Monday, May 13, 2024



You are infinite energy (a portion of it)  that has morphed into a finite human form to have adventures for its pleasure.

“How about some details?”

“All is energy, whether formless or in form.  Energy is ‘conscious’, intelligent (as one intelligence is more intelligent than another, and another more intelligent that it, ‘God–whatever you name it–is more intelligent than them all for it is all).  Energy knows all, sees all, hears all, smells all, tastes all, feels all, is all.  Energy is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.  Energy is infinite, unbound, unlimited.  
“The portion of energy that you call you is a an energy-form.  All energy forms are localized consciousnessess, localized intelligences.  Their senses are limited.  Energy forms are NOT omniscient, not omnipresent, not omnipotent.  Energy forms are finite, bound, limited.  THAT’S YOU, a localized energy-form.
“The energy-form that you call you has a self-aware mind that thinks it is human.  A dog does not think it’s a dog.  A chicken doesn’t call itself a chicken.  It is mused that most if not all animals besides humans do not have self-aware minds that question their existence.
“A human mind thinks it is someone (and it is in its mind).  That makes for exciting adventures.  Because a human mind thinks it’s someone, it wants to live.  It wants to survive.  It wants to be happy.  It has physical, mental, and emotional needs, wants, and desires.  It wants life to go its way.
“A human body, mind, and emotions have genetically inherited memory, plus, from birth a human mind is trained, programmed, indoctrinated, brainwashed, and propagandized.  Because of its programming, a human mind has opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, faith, theories, philosophies, theologies, and draws conclusions.
“A human mind has preferences, calls things good or bad, virtuous or vile, dark or light, and thereby creates internal chaos creating one hell of an adventure.
“The human mind is known for its fantastic egotism, conceit, vanity, pride, selfishness, conceit, irritation, upset, anger, and violence.  It is also known for its selflessness, generosity, compassion,  and love.  All these make for adventures, make for one hell of a game.
“A asleep human mind has yet to learn that life as a human, is a game.  Most human minds are asleep to their reality and are very serious about their lives.  Being serious never was happiness.  Ignorance never was happiness either.
“Life is pain and pleasure.  Suffering is optional.  Until a mind awakens to its nature its suffering is assured.”
If you do not want to suffer life and instead enjoy all that is life, here is the way: TRAIN YOUR MIND, REPROGRAM IT TO,

1.  Receive all things with thankfulness.
2.  Have no way life must go.
3.  Don’t chase.  Do what is in front of you.  Trust maxi-mind, not your mini-mind.
4.  Do your best for the joy of doing your best and do not care what the outcome is.
5.  Have not physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires that MUST be met.
6.  Enjoy your pain and pleasure equally.
7.  Remember you are life itself. You are not your body, mind, emotions & energy form.

“Hey pops, how about even more details?”

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