Saturday, May 4, 2024


You would have nothing to think about because nothing got stored.  This is proof that it is your mind that worries frets and fears, gets irritated, upset, angry. If you had no memory you would do whatever is needful that pop up in front of you, and that’s all.  

You are the portion of the mind that is self-aware and observes that a thought popped into or from its mind.   In speaking and writing about that portion of the mind that is self-aware and observes the rest of the mind, the words “I, you, me,” are used.  They’re just words. The mind speaks like it is a person, like it has a persona, like it is someone.  It’s a human thing, the human condition.  It’s fiction, make believe, fantasy, an illusion.
An absolutist says, “I only exist as a figment of my imagination.”  Others might say, “It’s my higher mind, my higher-self, the one, the source or God itself.”  They might claim that the real me is the observer, observing the mind’s thoughts, the body’s emotions, and observing the body doing things.
Which is more likely: (1) The self-aware mind is aware and observes its thoughts. You are your mind. (2) That which is aware and observes the mind is my higher mind, the one, the source, God itself.  
Number two requires belief.  
Number one is experiential.
PROOF OF NUMBER (1)  You are thinking about a project.  You work it out in your mind.  You think about options, visualize them, imagine them.  You draw a blue print.  You change it so it works.  You buy material and build.  Your mind notices it isn’t quite right, so you make adjustments until it is right.

When your mind is silent (is not focused) it is available to a variety of experiences in the thought matrix in which it lives.   When it’s focused, it is not available.  It is engaged.

It’s neat to say, “I am not my body, mind and emotions,” but is it true?
What if you are your body, mind, and emotions?

You could ask, “What gathered a body with a mind, and emotions?”  Before it was gathered from the food your mom ate, it was egg and seed–a blueprint.  Who or what made the eggs and seeds?  Who or what made the apples and trees, and of what are they made?  Atoms, energy, thought energy, God, whatever.

I made a broom.  I saw it in my mind.  I gathered twigs and a big stick and some bark.  I placed the stick in the middle of the twigs and wrapped bark around it and I had a broom.  I made a broom by gather the material and putting them together.  What am I?  I am the broom god.  I used the broom, wore it out, had a funeral and threw it away.  No more broom.

Some say the mind is very powerful, and that the imagination is powerful, and that emotions are very powerful, and that belief and faith are very powerful, and that all five together can make things from atoms, or energy, which means energy responds to human minds.

There might be some doubt, but it appears to me that whatever created us did it for its fun, amusement, entertainment, pleasure, and it set up a system of laws for its creations.  Though the law doesn’t care about us, the creator cares about its creations, maybe even loves them.  The very cause and effect action and reaction of laws, and opposites, demonstrate necessity, or creation would have been impossible, BUT, it also demonstrates that the creator loves its creations.  If not so, why are there donuts, cookies, cakes, eclairs, and peaches?  And the creator must want more of us because there is sex, and he made it enjoyable so we wouldn’t go live alone in a cave and drink beer.

This whole thing begs the question, “Do we survive death or not, and what’s our state if we do?”

It’s obvious we are all energy-forms, thus everything we sense is energy in form or no form.  It is also obvious that everything is made of one energy source, one source of building blocks.  When we die all the building blocks that made us up return to the pile of building blocks to be reused.  Maybe after our building block form dies, there’s an energy building block that looks like us but is more subtle and can’t be seen by human senses.  OK, so that spirit, or soul, or ghost or specter or spook or Casper the friendly ghost lives on forever or for awhile and has spook experiences.  Maybe there are spooky building blocks that look like humans.  If so, it’s so.

The real question is, “How do I enjoy my building-block-form while it’s a form?

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