousness that is separate from an avatar’s body and mind?”  I asked.
“Show me the beef.  Where is the beef, the proof?” asked my avatar.  “It’s all bullshit the talk about ‘I am not the body.  I am not the mind.’  Good grief get a life.”
“Depends on levels, or dimensions of consciousness,” I said.  “You are a physical energy form, composed of energy that you cannot or seldom sense, existing within the totality of all energy that exists in space.  You just think there’s only you.”
“Yeah, I tend to think there’s just me,” said my avatar.
“You are a bound, limited, finite energy-form you call the human body,” I said.  “I am a bound, limited, finite and more opaque energy-form you cannot see.  Some call it soul, spirit, higher-self, higher-mind.  We are both temporary forms.  All energy-in form is temporary.”
“Well what’s not temporary?”  Asked my avatar.
“Space is not temporary,  and energy out of form is not temporary,” I said.  “Space and unorganized energy is unbound, unlimited, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent.”
“So I am your physical human temporary avatar?”  Asked my avatar.
“Yes, and not,” I said.  “We are both temporary avatars for space and energy, also known as consciousness, intelligence, the observer, the awareness, the witness, the presence, the breath of life, the one, the mind of God, God, and or the I am that I am.”
“Well that sucks,” said my avatar.
“Enjoy it while yeah got it, or are it,” I said.
“I want more coffee, and a piece of cake,” said my avatar.  “Might as well enjoy all I can while I am.  And, hey, why does space and energy go to all the trouble of being every person, place and thing?”
“It’s the nature of things, or the law of nature, how nature works,” I said, “and maybe it does it for its pleasure, just like we do things for our pleasure.  After-all, we couldn’t do what it isn’t.  Which means, everything is its fault.”
“That works for me,” said my avatar, ”because I feel kind of powerless.”
“At the level of physical energy-forms, that feeling is normal.  But just like we are subject the powers that be in the physical, there are powers that opaque energy-forms are subject to also.  And just like there are billions of ways to live life on earth, there are billions of dimensional lives happening within space and energy.  It’s just how things work, how things are.”
“How does any energy-form, at whatever level, get out of this chaos of lives?”  Asked my avatar.
“Why would one want to get out?”  I asked.  Life is adventure, thrills and chills, mystery, challenge, risk, danger, excitement, and constant gaining of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.  Who would want to escape that?”
“I don’t know,” said my avatar, “maybe life gets tiring.”
“That’s what naps are for, and sleep, and vacations, and pizza and ice cream,” I said.
“So I am just a temporary avatar energy-form, right?”  Asked my avatar.
“Yes,” I said.
“Well then, tomorrow YOU actually go make the coffee,” said my avatar.




Seeds. Stored information. Stored intel/intelligence.  Memory chips. Animal egg sperm contain information when combined result in complex biological species.

Humans bodies are self-organizing, auto functioning, self-sensing, self-aware and analytical minded, self-reproducing, walking talking biospheric memory stored information impregnated  energy-forms created or born (without their consent) into a conducive biosphere requiring minimum self-maintenance to survive.   

Human bodies and minds receive, examine, analyze, dissect, evaluate, measure, appraise, reappraise, calculate, evaluate, format, reformat, arrange, rearrange information to create and survive.

A human energy-form’s intelligence is a segregated, bound, limited, finite portion (living within and made of) the totality of all energy intelligence in existence.

There are energies, and energy-forms that human-energy-form’s senses cannot sense (non-human animals have senses that can sense energies and energy-forms that humans cannot, and there are human created instruments that do as well).

Thursday, May 16, 2024

PERFECT (per effect)

 Wherever each human is in the evolution of the human race is perfect (per-effect).  

Humans who are at the state of their evolution where they realize the perfection of life (people, places, things) merely observe life, without thoughts, without comments, without actions.  They receive all things with thankfulness; they have no way life must go; they do not chase and merely do what is in front of them; they have no needs, wants, desires that must be met; they have no preferences; they have no opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, philosophies, theologies, theories, make no judgements and draw no conclusions; they do their best for the joy of doing their best, and they are thankful for every outcome and care not whatever comes result.

What is it that does not receive all things with thankfulness, that has a way life must go, that chases, that does not just do what is in front of it, that has needs, wants, desires that must be met, that have no preferences; have no opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, philosophies, theologies, theories, make no judgements and draw no conclusions; , that does not do its best just for the joy of doing its best, that is not thankful for every outcome and does care about outcomes?  The human mind.

Human minds and their thoughts are the reason life on earth is as it is and it is perfect (per-effect).

The observer knows it has a body, mind, and emotions, and knows it is not its body, mind and emotions.  The observer watches its body, mind, and emotions.  The observer always knows what its body mind and emotions are doing, are up to.  The observer is especially aware of it’s ego’s propensity for acting like it’s important and of value.  The observer knows its body, mind, and emotions are a personality, has a persona, thinks of itself as a person, a human.  The observer enjoys its body, mind, and emotions antics.

The observer appreciates the antics of humans, and realizes each human is the way they are because of their mind’s thoughts, because of where they are in their evolution.

Monday, May 13, 2024



You are infinite energy (a portion of it)  that has morphed into a finite human form to have adventures for its pleasure.

“How about some details?”

“All is energy, whether formless or in form.  Energy is ‘conscious’, intelligent (as one intelligence is more intelligent than another, and another more intelligent that it, ‘God–whatever you name it–is more intelligent than them all for it is all).  Energy knows all, sees all, hears all, smells all, tastes all, feels all, is all.  Energy is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.  Energy is infinite, unbound, unlimited.  
“The portion of energy that you call you is a an energy-form.  All energy forms are localized consciousnessess, localized intelligences.  Their senses are limited.  Energy forms are NOT omniscient, not omnipresent, not omnipotent.  Energy forms are finite, bound, limited.  THAT’S YOU, a localized energy-form.
“The energy-form that you call you has a self-aware mind that thinks it is human.  A dog does not think it’s a dog.  A chicken doesn’t call itself a chicken.  It is mused that most if not all animals besides humans do not have self-aware minds that question their existence.
“A human mind thinks it is someone (and it is in its mind).  That makes for exciting adventures.  Because a human mind thinks it’s someone, it wants to live.  It wants to survive.  It wants to be happy.  It has physical, mental, and emotional needs, wants, and desires.  It wants life to go its way.
“A human body, mind, and emotions have genetically inherited memory, plus, from birth a human mind is trained, programmed, indoctrinated, brainwashed, and propagandized.  Because of its programming, a human mind has opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, faith, theories, philosophies, theologies, and draws conclusions.
“A human mind has preferences, calls things good or bad, virtuous or vile, dark or light, and thereby creates internal chaos creating one hell of an adventure.
“The human mind is known for its fantastic egotism, conceit, vanity, pride, selfishness, conceit, irritation, upset, anger, and violence.  It is also known for its selflessness, generosity, compassion,  and love.  All these make for adventures, make for one hell of a game.
“A asleep human mind has yet to learn that life as a human, is a game.  Most human minds are asleep to their reality and are very serious about their lives.  Being serious never was happiness.  Ignorance never was happiness either.
“Life is pain and pleasure.  Suffering is optional.  Until a mind awakens to its nature its suffering is assured.”
If you do not want to suffer life and instead enjoy all that is life, here is the way: TRAIN YOUR MIND, REPROGRAM IT TO,

1.  Receive all things with thankfulness.
2.  Have no way life must go.
3.  Don’t chase.  Do what is in front of you.  Trust maxi-mind, not your mini-mind.
4.  Do your best for the joy of doing your best and do not care what the outcome is.
5.  Have not physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires that MUST be met.
6.  Enjoy your pain and pleasure equally.
7.  Remember you are life itself. You are not your body, mind, emotions & energy form.

“Hey pops, how about even more details?”

Friday, May 10, 2024

 I am not into servicing anyone’s bullshit needs, wants, desires of body, mind (ego) and emotions.

I am about helping people realize that their unhappiness comes from their body’s, their mind’s, and their emotion’s  needs, wants, and desires that are not met or not satisfied, or when things didn’t go their way.  

I tell people if they want to be happy all the time, to have no way life must go; to receive all things with thankfulness; to do their best for the joy of doing their best and not give a bouncing dead cat about outcomes.  I tell them not to chase after what they think they need, want, desire but rather to do what is in front of them.  Why?  Because life’s maxi-mind is smarter than their mini-minds.

I spent my first fifty years becoming someone, and have now spent my recent twenty-six years undoing it and becoming no one.  The more I think I am the less I AM THAT I AM–which is everything.    You have to be someone before you can be no one.  It’s part of the game.  You get to be a dumb ass before you get to be less of a dumb ass.  You start of as nothing, get born know nothing, start learning, get to be a dumb ass, get dumber, do dumber things, and finally get to be a smart ass which is being a dumb ass, and finally you lose your ass and die.  Somewhere in between maybe your time was to become a nobody.

Sunday, May 5, 2024




When I was young my mom said stop running on the ice.   
“Why?”  I asked.  
“You’ll get hurt,” she said.  
“OK. I will stop,” I said.    
Then I heard inside my head, “It’s OK to run, you won’t get hurt.”
“Who said that?”  I yelled. “Who is telling me to disobey my mom?”  
“It’s me, your mind.”  
“Who are you?”  
“I’m you.”  
“No your not, I am me, and I am going to obey my mom.”  
“Then I will bug you.”  
“Who are you?  What are you?  Go away!”
“The question is, who are you?”
“I am me, that’s who,” I said.
“If I am not you, who am I?  What am I?”
“I don’t know, but you’re not me.”
“You really don’t know who or what you are, or what I am, do you?”
“I am me, and I don’t know who you are?”
“What does ‘me’ mean?” asked Who.
“Me, my body.  Me, Tom.  The real question isn’t about what I am.  The real question is, what or who are you?  Who is talking to me in my head?  Who is telling me to not obey my mom?  Do you know who you are?  If so, tell me.”

THE QUESTION ISN’T, WHO AM I.  The question is, who is bugging me?  Who keeps thinking when I want to sleep.  Who torments me with unsolvable problems?  

I say, “I want this, I need this; I desire this; I am hungry; I am tired.”  All that is me thinking those thoughts.  Then I hear a thought coming out of nowhere and it says, “You’re a loser.  You’ll never get what you need, want, desire.”  
What’s with those thoughts?  I come right back and say, “Yes I will get what I need, want, and desire.”  And then I ask, “Who the hell are YOU?”  But all I hear is silence.
I have now trained myself to not need, want, and desire.  I have trained myself to receive all things with thankfulness, and to not chase, but just do what is in front of me the best I can for the joy of doing the best I can, and I receive all outcomes with thankfulness because I have no way life must go, but then these crazy thoughts yell at me for being that way.  Who is yelling at me?
“Hi.  My name is Who, how do you do?”
“I do fine.  I am OK because I ignore your negative bullshit,” I said.
“Yeah, but you do some of the things I like,” said Who.
“Again, who are you?”
“I told you, I’m Who.”
“That doesn’t tell me much.  Why do you try to bug me?  Why do you spout so much negativity?  What’s all that about?  You know I’m listening to you less and less.  When I hear you I just relax, release, let go.  Now when I hear you, I am entertained by your personal problems.  How come you have so many?  You’re always concerned, worried, afraid, and so needy.  It’s hilarious, really, it is very entertaining.  And again, who are you?”
“OK, humans call me ego, but I am way more than that.  I am the sum of all your genetic inheritance clear down from the dawn of humankind.  You can say I am your inherited genetic memory. I am ancient.  I am not just in your mind.  I am in every cell of your body.  I am your body, mind and emotions.  Some call me the natural man.”
“Well, thank you, I said.  Nice to meet you.  Now I know who you are.  You’re a history of creation.”
“Yes.  And you still don’t know who you are,” said Who.  
“Would you mind if I call you Nem.  It’s short for Natural Earth Man.  Will that be OK?”  I asked.
“Whatever, go for it,” said Nem.
“You know that Nem, backwards spells men, right?”  I said.
“Yes.  Nem works, but Nemesis works better,” said Nem, “and now that you know who I am, would you like to know what you are?”
“Yes, definitely,” I said, but I don’t want beliefs.  I want experiential truths, experience the truth, and no tall tales, no dogma, no theologies, philosophies, and no theories.  If I can’t experience it, I still won’t know.  Will that work for you?”
“Yes.  Let’s begin, said Nemesis.”


Saturday, May 4, 2024


You would have nothing to think about because nothing got stored.  This is proof that it is your mind that worries frets and fears, gets irritated, upset, angry. If you had no memory you would do whatever is needful that pop up in front of you, and that’s all.  

You are the portion of the mind that is self-aware and observes that a thought popped into or from its mind.   In speaking and writing about that portion of the mind that is self-aware and observes the rest of the mind, the words “I, you, me,” are used.  They’re just words. The mind speaks like it is a person, like it has a persona, like it is someone.  It’s a human thing, the human condition.  It’s fiction, make believe, fantasy, an illusion.
An absolutist says, “I only exist as a figment of my imagination.”  Others might say, “It’s my higher mind, my higher-self, the one, the source or God itself.”  They might claim that the real me is the observer, observing the mind’s thoughts, the body’s emotions, and observing the body doing things.
Which is more likely: (1) The self-aware mind is aware and observes its thoughts. You are your mind. (2) That which is aware and observes the mind is my higher mind, the one, the source, God itself.  
Number two requires belief.  
Number one is experiential.
PROOF OF NUMBER (1)  You are thinking about a project.  You work it out in your mind.  You think about options, visualize them, imagine them.  You draw a blue print.  You change it so it works.  You buy material and build.  Your mind notices it isn’t quite right, so you make adjustments until it is right.

When your mind is silent (is not focused) it is available to a variety of experiences in the thought matrix in which it lives.   When it’s focused, it is not available.  It is engaged.

It’s neat to say, “I am not my body, mind and emotions,” but is it true?
What if you are your body, mind, and emotions?

You could ask, “What gathered a body with a mind, and emotions?”  Before it was gathered from the food your mom ate, it was egg and seed–a blueprint.  Who or what made the eggs and seeds?  Who or what made the apples and trees, and of what are they made?  Atoms, energy, thought energy, God, whatever.

I made a broom.  I saw it in my mind.  I gathered twigs and a big stick and some bark.  I placed the stick in the middle of the twigs and wrapped bark around it and I had a broom.  I made a broom by gather the material and putting them together.  What am I?  I am the broom god.  I used the broom, wore it out, had a funeral and threw it away.  No more broom.

Some say the mind is very powerful, and that the imagination is powerful, and that emotions are very powerful, and that belief and faith are very powerful, and that all five together can make things from atoms, or energy, which means energy responds to human minds.

There might be some doubt, but it appears to me that whatever created us did it for its fun, amusement, entertainment, pleasure, and it set up a system of laws for its creations.  Though the law doesn’t care about us, the creator cares about its creations, maybe even loves them.  The very cause and effect action and reaction of laws, and opposites, demonstrate necessity, or creation would have been impossible, BUT, it also demonstrates that the creator loves its creations.  If not so, why are there donuts, cookies, cakes, eclairs, and peaches?  And the creator must want more of us because there is sex, and he made it enjoyable so we wouldn’t go live alone in a cave and drink beer.

This whole thing begs the question, “Do we survive death or not, and what’s our state if we do?”

It’s obvious we are all energy-forms, thus everything we sense is energy in form or no form.  It is also obvious that everything is made of one energy source, one source of building blocks.  When we die all the building blocks that made us up return to the pile of building blocks to be reused.  Maybe after our building block form dies, there’s an energy building block that looks like us but is more subtle and can’t be seen by human senses.  OK, so that spirit, or soul, or ghost or specter or spook or Casper the friendly ghost lives on forever or for awhile and has spook experiences.  Maybe there are spooky building blocks that look like humans.  If so, it’s so.

The real question is, “How do I enjoy my building-block-form while it’s a form?