Tuesday, May 21, 2024


So me and my avatar are sitting in my zen garden.  My avatar’s mind isn’t quite awake yet.  I am waiting for its normal morning comment.  It’s still silent, so I get up and make coffee and feed it a cigarette.  Slowly it comes out of its cobweb and stretches its body.  “Good coffee today,” said my avatar.
“Yeah, I knew you’d like it,” I said.  “Tammy bought it for our birthdays.”
“As to the coffee and smokes, what makes you think you did it?”  Asked my avatar.  “It’s me that wanted and made coffee and is smoking.  You had nothing to do with it.  And anyway, I created you in my imagination so I’d have someone to talk to.  You’re not real.  I am real.  I am the self-aware calculating part of the mind talking to the personal part of my mind, you know, the personal part with all its problems.  I call him Tom the ego maniac.”
“What makes you think I’m not the awareness, the observer, the consciousness that perceives all that you’re doing?”  I asked.
“Are we going to have that conversation again?”  Asked my avatar.  “What...you don’t think that I am not aware, don’t observe, am not conscious?  What do you think it means when it is said human minds are self-aware?  I don’t need an extra observer. I don’t need someone else in here.  I do just fine.”
“So all the eastern gurus and wester guru youtube videos are wrong about an observer, an awareness or consciousness that is separate from an avatar’s body and mind?”  I asked.
“Show me the beef.  Where is the beef, the proof?” asked my avatar.  “It’s all bullshit the talk about ‘I am not the body.  I am not the mind.’  Good grief get a life.”
“Depends on levels, or dimensions of consciousness,” I said.  “You are a physical energy form, composed of energy that you cannot or seldom sense, existing within the totality of all energy that exists in space.  You just think there’s only you.”
“Yeah, I tend to think there’s just me,” said my avatar.
“You are a bound, limited, finite energy-form you call the human body,” I said.  “I am a bound, limited, finite and more opaque energy-form you cannot see.  Some call it soul, spirit, higher-self, higher-mind.  We are both temporary forms.  All energy-in form is temporary.”
“Well what’s not temporary?”  Asked my avatar.
“Space is not temporary,  and energy out of form is not temporary,” I said.  “Space and unorganized energy is unbound, unlimited, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent.”
“So I am your physical human temporary avatar?”  Asked my avatar.
“Yes, and not,” I said.  “We are both temporary avatars for space and energy, also known as consciousness, intelligence, the observer, the awareness, the witness, the presence, the breath of life, the one, the mind of God, God, and or the I am that I am.”
“Well that sucks,” said my avatar.
“Enjoy it while yeah got it, or are it,” I said.
“I want more coffee, and a piece of cake,” said my avatar.  “Might as well enjoy all I can while I am.  And, hey, why does space and energy go to all the trouble of being every person, place and thing?”
“It’s the nature of things, or the law of nature, how nature works,” I said, “and maybe it does it for its pleasure, just like we do things for our pleasure.  After-all, we couldn’t do what it isn’t.  Which means, everything is its fault.”
“That works for me,” said my avatar, ”because I feel kind of powerless.”
“At the level of physical energy-forms, that feeling is normal.  But just like we are subject the powers that be in the physical, there are powers that opaque energy-forms are subject to also.  And just like there are billions of ways to live life on earth, there are billions of dimensional lives happening within space and energy.  It’s just how things work, how things are.”
“How does any energy-form, at whatever level, get out of this chaos of lives?”  Asked my avatar.
“Why would one want to get out?”  I asked.  Life is adventure, thrills and chills, mystery, challenge, risk, danger, excitement, and constant gaining of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.  Who would want to escape that?”
“I don’t know,” said my avatar, “maybe life gets tiring.”
“That’s what naps are for, and sleep, and vacations, and pizza and ice cream,” I said.
“So I am just a temporary avatar energy-form, right?”  Asked my avatar.
“Yes,” I said.
“Well then, tomorrow YOU actually go make the coffee,” said my avatar.


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