Saturday, November 30, 2024

The old man was finally dying.

The old man was finally dying.  On his death bed he said, “Finally it’s time for me to quit pretending that I am just a human.”

“What do you mean, “Asked the nurse?”

“I am life.  I was just in this human coat for the fun of it, for the experiences.  It’s the same reason I am in your human coat.”

“You mean I’m not really me?”

“You are really you, a human.  It’s just that it’s me being you.”

“Which means I don’t exist?”

“You exist.  Pinch yourself.  You’re real.  I’m just more real.  However, to humans, I seem unreal.”

“So you’re saying that every person, place, and thing is you, and everything is less real than you?”

“Everything is real enough, like a movie, a play, a dream.  They are all real, just less real than me being all of them.  When a movie, play, dream, you, and you die, play ends, movie over, they’re memories, but not appearing on a screen, on a stage, in your mind, not even your body.  They existed.  Records are kept.  But the only thing that is real, is me, the director, author, script writer, maker of dreamers.”

“Got any proof?”

“You are my proof.  You’re here.  Don’t know how you got here, why you’re here, or if you’re going anywhere, and you didn’t do it.  I did.  You’re on a planet you didn’t make, and it keeps you alive as long as you eat and get out of the cold, but when you get mortally wounded or old, you die.  You didn’t make your body, mind, emotions.  You didn’t make your IQ, stature, looks, ethnicity, personality, talents and abilities.  You just have all that, and you didn’t do any of  it.  How is that for some proof?”

“So I am life, you are life, and life is talking to itself when you and I talk?”

“Sort of.  My human named Max is talking to my human named Susie.  Max and Susie are characters in this story book of life.  Max and Susie show up in certain chapters, are not in other chapters, and show up, perhaps, again, in a later chapter.  Every Max and Susie are stories, personal Max and Susie stories within the story book of life, my life, or my story, or more accurately, or The Book of Life, or movie if you prefer.”

“Why did you do it?”

“For the same reason Max and Susie do things, for experiences, fun, joy, entertainment and pleasure.”

“Well I’m having no fun right now.  This is all kind of unpleasant news.”

“Your time will come.  Susie will wake up, realize she’s a character in a book, and actor in a movie or play, and then she’ll chill out and enjoy all of the rest of the book, movie or play.  Happens all the time, characters waking up to who the author or script writer is.  IT’S ME.”

“What about after we die, you know heaven and all that?”

“It’s part of the book, chapters of it, and other matrixes.  Just because you haven’t lived that chapter yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  I create real physical, semi-physical, part-physical, holograms, dreams, etc.  They’re all real, just not REAL, REAL, but real enough for me to enjoy all my dimensions and characters.”

And with that said, the old man, Max, took his last breath and yelled, “See yeah later alligator,” and died, leaving me bewildered for a second until I gained clarity, woke up, and yelled, “You bastard.  You said you wasn’t gonna tell anyone.”

All I heard was the old man laughing.  And in my head he said, “I lied.  And now that’s part of the story.”  

ACTORS AND Life is a never ending story.

Life is a never ending story.  Sometimes you are in it, sometimes not, and then again there you are, adding to the story.  Part of the story is humans wondering about life–where they came from, why they are here, were are they going, what’s the point of it, who did it, why was it done.

If humans did not have physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, did not get attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things, were not indoctrinated, brainwashed, propagandized, did not have beliefs, faith, theories, theologies, philosophies, did not have opinions, biases, prejudices, likes, dislikes, did not call things good or bad, virtuous or vile, and did not have preferences, the story wouldn’t be worth reading, wouldn’t be entertaining.

From human’s perspectives, whether they continue after they die, is a mystery, perhaps imagination, perhaps true.

What am I?
You are part of the story of life.
Because without you life wouldn’t be as interesting, not nearly as entertaining.
Is the story about me?
Of course.  Because your life is a chapter in the story, the story is about you too.  The book of life is filled with chapters, with twists, turns, and mystery. Every conceivable drama, comedy, mystery, fantasy, plot, etc. is written into the many, many stories that are in the book of life.  Sometimes you are mentioned in a brief sentence, and then gone, and sometimes you are the hero in an entire chapter, or a villan.
So what am I?
You are a character in a story.  The character you are playing will be revealed as your story unfolds.  You are life playing different characters.  One life, many characters.  
What’s left when a character dies?
Life is left.  Life doesn’t die, but characters do.

All I see is the story and the characters playing their part, characters taking themselves seriously because they do not know they are life being characters in a story.  Once a character awakens, and realizes it has been a character, its character changes, no more stress, anxiety, no more fear, much more relaxed and pleasant.  An awake character may play fully engaged in the story, or become a mellow chapter, an easy-going, light-hearted carefree character spreading joy and cheer and good will wherever it goes, or poke fun for the fun of it at all human characters, whether they are asleep or awake.  An awake character is grateful for the intelligences, IQ, wit and humor of the grand author of the book of life.  Without the intelligence that is life, there would be no book.

How does life become all the characters?
That is part of the ever evolving story in the book of life.  It’s a mystery shrouded in words like energy, intelligence, consciousness, awareness, observer.   Just know, that even the highest intelligence, gods and angels themselves in the story of life, are “energy” temporary energy-forms, just awesome characters in the book of life.

Actors, or characters in The Book of Life are ME, but as characters, they have some free-will (within the bounds of their inherited traits, their ancestor’s experiences, knowledge, understanding and wisdom).  It makes for a more interesting story, just like the stories you like that entertain you, or the movies you watch, or the video games you play.  No one likes boring, especially not my actors.

You would be correct in saying that “I created, the dark and the light, the good and the evil, and that I do all things for my pleasure.”   Kind of like you saying, you like adventure, challenge, risk, danger, gamble, pleasure and comfort.

You’re not much different than me, because you are me.  How can I make anything that isn’t part of me.  Can you make anything that you don’t know about, that you are not?  Of course not.  You do what you do because I do what I do because I am you and you are me (just keeping it simple).

The choice has never been no pain.  With life comes pain.  It’s the nature of creating.  The other choice is no creation, period, nothing, zilch, non-existence, like the Buddhist aim for.  They’re right.  Non-existence is the only no pain in existence.  On the other hand, if it exists, there’s pain, pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow.  Try raising a kid without them.  Good luck.

Friday, November 29, 2024

I had a body.

 I had a body.  It died.  Me, consciousness, I was free again.  Went back, rejoined the one consciousness.  Knew it all again.  Stayed awhile.  Decided to dumb-down again, get a new body in a different adventure.  Similar to watching different movies.  Living in different movies.

Once you know that’s what you're doing (being in a temporary movie) the angst is over, the concerns are over.  When awake in an adventure, life becomes surreal.  You look at everyone as temporary actors having their make-believe experiences, they thinking they’re real,  but you feel for them, the unknowing ones, and yet you are excited for them having their adventures because you know what they really are–the one consciousness divided, separated and individualized to experience new things.

One consciousness, many individual ones, many dimensions, experiences for amusement, entertainment, fun, excitement, adventure, challenge, risk, danger.  Many hierarchies, matrix es, organizations, systems, beliefs, great variety–all for adventure.  Pretty simple really.  Choose your poison.  

Get new bodies when needed.  Get new programs, training, indoctrination, different brainwashing, propaganda, different lives, great variety of experiences available, all based on downgrading, not upgrading, though in matrix adventures, the adventures are to gain more and more understanding to have more variety of experiences, but you’re there for the limitation the adventure provides, whereas when you are back part of one consciousness it’s all yours, no limit to your understanding, until you decide to downgrade into a limited adventure again.  Ignorance actually is bliss.  Without downgrading to ignorance of this or that, you are just a know-it-all, all the time.  What fun is that?  Where is the adventure and excitement?

Enjoy your ignorance.  It’s what makes for your current adventure and future ones.  Focus on the here and now and appreciate your limited viewpoints, limited understanding, and your quest for more understanding of your current matrix experience.  Have fun.  Nothing is wrong.  It’s just consciousness having dumbed-downed individual adventures for its amusement.


The old man said, “I am not enjoying my life.  I lost everything, wife, kids, house, job, health, am getting old and feeble, and right now I am living under a bridge that isn’t bombed, yet, but the soldiers are hunting me.  I am not enjoying myself.”

The crazy guy said, “Dude, you are so ungrateful, so unthankful.  You are having the adventure of a life time.  You’re so ungrateful that even if you were in an old folks home taking your meds and slurping oatmeal and pooping in a diaper, you wouldn’t enjoy it.  Complain, complain, complain, and you don’t even enjoy your complaining.  

WE GET BORN and spend our lives trying to survive and be comfortable. Not much adventure there, a little challenging perhaps, but not very exciting.  It doesn’t take much to survive unless you refuse to poop except in a gold plated toilet.

When life gets really painful, and you can’t do anything about it, go mindless.  Sit, recline, lay down, relax, disappear, OR imagine an adventure you’d enjoy, like living through a nuclear war and starving to death.

“Fine,” said the old man, “I get that, but now I am wondering about my next life, wondering if it will be better.”

The crazy guy said, “OH MY GOD, you are nuts.  You’re suffering your imagination, your indoctrination, suffering unprovable theologies and philosophies bouncing around in your head like they’re real.  You’re suffering what doesn’t exist, except in your mind.”

I have empathy for people who are emotionally suffering their mind’s thoughts.  I have so much empathy for the mentally created problems that I avoid them, except occasionally when I go among them to see if there has been an improvement, to see if they’ve gotten over themselves.

So far, as far as I can detect, the majority get offended just by hearing that other humans are alive enjoying their lives.  Even pronouns offend them.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024



“Look...I am you.  I am not playing you.  I am you.  As soon as your self aware mind realizes that, the gig is up (I am you realizing the gig is up).  I am you 100%.  I am your body, mind, emotions.  I am you thinking you are not me, thinking you are separate.  
I am the ignorant, the educated, the murders, the saint.  I am every person, place, thing.  I am peace and I am war.  I am the writer, script scenery, every actor.  I am playing my game of life, my way, and  I am you playing my game, your way.  

I create the dark and the light, the good and the evil.  I do all things for my pleasure, joy, entertainment and amusement.

I am you wondering what you are, where you came from, why you are here, where you are going.  I am your mind asking those questions.  I am your body, mind, emotion’s needs, wants, desires.  I am all of you, every bit of you.  I am you feeling bound, limited, finite.  I am you getting attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things.  I am all that is.  I am your opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, theologies, philosophies, theories, and conclusions.  I am the thinker, imaginer, dreamer, watcher, observer, awareness and doer.

I am virtue and vice, pain and pleasure, good and bad.  I am in and out, up and down, through and roundabout.  I am omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.  There is no where and no thing that I am not.  I am all that is.

I am you rejecting this, accepting this or contemplating this.  I am you being autonomous, self-governing, self directing, a self-governing sovereign.

I am excitement, adventure, challenge risk, danger, gamble, safety, comfort, pleasantness and unpleasantness.

I am you being blissful because you receive all things with thankfulness; having no way life must go; doing your best for the joy of doing your best with what appears in front of you and not caring what the outcome is.

I am you being irritated, upset, angry and violent because you do not receive all things with thankfulness; have a way life must go; do or do not do your best, and caring what the outcome is.  I am you seeking, planing, having goals, purpose, ambitions, successes and failures, gain and loss.

Some me’s enjoy life more than others.  They enjoy life more because of what they have experienced, learned, know and think.

I don’t die and so you don’t die, but your body that was me “dies,” disorganizes.  What’s left is me, without you thinking you were not me.

Wherever you go, everything you sense, every human you meet is me.  When you visit with another human, you are visiting with me.  When you shop you see my many faces.  When you look in the mirror, there I am.  I am you, individualized.  Rich or poor, healthy or sick, sad or glad, that’s me.  AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL ALL IS ME BEING EVERYTHING.

At different levels, things are individualized having separate lives.  At a point, after a human dies, its memory dies, personality dies, individuality dies.  It’s dance is over.  It is no more.  The energy and intelligence that was the human form is no longer a form.   It has been unbound, becomes unlimited, and infinite, no self to be aware of, no longer self-aware, but totally aware.


You don’t need to know any of the above to enjoy all that is life.  Just do is the following:
1.  Receive all things with thankfulness.
2.  Have no way life must go.
3.  Do your best (for the joy of doing your best, and having done your best, the outcome will be what it will be–just receive it with thankfulness).

4.  No problem pursuing goals, needs, wants, desires, and no problem just letting life provide what it puts in front of you, as long as you do not set your heart on outcomes and could care less what they are, since you can’t change what is.


It doesn’t matter what I am when I am not.  It doesn’t matter what I am when I am.  

According to words, I am a human having a human experience because I am human.  Pain and pleasure are mine to enjoy or not.  Whatever I think, imagine, believe, that is my life.

Humans classify themselves as animals (mammals, Homo sapiens, race, species, creatures) just like they classify elephants, lions, monkeys, cats, dogs as animals.  Humans are top dog because of their brains.

Because of human brains, humans think, believe, have opinions, biases, prejudices, theories, philosophies, theologies, and draw conclusions (whether true, realistic or nonsensical is debatable, and is debated).  In other words, humans make shit up about themselves, and life, and everything they know little about.

Humans analyze their physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, get attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things.  That’s why humans go nuts.

If every human died, it would merely mean a race of animals went extinct. Maybe the intelligence that made nature (made humans) would care (maybe not).

Many human cultures have self-destructed, or were destroyed–killed off.  And as far as humans know, the current crop of humans have only been around for less than 150 years because all the previous humans died.

If humans stop procreating, it would only be a few years before there would be no human species, at least not on Earth.

Humans are important to themselves–think themselves important.  Whether they are important to nature is questionable.  Many humans think nature does just fine without humans, and is better off without them.  Some humans even think that humans are a plague on earth, and that natures experiment with humans, has failed.

Nature itself is destructive.  It is the nature of nature, that in order to survive, everything and everyone eats everything and every one.  Nature is a killer cannibal because of its very nature, so it’s no wonder that human nature is destructive.


 “Hi, my name is Nature.  I created humans out of myself.  That’s why human nature is so awesomely destructive.  It took me a long time to grow a species that could destroy me, but I finally reached my goal.  See yeah all later.”

I am a human.  I am part of the human species.  I am an animal, a mammal, to be precise.  Some humans say we are on top of the food chain, but I’m not sure that’s true since something is always eating me.  However, the animal kingdom finally did hit the top of the anxiety chain which is why the rest of the animal kingdom (especially hyenas) can’t stopped laughing.

Humans tend to think quite highly of themselves because they have self-aware minds that make up shit, shit like the human species is important, important for some reason unknown as yet, which is pure bullshit considering we are an important plague to mother nature because of our human nature which is a reflection of mother nature’s nature, which manifests as cannibal nature because nothing in nature survives without eating some other part of nature.

If humans are so damn important, how come there’s not one of them over 140 years old on the planet?  Where did the trillions go that have been on the planet.  Oh, right, mother was hungry and ate them.

In another universe, humans are sent to planets that need destroying.  Humans hire themselves out to anyone with enough money.

The only reason the human species hasn’t committed speciesicide is because nature does it for them.  Even nature can’t stand the same humans hanging around for more than eighty years at a time.

Humans like to think they’re important, way more than just being an animal species.  Because humans have a unique brain that can make shit up out of where there is no shit, They tell each other that they will never die, and that they’ll know it right after they die.

Most humans know more about their fictional after-life than their non-fiction current lives because they really like fiction more than non-fiction.

Most humans say humans are an oxymoron (my apologies to oxen ) but the truth is most humans are just morons.

Instead of writing the truth, I am going to start writing to lift human spirits as soon as they’re discovered.

The only reason nature created humans is because of cause and effect, action and reaction which is why nature can’t stop destroying planets, solar systems, and even entire galaxies.  Thank God something is brainless.


Humans classify themselves as animals (mammals, Homo sapiens, race, species, creatures) just like they classify elephants, lions, monkeys, cats, dogs as animals.  Humans are top dog because of their brains.

Because of human brains, humans think, believe, have opinions, biases, prejudices, theories, philosophies, theologies, and draw conclusions (whether true, realistic or nonsensical is debatable, and is debated).  In other words, humans make shit up about themselves, and life, and everything else they know little about.

Humans analyze their physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, get attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things.  That’s why humans go nuts.

If every human died, it would merely mean a race of animals went extinct.  

Maybe the intelligence that made nature (made humans) would care (maybe not).

Many human cultures have self-destructed, or were destroyed–killed off.  And as far as humans know, the current crop of humans have only been around for less than 150 years because all the previous humans died.

If humans stop procreating, it would only be a few years before there would be no human species, at least not on Earth.

Humans are important to themselves–think themselves important.  Whether they are important to nature is questionable.  Many humans think nature does just fine without humans, and is better off without them.  Some humans even think that humans are a plague on earth, and that natures experiment with humans, has failed.

Nature itself is destructive.  It is the nature of nature, that in order to survive, everything and everyone eats everything and every one.  Nature is a killer cannibal because of its very nature, so it’s no wonder that human nature is destructive.

Saturday, November 23, 2024


 THE COLD HARD TRUTH: The universe is an evolving magical place.  Whatever you are able to imagine is yours.  Plus, whatever someone else imagines (that your senses can appreciate) is yours too, which is why plays, movies, and video games are more popular than what has been densified into physicality.  The physical is deadly for the physical, the imagined not so much.

All I see now are characters, actors in a play.  I see them taking the play seriously, filled with cares and woes and concerns, hoping to survive another day in comfort, even hoping to enjoy another day in the play.  Knowing the truth is a greater comfort than anything the play offers.

I am a fictional character in a fiction story.  Life is the author.  Because I have a self-aware mind and I observe myself, my mind created an “I” persona, and the persona thinks it’s real.  It even believes it had a life before being in this story, and will have life in some next story.  It may be so.

Being awake means you realize you are a fictional character in a fiction story, novel or  Netflix series (if the characters didn’t think they were real, it wouldn’t be a story worth reading or a movie worth watching).  Awake characters are out of character and ruin the movie.

I am a character in a book and I know it.  The pages of the book have no virtue, no morality, no ethics, no good, no bad, no heros, no villain, no antagonists, no protagonists, no conflicts and no problems to solve, but the actors do.

Through the eyes and in the minds of the programmed actors everything needs solving that doesn’t agree with their programing.  Actors are  hammers looking for nails.

Life is itself imagining and dreaming stories filled with actors, and I am one of them.  I am an imaged-form (a mind created human in a mind created story) just a figment in life’s imagination.  Life is “forever”.  I am temporary, dreamed into existence (however, there may be sequels).  

Where do actors go when they die, or are killed in a story?  They go to memory heaven or hell if they were main characters.  The lessor character-actors are forgotten.  To revitalize them, rebirth them, to bring them back to mind, to life, you have to find the book and read it again.

In the story of life, actors in the story can make up their own stories, and they do.  It’s part of the plot, theme, tone, style that is the story of life.  They can imagine, dream and believe whatever they are capable of.  It adds spice to the story of life.

Why does life make up stories?  Stories are entertaining. Life is entertaining itself, using its imagination on a cold, dark, dreary night when the power went out.

Life is the writer, author, producer, director, set and costume designer, and all the other jobs needed to bring a story, or script, to the big screen of life.  The characters and actors are written in because without them no one would read the book or watch the movie.  No one likes to watch paint dry.

Right now you are reading this or it is being read to you, and if you are not still programmed, you think, “HOLY SHIT!  NOW WHAT?”    You sit back and reflect on the details, the premise of your new realization, which is, if life had done nothing, I wouldn’t exist.  I exist because life did something.  What did life do?  How did it do it?  Why did it do it?  What the hell was life thinking?  

life was thinking how funny it made human characters, how entertaining they are and how predictably unpredictable they are, and it knew exactly why–because he made them that way, neurosis and all.  Life made humans, made human nature, gave them self-aware minds and emotions, and from that time to this, life hasn’t stopped laughing at his own genius imagination.

Life’s imagined characters are wickedly entertaining because life dreams them that way.  Anything less would be boooooring.  Life endowed his imagined characters with dispositions, temperaments, attitudes and personalities (among other things).  Life made them brilliant, nuts, and definitely needy, which means humans are  absolutely entertaining because of the way they think, feel, act, do things, meaning–their attributes, which are, “I want to survive (or not, and if not they quickly disappear out of the script).  I want to be happy.   I have needs, wants desires that must be met to be happy.  I get physically, mentally, emotionally attached, entangled and identified with people, places, things, which sucks when they are written out of the script.  I have a way life must go.  I have expectations and preferences that the author better damn well meet, or I’ll exit stage left.  

Thursday, November 21, 2024


The divide between this human, Tom, and I, is more pronounced.  The awakening is in degrees.  First you realize you are not the body, mind and emotions, but don’t know what you really are.  You give names to what you think you are. Names like consciousness, awareness, observer, intelligence, etc. .  You just don’t know, but as you awaken more, there develops a more acute awareness, a further physical, mental emotional disconnect and distance from the body you inhabit.  You are consciously just watching your body, mind, emotions like it’s an alien, a temporary life-form with its own thoughts, ideas, programs, needs, wants, desires, beliefs, etc. .  You watch it like a father or mother watching its child.

You raised it, you were born with it, and when it was old enough you talked to it, gave it thoughts, information, clues, guided it, encouraged it, until finally it became aware of you, and it realized it wasn’t alone, had never been really alone.  You watched it grow from child, to toddler, to teen, to young person.  You were there the whole time having the experiences it was having, experiencing its needs, its wants, its desires, its habits, inclinations, opinions, attitudes, perspectives,  all the things that make it individually unique, all its doings, illness, sickness, injuries,, joys and sorrows, all its occupations, it’s loves and hates, gains and losses, anxieties, fears, hopes, and dreams.

And now you watch it as it enters its mid years or the beginnings or middle of its old age, you smile as it wants to know, and asks, “Who are YOU?  What are YOU?

So you share some more, and then you watch it as it finally realizes it is memories temporarily embodied, even as I am memories, a mere presence attuned and focused on it.   Though temporarily, you are you, and I am me, we are ultimately memories within the one memory of the one consciousness, the one intelligence, power and source that is life.  We are part and portion and the whole of the information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that is life, or that humans refer to as life, awareness, intelligence, consciousness.  
You are information and memories, physically embodied, having physical experiences.  I am information and memories, non-physical (to your way of viewing things) having your physical experiences, and the one is “experiencing” them all.

You are memories, or information, individualized.  I am memories, or information,  individualized.  The one is all memories, or information.  Everything humans sense, every person, place, and thing, are individualized memories, or information serving (within their capacity) the will, intent and purpose of life, which is equally embodied in humans and other more intelligent, self-aware, sentient creatures of creation, which intent and purpose is  joy, pleasure and personalized entertainment–living lives for the fun of it.
Come on, you too enjoy experiencing, watching humans, cat videos, and all the shenanigans going on in the world.  It’s chilling, it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, challenging, stimulating and damn entertaining.  There’s goals, ambitions, purposes, conflicts, risk and all the things that make life worth living.  Life is a wild circus, a scarey spook alley and carnival ride, a magical theme park, and you and I and everyone else and everything else are it, and in it, for the fun of it, for the joy and pleasure of it.  You can play any part you want, even a genius, village idiot, drugged or stoned or drunk or an eagle flying high.  It is all up to you, whatever you choose, and THAT is your life.  “Bon appétit, fellow traveler. ”

“OK, but how are things determined?”
“Well, that’s a whole other story, for another time.  So let’s just keep it simple.  If you are enjoying all that is life, you’ve got the best gig going.”

............  Scratching an itch is one of the great pleasures of life..........

If someone accuses you of not taking life serious, just tell them you were already an idiot in a previous life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024



Non-existence is the place for me.
It’s empty space where I cannot be.

I have no needs, wants, no desires.
That is the price no place requires.

Once I’m not there, I cannot come back.
It’s like not filling an empty sack.

There is no me, no human sidekick.
Without each other we don’t exist.

It took forever to not be me,
To disappear myself to be free.

This is my “Won’t see you later note,”
Which meticulously no one wrote.

I woke up an actor in a costume on a stage in a play.

 I woke up an actor in a costume on a stage in a play.  The script writer, producer, director and costume designer were nowhere to be found.  I wanted to know what the play was about.  I asked.  The animals did not know.  The vegetation did not know.  The earth, water, air, sun did not know.  “Great!,” I thought.  “Maybe I can find out what the play is about by watching what is going on.”   So I watched, and listened.

After ten thousand years of traveling, watching, and listening, and taking into account what I had to do to stay alive, I concluded the following:   First, it obviously isn’t important to know who produced the play, since I never learned that.  You’d think if it was important I would have been told, or discovered the answer.  I had not.  All I can tell you is what happens in the play, sunrise to sunset, season to season, year after year.

Like myself, things appear, consume, live, and are consumed.  Violence is everywhere.  Life and death, eating and getting eaten is the main activity of the creatures.  For humans, life is survival, building and destroying, conquering and being conquered.  Thee are times of freedom, times of slavery.  There are times of plenty and times of scarcity.  Birth and death are a constant, and  everywhere.  There is happiness, laughter, pleasure and joy, and there is sadness, crying, pain and sorrow.  In the end, all that was alive, dies, and from death springs new life.  So far, the play is a never ending cycle life and death.

With everything eating everything to survive, and with humans fighting each other, fighting themselves, fighting in families, cultures, societies, cities, states, and nations, peace is a short vacation between wars.

It is obvious, the nature of the play is evidenced in the nature of humans.  Life, the play, is an incarnation of opposites, a cycle of positive, negative and neutral energy, embodied and personified–made visible, personal, and mortally vibrant.  And by contrast, there are short and long lives of violence.

Most humans would rather live than die, though some opt out at will, but the majority would rather suffer life than escape it.  However, if life is too painful, they joy, sadly, in death, leaving behind all they know and cherish, to go where they know not.

For comfort and solace, many humans adopt belief, faith, hope, theologies, philosophies, theories and conclusions about life, death, and an after-life.  There are and have been countless different beliefs, each offering hope, and yet, humans go to war over beliefs.   The consequences are despair, destruction and death to believers, different believers and non-believers.

Human nature is volatile, equally as volatile as nature itself, except, human nature is like clay, moldable.  Humans change through experiences.  They learn what causes pain, and pleasure, joy, and sorrow, and yet, many are fooled by their mind’s quest for power, wealth, and glory at the expense of others.   

The very nature of human minds–unexamined and untrained–is pride and vanity, and an unbridled quest for personal power, wealth, and glory (as they suppose) with little, or no, or exclusive (not inclusive) regard and love for others, however, those minds do have an overflowing abundance  of love for themselves, and perhaps, some love and regard, if any, for a few, they deem valuable to their personal self-interest.  By all evidence, survival is the goal of most of the actors in the play.  In the process, it is inevitable that some knowledge, understanding and wisdom will be gained by the actors, even if that was not an actor’s intent.

Perhaps the stage, the play, the actors are part and portion of a vast animal farm flying through space.  And like horses bred to fulfill the desire of its breeder (wherein each generation the undesirable are culled, and the esteemed are bred) humans are being bred to fulfill the desire of the great breeder in the sky.  However, starting over, like the days of Noah, is apparently an option for the breeder in the sky.  I still don’t know what the play is about.  I am just thankful I get to play, whether it’s war or peace, so, “Thank you.  The play is one hell of a ride.  I couldn’t ask for a more thrilling adventure, but if I ever do, just ignore my mind.  I’m pretty sure that whatever it thinks about the play is questionable.  However, I do trust its choice in trusting you.  After all, why else would there be peaches, ice cream and pepperoni pizza.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

It took a long time

 It took a long time for the intelligence that is life to turn mind-imagined characters into flesh and blood.

First it thought them, then imagined them, then made up a story about them, then wrote the story, then created a puppet show, then made visual flip cards so they would appear to move, then a movie, and finally flesh and blood characters.

You and me and all humans, are characters that started out as thoughts in the mind of a fiction story teller who finally figured out how turn its thoughts into flesh and blood characters.  PURE GENIUS.

And then to add more spice to the story of life, it gave the characters self-aware minds so they could wake up and realize they were mere characters in a fiction story.  

When a fiction character wakes up in a story, he or she acts different, becomes a different personification or takes on a different personality and has a different view of itself and the fiction story that is life.

Whether a fiction character continues after it dies, well, if so, then the story will have a new dimension added.  It will become a science-fiction or fantasy story.  But until then we’ll have to settle for the current  religious mystery stories created my fictitious characters in the current fiction book of life.

There’s been a big plot change in the current fiction story of life.  Russia is pissed and anything can happen next.  A lot of characters on the planet may be written out of the next chapter.  

It’s hilarious how many characters in this fiction story think they’re real.  Don’t they realize they’re just ink dots turned to letters and words on the pages of a fiction book?  My God, they get so attached to themselves, so identified as being real, and totally entangled in the story.  Good thing, right, or it wouldn’t be a story worth reading.

Without characters having physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, and without getting entangled, identified and attached to people, places, and things, and without opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, faith, theologies, philosophies, theories, judgements and conclusions, the story of life wouldn’t be worth the paper its written on.  No one would read THAT book, or watch the movie.

Characters that wake up in a book or movie (when they realize they’re mere fiction characters–can be kind of boring.  They no longer stress, get anxious, afraid, no longer bitch and moan and act like two year old crybabies when the story fucks with them.  They are no longer entertaining, not interesting or fun at all, unless they pretend the story is important and they keep playing like it actually means something.

It is also amazing how many characters are ignorant of world events and only stress about things they might actually influence locally.  They’re missing all the anxiety they could be enjoying if they just paid attention to world events.    Oh, and back to awake characters, not only don’t they stress about world events, they don’t stress about personal or local events either, though they may pretend to care when in the company of asleep characters, unless they want to piss off the sleepers and be entertained by their responses–you know, just for entertainment.

Monday, November 18, 2024



FINALLY, a human ( IQ over 300–estimated...because its off the charts) has learned (by experience) how life works.  He has experienced how the very essence of nature (that humans sense) originated, organizes, progresses, lives and reorganizes.  He proves that nature is a natural uncreated cycle, without beginning and no possible end, merely a transformation, transmutation, reconfiguration and reorganization.

He not only experienced it, he has the irrefutable scientific proof.  He has replicated creation’s process many times to many scientists and other witnesses. He not only has created space in the void (space being the primal necessary essence and force of creation) but has created energy itself, and then organized that energy into life-forms (previously, scientists theorized that energy can’t be created, however, theories are not facts, not reality, merely speculations).

Soon, everyone will know where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going.  Finally, humans will know the purpose of existence, the purpose of life–the mystery has been solved.  AND YET, the poor dude is having a miserable life because he hasn’t retrained his mind to enjoy his life (here are his words about that, “I figured out the origin and purpose of life, but haven’t figured out how to enjoy it.  My bad”).

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Why should I care what other minds think of my mind


Why should I care what other minds think of my mind.  And why should I care what my mind thinks of me and other minds?  Good thing I have a button to shut the damn thing off.  
I should never have bought one.  When it’s on, it won’t shut up, plays the wrong songs on repeat.  It asks way to many questions–wants to know everything, and it takes things personal, and it babbles when I try to sleep, which is why I call it Babe.

If you’ve been taking a brain laxative, you might have diarrhea of the brain.  Does your brain run on automatic pilot, spews whenever it has a mind to?  Does it experience brain farts and sudden explosions of bullshit?  The good news is, we have an app for that.  It’s called Duck Tape.  It doesn’t stop the diarrhea, but you won’t smell it anymore.

There was a warning label on the package when I bought this brain.  It has more ingredients in it than a loaf of bread.  I ignored the warning because of the benefits, like higher IQ, better reasoning, way more memory storage, quicker response time and search results, but I’m not sure the benefits out weigh its quirky human nature.

Before I bought the human brain I was happy, happy all the time.  I never worried or fretted over anything.  I just did my best with what appeared in front of me, and I had no cares about the rest.  When things didn’t work out, I didn’t give it a thought.  I just kept trying. I had no way life must go, had no way things must happen to be happy.  I was just glad, blissed-out, happy to be alive.  All that changed once I installed this marvelous human brain with its quirky nature, though I tried to delete the wack-a-doodle part, but failed.

The quirky nature that is part of the human brain is like having an alien living inside my head.  I say that because its ideas are alien to the way I currently am.  By comparison, you could say, the human brain is more alien to the way I am temporarily, than to what I really am.  Plus, the human brain hasn’t a clue to what it is, though I know now, exactly what it is.

The human brain comes with a personality, a biological inheritance of its ancestors.  It doesn’t know it’s a person, but it is.  It is an aggregate of its dead human ancestors.  To top it off, it gets programmed by alive humans with brains just as quirky as its dead ancestors.

All human brains come with inherited dispositions, attitudes, temperaments inclinations, tendencies and abilities that were shaped by their ancestor’s experiences, which are then further shaped by their own experiences.

To a lessor or greater degree all human brains come with physical, mental and emotional needs, wants, desires, and then get attached, entangled, and identified with people, places, and things.  

And now you know why every human brain has a human nature quirky side that rails and kicks against the pricks when reality (life) doesn’t go the way it thinks it should.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


The man had to sneeze,
but instead the man peed
He peed so long
They wrote a song,
“Don’t sneeze when you pee, if you please.”


 I, a mind within a body imagined–and “alive”–within a dream creation, know I am being dreamed.  I know I am not real.  I am living in an energy-form-imagine-ation-dream-field.  For me (the human being dreamed) life is real enough, but I know it is not real, will not last, is temporary.  I am energy captured, imprisoned, bound, limited, temporarily in form, living in an energy-field brisling with imagined forms.

This dream state is not of my making.  I was dreamed into existence.  This dream state is surreal.  My mind was veiled, but now the veil is thinning.  I exist at the pleasure of THE DREAMER (the organizer of energy-forms, the creator of dreams).

The dreamer’s dreams and my dreams are one and the same for the dreamer is dreaming me.  The veil is thinning, not because of me, but because of THE DREAMER.

I too can dream, and it is as real as THE DREAMER’S dream.  THE DREAMERS dream for me, is to dream as IT does–whatever I choose.  I can dream what I will, and yet, I can prevent their realization with my thoughts, with my judgements, with my opinions, biases, prejudices and conclusions.  I am free to do that.  I can become attached, entangled, and identified with people, places and things, and if so, so it will be, or I can be free to dream what I desire, need, want, aspire to.  I can imagine every action, reaction, cause and effect, every outcome.  Whatever I imagine is my destiny.  

What will you choose to imagine?

Will you change your imagined world?  If so, what will you imagine it to be like?  You can  image the way you want it to be.  You can choose your experiences, after-all, it is just a dream, however, what you dream (thinking you will enjoy it) can change at a mere thought.

Has THE DREAMER dreamed you, graced you, to be thankful for your every experience?  If so, your gratitude should know no bounds.  You not only could care less what every outcome is, you receive every outcome with thankfulness.

And what of your fellow dreamers who yet suffer because of their thoughts, their imaginations, their perspectives, attitudes, points-of-view, their opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, theologies, philosophies, theories, judgements, their physical, mental and emotional attachments, entanglements and identities?  What of them, the dreamers who know not they are being dreamed, who suffer their imagined reality, suffer their thoughts and imagination (are they not like children, who suffer their ignorance?) for which you have, at a minimum, empathy for their suffering, and do what can, and what they allow to relieve their pain. 

Friday, November 15, 2024


I was told I was human.  They lied.
I am energy, is what I cried.
To witness it is true,
Held my breath until blue,
And they all disappeared when I died.

Thursday, November 14, 2024


 LIFE IS IMAGINATION AND MEMORY IN ACTION.  Memory began when life began.  Life is a  game life plays with itself.  All thoughts are game thoughts.  Game bodies result from memory.  Game bodies have genetic memory.  Game bodies came a certain way because of memory. Game gains new memories.  Life is a memory game.

Humans senses life as physical.  Human senses make energy seem physical.  Senses cannot penetrate the boundaries of energy forms without aid.  

Imagination transforms thoughts into images.  Imagination is less dense and can penetrate energy form’s boundaries.  Imagination can create whatever it can imagine.  Humans imagine life.  Life is like a dream.  Life is a vivid dream.  The dreamer is life itself imagining itself separate forms.  When a form is no longer vivid the dreamer yet lives.  Life itself does not die, only imagined forms die.  There is only one dreamer dreaming all dreams through its imagined separate forms.

Imagined forms have imagining minds of their own.  They are self-aware.  They have needs, wants, desires.  They get physically, mentally, emotionally identified, attached and entangled with people, places, things.

If a mind imagines limitation, it is bound by those imaginations.  If a mind imagines illness, old age, health and youth it experiences what it imagines.  The more energy and intensity a mind applies to an image, the more dense and real it becomes, even until in is imagined physical.  Believing is powerful because it is imagination.  The placebo affect bears witness.

If you believe a thing strong enough, for you it is real, which is what counts, for you.  You will conduct your imaged believe life accordingly.  Doubt negates, destroys imagined and believed creations.  Faith, belief, imagination, same thing.  Faith, belief, imagination can move mountains.  Faith, belief, imagination can walk on water.  Whatever you imagine strong enough is your reality.  You create your own reality.

The stronger your power of imagination the more you can morph energy forms.  Practicing imagination, perfecting it, makes you the God of your life.

Nothing is real that isn’t belief, faith, imagination and memory.  Real doesn’t exist.  There is no real.  There is no one reality.  There is only belief, faith, imagination, and memory.  Change your belief, faith, imagination, memory and you change your imagined reality.

Life is intelligence.  Life is consciousness.   Life doesn’t have intelligence.  Life doesn’t have consciousness.  Life IS intelligence, consciousness, awareness, observer of itself, and all it creates.

Imagine yourself bound, limited, finite, and you are, until an experience of being unbound, limited and infinite proves your imagining mind wrong.

When life imagined itself separate, it endowed its finite imagined forms with boundaries, and limitations.  All life’s imagined forms are homeward bound.  That is the journey of life.  That is the game life is playing with itself.  As long as you think you are real, you are, and will repeat, repeat, and repeat your thinking, imagined reality.  You repeat because your get physically, mentally, and emotionally attached, entangled, and identified with what you think and imagine is real.  The more experiences you have being all things, rather than one thing, the sooner you will be no thing and be back home being that which is the essence of life itself.

The journey out of this imagined reality or world begins when you realize you are not your body, mind, and emotions.  You are far on the journey home when you realize, there is no you.

If you like being you, if you enjoy being you, if you want to continue being you even after your imagined body dies, you will continue to be you. 

Life did life for its joy and pleasure.  Stay and play as long as you like–until life changes its mind.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


HUMAN NATURE MIRRORS ENERGY’S NATURE - figure out human nature, and you know more about energy’s nature.  Figure out how an atom and its components work, and you learn how humans work.

There is a certain amount of energy in the universe.  Energy-forms consume energy.

Humans function just like energy.  A human can collect more energy-forms than it needs, depriving other energy-forms of their needs.  Luckily or unluckily there’s plenty of energy to go around, until there isn’t.

An energy-form that over consumes is a threat to other energy-form’s lives.  Even though all energy-forms eventually die, they live longer without over consumption.  When earth runs out of energy-forms (food) humans die.  The earth lives on and reclaims energy.  Eventually the earth itself will run out of energy, as will the universe.

Energy-forms that are greedy, vain, prideful, selfish, jealous, envious, covetous, and energy-forms that are seekers of power, wealth and glory consume a lot of energy.  They conquer other energy forms for their pleasure.  Greedy unloving bastards.  

Loving kind energy-forms redistribute their over abundance of energy-forms (food, money, items) for the benefit of other energy-forms.  Loving energy forms have sufficient energy forms for their needs and do not over consume.

Energy-forms that are never satisfied–no matter how many energy-forms they’ve accumulated and no matter how grand their lifestyles–are energy vampires and are rewarded with the unpleasant karma of their actions.  They experience physical, mental and emotional dissatisfaction, unhappiness, misery, anxiety, concerns, worry, fear, and other stressful energies.  Their joys are brief and fleeting as the law of diminishing returns plague their minds continually.  They are happy for a time with new things, and then become depressed, and seek new things.

Religious teaching from all ages are actually and factually–at their core premise–about energy-forms conserving energy and being liberal in sharing their over abundance so that other energy-forms can enjoy their lives until the universe runs out of energy and rests for a season, a season without karma, but then it gets recharged, and again acts, thereby creating new karma.

The history of energy and energy forms, from a human perspective

The history of energy and energy forms, from a human perspective

I saw unformed energy combine and gather into energy forms.  Eventually the earth formed.  It was beautiful, magnificent, diverse.  From out of the earth came all kinds of diverse energy forms consuming and growing utilizing the energy forms of sun, air, water, earth.  

The planet was lush with vegetation.  It wasn’t long before animals, vegetarian animal energy forms were introduced.  They ate the vegetation-energy-forms.  Then came the animal-hunter-energy-forms.  Earth became a zoo. All kinds of animal-energy-forms were killing and eating other animal-energy-forms.  And then came the human energy forms, and things got really exciting.

Humans came with physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires.  Humans get attached, entangled, identified with other humans, places, things.  Human nature was more exclusive than inclusive.  

Earth was a resource, but for humans to eat, drink, shelter they had to work to live, whereas vegetation and the other animals either lived or died depending on what the earth produced spontaneously.

As humans worked to live, other human worked to steal in order to live.

Human nature was created with propensities.  Love and hate; selfless and selfish.  There was pride, vanity, conceit, power, wealth, glory.    Humans were designed for conflict, drama, intrigue, pain and pleasure.  Torture, pillage and plunder became common.  Fights and wars became the norm.  Struggles for power, wealth, and glory was in the minds of more and more humans.   “I got mine, and now I want yours,” was a common calling card.  The human drama was in full swing.

Humans created governments for self-preservation.  Before government, each human had to fight to retain what he had worked for.  Then governments began to fight each other to retain what they had worked for, while other governments went to war to steal.  Local wars, regional wars, and finally world wars became common.  

All dramas, disputes, fights, all wars–all opposites–are the result of the nature of energy in form.  Humans, being energy in form,  were created for the pleasure of greater energy-forms.  Some humans call them Gods.  These energy-form-Gods created humans for their pleasure and entertainment, just like humans create plays, movies and video games for their pleasure and entertainment.

It is the very nature of the natural energy in the universe to combine, form and eventually entertain itself by becoming or morphing into people, places, things.  

And that’s the history of energy, from a human perspective.  Humans, and everything else,  are energy embodied playing with itself by eating itself.

Monday, November 11, 2024


WITHOUT EGO LIFE IS BLISS - A sensitive ego is as nightmarish as a prideful and vain ego

Egos are the ones that are playing the torturous game of life.  Without an ego (or if you just ignore its jabbering) you play the game of life differently–joyously.  It’s almost as if you don’t exist.

SO YOU’RE kind loving, compassionate, never offend anyone, life just loves you. That’s how you should be say gurus. They even say things like, “When even the rocks are glad they are in your presence, and the flowers sing with delight as you walk by, then you are acceptable to life.

Children who don’t know much but think they know everything, who have a way things should be, don’t enjoy being educated for their stubborn ignorance.   

And life–nature–with its laws, has no love, kindness, compassion if you ignore gravity and die jumping off a cliff, or drown because you don’t know how to swim, or ignore the alligators in the water.  So life is law, and ignorant stubbornness has a price.

Offended egos are the norm.  if you cannot be offended (because you’ve trained your ego to be OK no matter what others think, no matter how they speak, or what they do, it’s obvious you’ve worked on your human.

An ego that realizes it is but a temporary self-serving identity takes everything thrown at it and laughs within at the untrained ego of others because the trained ego was also untrained previously, especially as a two-year old.

If you disappear, or at least ignore, ego identity, you are free of your mental and emotional human’s nonsense.

Because you don’t care, don’t give a rat’s ass how people treat you, and YET hold to the thought, “Speak unto others as you would have others speak unto you,” you might want to be careful of your care-less speech, because most egos care and get offended.

It’s nearly impossible to speak freely to egos that are offend able, that get offended.  Around those egos you have to evaluate the consequences of your speaking.  You have to go to their level to get along.  You may even have to walk on eggs so you don’t crush their ego (though they would enjoy life more if their ego was non-existent).  REMEMBER, ignorant ego-minds burn witches.  

A self-vaunting and prideful egos in a home will make that home an amazing and majestic energy extravaganza of horrendous proportion.  Vampires may or may not be as depicted, but energy Vampires are real.

Without ego, your are life, creation itself.  Without ego, you cannot think you are something you’re not.  Without ego, life is bliss.  Without ego, life is your playground.  But be wise.  A lot of fights happen on a playground.


When a leaf thinks its an individual it looks at the tree like it’s a stranger.
When a leaf looks at itself, other leaves, the limbs, trunk, it sees ONENESS.
ONENESS has many aspects.  As there is one body with many parts, so is ONENESS.

THOUGHTS and ONENESS:  IF NO ONENESS, NO THOUGHTS thinking separateness, thus separateness springs from ONENESS as a baby springs from a mother.

The journey humans is from mental separateness to mental ONENESS.

So there is ONENESS happening in all ways humans have thoughts about life happening (love hate peace war etc.).  An awake mind sees only ONENESS, sees the life of ONENESS happening, and asks, “WHY?”

The answer is, “It is the innate uncreated spontaneous nature of how ONENESS works.

ONENESS IS IT’S PARTS.  Sun is sunshine.  Ocean is the sum of its parts.  In math, 2+2=4.  4 is the sum of its parts.  An eye does not know why it sees, and an ear does not know why it hears.  But the human ONENESS knows why it can see and hear.  The ONENESS knows all sees all because it is all.  It’s human parts, don’t know much, speculate much, and then die not knowing much.

Just accept you are part of the ONE NATURE expressing itself because that’s how nature works.

Why did nature do anything?  Why is there an earth?  Why are we alive?  Does nature have a purpose for creating us?  What am I?  Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  What’s the point of life?

Everything is the result of how nature works.  Nature cannot help itself.  It works the way it works.  It does what it does.  It did what it did.  It will do what it will do.  You can question it, fight it, or accept it.

You do your best and enjoy the rest.  Or you can moan all the way home.  You can accept was is or you can get pizzed.  

So we’re back to thoughts and ONENESS.  ONENESS does what it does by its nature, and thoughts think what they think because thoughts are part of the ONENESS.  

When energy bunches together and suddenly is capable of thoughts, it asks, “Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  And who invented ice cream?  Then, when there are other bunches of energy that suddenly can think, they meet together and make up stories and create theories trying to explain how a bunch of dumb ass spontaneous pieces of nature got bunched together and could suddenly think, and ask questions.  ANSWER: It is the nature of energy to bunch together, and suddenly start thinking and ask questions about how and why they bunched together.  Nature is how things work.  And that’s the answer.  Nature works the way nature works.  If you train your mind to not mind, nature is fine that you’re out of your mind.


The human brain is not consciousness.  Consciousness is not in the human brain.  Consciousness and the human brain are different intelligent energies. There are many ways that the intelligence, or consciousness that is in, through and roundabout’ a human can become unbound or untethered from its human.  

Whether intentional or by accident consciousness untethers from its human.

1.  Death of a human untethers consciousness from its human vehicle permanently.
2.  Focusing the mind intently on something frees or liberates consciousness temporarily.
3.  Silencing the mind–no thoughts or meditation, or non-being–frees consciousness.

Once you know you are in a game you can play in different dimensions of the game, from physical to non-physical.  Every dimension is a new game.

When the “real” you realize the body, mind, and emotions you inherited are tuned to the physical game, you, the “real” you, can change tunes.  You can go to a different channel and play a different tune.  However, as long as you have a physical body, you’ll be double tuning until the body runs into its expiration date.

Physical reality is slow, dense energy, whereas non-physical reality is faster and less dense, and less poignant, which is why so many awake intelligences return to play some more.  

A vivid dream is a different dimension, a different energy, and though it seems real (even as real as physical dimensions, it lacks zing, vitality, pizzaz, and above all, the intoxicating smell and taste of pizza.

Associating, interacting and dealing with asleep avatars are adventures in empathy, patience and longsuffering.  They remind you where you’ve been, which helps you be kind, compassionate and sympathetic, like is natural when interacting with young children.


Human energy-forms sense other energy-forms.  To make fun of what humans sense, they created the word, comedian.  What humans sense is a cosmic joke.  It’s not real.   However, it’s real enough until it kills you.  Minds are liberated or imprisoned by Words

I am an energy form that senses other energy forms.  I’ve named the glue that holds energy in from, The Artist.  Other humans have other names for the glue: God, The Force, consciousness, awareness, bla bla bla.

Because it takes a lot of focus, a lot of concentrated effort and time to figure out where humans come from, why they are here, and where they are going, most humans have opted for the easy peasy way by using the word, belief as a substitute.  It’s not a good substitute, but it works for believers who are too busy trying to survive life trying to kill them, but in the end, when they have failed and life kills them, they will discover the truth.

What is the truth?  The truth is what was, is, will be.

What was?  Energy not in form.  What is?  Energy in form.  What will be?  Energy not in form.

Where did humans come from?  Wrong question.  Right question:  What are humans?  Humans are energy in form.

Why are humans here?  Wrong Question.  Right question: What causes energy to form?  It is the innate nature of energy to form.  No outside influence needed.

Where are humans going?  Wrong question.  Right question: What cause energy forms to disorganize?  It is the innate nature of energy in form to deform and die when the form can no longer sustain itself by eating other energy forms.

Human energy forms eat energy forms called food.  Another name for food is, Loosh.  Human energy forms kill by eating other energy forms.  A human energy form that will not kill other energy forms, dies.  It’s a simple fact of life that energy eats (consumes) energy to keep energized.

So the right, or fundamental question of life is, what is energy?  Or better still, what is the definition humans assigned to the word, energy?  Is the definition accurate?

E=enthusiasm, entertainment, curiosity, expression, freedom.  
N=moving, adventure, curiosity, independence, focus.
E-freedom, intelligence.
R=restless, tolerance, efficiency, realism, self-determination, compassion
G=robust, intuition, instinct, purpose, wisdom, introspection.
Y=innovation, wisdom, success.

Energy can act and be acted upon.  Energy in form (intelligence) can act upon lessor intelligent forms, and can be acted upon by greater intelligent forms.

Energy in forms that are eaten (animals, vegetables, fruits) decompose and recompose according to the energy form that ate them.  Energy is a cannibal.  

Knowing that energy cannibalizes other energy forms, what are humans to conclude?  Life (energy in form) is itself a cannibal.  If it doesn’t eat, life itself ceases to be.  The whole enchilada dies.  So what’s for lunch, ye murderers and killer of energy in form?  Life, the never ending cycle of kill, eat, get killed get eaten.  Life is buffet that eats itself until there’s nothing left to eat, and then everyone left, dies of hunger.  The end of life.

Friday, November 8, 2024

What are humans for?

What are humans for?  What purpose do they serve?  Must everything I create have a purpose?  I just like to create.  Creating is enjoyable, fun.  The purpose of art is art.  I had no purpose in mind for humans.  I just had humans in mind for the sake of creating.  The idea popped into my mind, and I thought, ‘Why not?’  Creating humans was exciting.  Took a lot of effort, lot of work, very intricate, complex, but I accomplished it.  Even did upgrades.  

One could say everything I create is part of me.  Can a creator create what he knows not?  You could say a human is a portion of myself, at least the thinking part.  I thought humans up, imagined them, designed them and built them, and here they are, my handiwork.  They are part of me in so many ways–how could they not be, seeing they are my creation.  And they are very entertaining.

Does a dinosaur have a purpose, an aardvark, a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, a platypus or dodo bird?   What’s their purpose?  I created humans and everything else for my pleasure.

I had no purpose in mind for humans, even as I have no purpose in mind for creating any of my creations, except maybe a shovel and a broom.  They are useful.

Are humans useful?  Yes.  For entertainment, as a project to see just how intricate and complex I am able to create.

Do I need humans?  If so, what for?  Did I build them to fight a war that needs bodies?  No.

I, like the humans, have purpose in mind when I build.  Some things I build are useful, fulfill a job, some things I build just to see if I can do it, just for the fun it.  That’s why I built humans, for the fun of it.

If I wiped out all humans, all my creations, I would just start over, and I have, and I will again.  A fresh slate is a delight.  It’s like a new canvas for a painter, a blank sheet of paper for a writer, or a new design for an architect.  All thrilling propositions, but no inherent purpose other than for the shear joy of it.  

Kind of like humans having children today, even when they don’t need farm hands anymore.  They have children for the joy of making them and raising them, until their teenagers, then they endure them, hoping things get better, and sometimes they do, other times, not so much.

Humans tend to think creation is about them.  WRONG.  It is like an actor in a play thinks the play is about the actors.  A play is not about the actors.  It’s about the audience.  Humans are characters in my play, for my enjoyment.  Sometimes I’ll end a play suddenly when the actors get out of hand.  Bad actors ruin a play.  No fun to watch anymore.

Humans are like their children.  Human children think they are the center of their parents universe, and act like it, when they don’t get their way.  Humans are not the center of my universe.  Humans play a part in my universe, as do all my creations.  A lot of human problems are caused by their ego-eccentric, self-important thoughts about their place in my creations.  They are mistaken. 



I lived in a volunteer social order.  Everyone had their own property and home.  No taxes.  Each property had a garden and chickens, ducks, geese, and few lambs.  The town was two thousand homes.  The town was ten miles from the next towns.  There was a town on the north, south, east and west, and a walking road joining them.

We have community store where we bring our excess productions and get a credit towards other products.  The motel and restaurant in each town is staffed by volunteers, as are all other services.  There is no money, no politicians, lawyers, pastors.  The name of our town is Serenity Village.  Life is good.  We get born, live and die having enjoyed a simple family life.


I lived in a mega city where capitalism ruled. For a job, career, or business you can make money and buy a lifestyle that suited you.  Taxes for service was mandated.  Politicians, lawyers, bankers, businesses literally fought for customers.  It was hectic, nerve racking, and there was crime and wars until it all got destroyed.  We got born, lived an exciting life, and died.

BOTTOM LINE: everyone had experiences regardless of towns.  Then I woke up and all towns all lifestyles everything disappeared.  It was just a dream made real for a time.  

Life is a dream that seems real.  You are asleep, and don’t know it.  You wake up somewhere.  You do things.  You fall asleep and wake up elsewhere and do things, over and over again until you remember it all, and then, having enough of life, you become a Buddhist and fall asleep forever.  While asleep you forget everything.  Then one day some idiot wakes you up and you’re somewhere again and think it’s new.  
The universe is fucking with you.  It created you for its pleasure, joy and entertainment.  THAT’S LIFE.

You didn’t make yourself.  You didn’t make the universe, galaxies, solar system or the place you were born.  You are alive, and your body regulates itself. Your body has hardware and software needs, wants, desires that you did not install. It tells you what it needs, food, toilet, food, toilet, get out of the cold, get out of the heat, take a nap, go to sleep.

From youth you are indoctrinated and thereafter have mental needs, wants, desires.  You don’t know where thoughts come from.  You don’t know why where you came from, why you exist, or where you’re going.  You guess a lot.  

Obviously you are someone’s entertainment puppet.  If you are very very entertaining you get to play another game.  If not, they (whoever whatever ‘they’ are,  Buddhaize you).

Humans are puppets of a real hunger game.  If they like you, they feed you, if not, good luck.  When ‘they’ get tired of playing their virtual game they take a break and come back to see what else crazy humans have been the hell up to.  Life (and you) are very entertaining for ‘them’.  

Imagine you are playing a game, get tired, turn it off, and it plays on without you observing it, and you wake up and are excited to see what has happened, and if enough has happened, you rewind it so you can watch how it unfolded.  Life is like a TV series with cliff hangers, and you turn it off right when the story is on a cliff, and the next day you can’t wait to see what happens next.  The Game of Life is addicting, for humans and ‘them.’


I AM you in human form.  I made you.  Certainly you realize I can be you.  You are one of my many  mini-m’s.  What makes you think I can’t take on human form?

Humans think many things.  That’s what makes them so interesting.  I gave them self-aware minds, and now some of them think they are ONLY them, as if they created themselves when all evidence says otherwise.  There are a lot of wack job humans with mental problems.

For the most part, Earth has become an insane asylum, a very interesting experiment.  I have yet to decide if I’m enjoying it or not.  So much needless pain and suffering.  Man’s inhumanity to man is getting out of hand.  The last time that happened I started over.  Thought things would improve.  Let’s see, how many civilizations have I destroyed in an attempt to improve the species?  An innumerable number.  Your history only has a few.

Most things on and around earth are automated, all things really, except humans.  You live in an energy-thought matrix.  It’s in you, around you, through you.  You think hard enough and energy responds to your thinking.  If you’re open enough, you get stuff other humans don’t.  If you close your mind, well, then you get what you got and no more.  If you have an open mind and think all things are possible, then they are, because all things imagined are possible.  If you don’t believe me, imagine what you can, and BINGO, there it is.  Thoughts and images imagined are things–energy things.  What isn’t energy.  Nothing that is not energy.  Everything is energy, thought and image energy, energy in form, thoughts in form.  Just like me, humans create with their minds, in their minds, mind is really all that is, and mind is energy using energy to create.  Intelligence works that way.

You can live in your mind, in your imagination AND you can make them physical if you know how.  That knowledge is power, and not available to most humans because of how they would use it.  If I wanted to see quick destruction, I’d unleash it.

If I let humans survive long enough they will be able to create direct from thoughts and turn them physical at the mere thought.  It’s the power of the Gods.  


Tuesday, November 5, 2024


The universe, galaxies, and Earths solar system
is like a theater, a movie house for humans.
Humans cannot see beyond their senses and technology.
Space is teeming with life’s energy forms.
All we see is the movie, play, video game.
To experience beyond human perception,
quiet your mind. and it will reveal itself.
Human logic and reason is for the video game.
Beyond the video game,
the human mind is totally inadequate
to discover the secrets space holds.



 BE CONSCIOUS OF WHAT YOUR HUMAN IS THINKING AND DOING AT ALL TIMES and you won’t miss a single weird thing they do.

Everything there is to know about creation is available to you by analyzing and pondering yourself.  

The one Intelligence is experiencing individuality through human avatars. 

HOW YOU, A HUMAN AVATAR (FOR THE ONE INTELLIGENCE) CAME TO BE, IS fun to ponder, but IRRELEVANT.  What is relevant is knowing that you are THE ONE INTELLIGENCE, temporarily housed (bound, limited, finite) within a human avatar vehicle for your joy and pleasure.  Experiencing being individual human avatars is awesome.   Because of their genetic and cultural histories, you never know what you’re gonna get.  Prepare for a bumpy ride.

Everything is energy.  Energy is intelligent.  Thoughts and images are energy-in-motion/emotion. Energy combines.  The result is INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCES. INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCES take on human form to create in physical reality.  Human forms die.  INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCES live on and continue to evolve in intelligence.

Creation happens in the one space-mind of universal intelligence by thoughts and images. Thoughts and images are energy-in-form / imagination / image-formation.  

Experiences increase intelligence.  Intelligences have experiences and create to feel the energies of emotions / energy in motion.  All emotions are energy in motion.  Energy is positive, negative, neutral.  Every energy is negative and positive, has its opposite.

Fire, air, water, earth are energy, are resources.  Resources are filter and formed according to the thoughts, images / imagination / emotions of the Intelligence using the resources.

If you were the only Intelligence in existence, and you were rich, beautiful, handsome, tall, had a great IQ, none of it would matter if there were no other Intelligences.  Contrast / opposites makes life the adventure it is.

The one Intelligence is experiencing individuality through human avatars.


I have trained my human avatar to enjoy its temporary life, even as I enjoy my temporary life being an individualized portion of the ONE INTELLIGENCE.  

There are three levels of thinking, imagining, emotionalizing. .  THE ONE INTELLIGENCE;  Individualized Intelligence, human intelligence.  The trinity: the one, the son, the ghost.  God, spirit, human.  Just mind games of THE ONE INTELLIGENCE, THE ONE ENERGY THAT IS LIFE.

Physical, spirit, thought.  All are one energy, different energy dimensions.  Humans think a certain way; Spirit thinks a certain way; the ONE INTELLIGENCE thinks a certain way, and yet the one energy, the one intelligence, the one consciousness is all three.

The human is energy made physical.  The spirit is energy less physical, the ONE is energy thought/mind/imagination, and all are ONE.


“I”, the spirit intelligence, views “I”, the human avatar’s physicalness, thinking, imagining and emotions.

The “I” human has physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires and gets attached, entangled, identified with other humans, places, things.  I don’t know about your human, but my human is funny.  A hoot and a holler and a laugh minute.  This human I possess came with genetic propensities, a history of its human ancestor’s experiences, and if that wasn’t enough influence, it was trained, socialized, culturalized, programmed, indoctrinate, brainwashed and propagandized.  I think I got a used human at a secondhand store.  I’m sure of it.

I wake up in the morning and wonder what my human has on its mind.  It takes just a second or two after it is awake and it starts thinking.  It plans and plots and schemes about what it’s going to do today.  I tell it to chill and just see what pops up in front of it.  It wonders what the other humans are up to and how that will affect it.  It thinks, “Will there be smokes, coffee, and sugar enough until I die?  Oh well, if not, fuck it.  I’ll enjoy not smoking, no coffee, no sugar.”

My human has empathy for the suffering of humans who suffer because they don’t know who or what they are.  As silly as it sounds, they imagine they are humans.  They don’t realize they are the ONE INTELLIGENCE, THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, THE ONE ENERGY, THE ONE AWARENESS playing being them, playing them like a fiddle for its joy, pleasure, and entertainment, just like all humans play also, when not taking themselves and life seriously.

Humans spend a lot of their lives sleeping, going to the toilet, showering, brushing their teeth, choosing what to wear, dressing, make up, hair cuts, cut finger nails, hairdos,, manicures, pedicures, what to cook or eat, what to do or where to go.  They are curious weird creatures.  Everyone should own one.

Humans have opinions, biases, prejudices, judge, have beliefs and draw conclusions.  They tend to be exclusive, not inclusive.   They love and hate, like and dislike, have preferences.  They can be selfless, kind, compassionate, serve others, and some are selfish, self-centered ego maniacs, crybabies, and spend their lives seeking power, wealth and glory.  Some want to dominate all other humans and tell them what they can and cannot do.  Human governments are like that.  Most humans in government start with good intentions, but it is their nature, when they get a little power, as they suppose, they begin to exercise unrighteous, selfish, self-serving dominion over other humans.  They tend to care more about themselves than others, though there are those that will give up their lives so others can live.  Humans are wonderfully entertaining creatures, while being the weirdest species currently alive.  Their living conditions go from, “I got mine, to fuck you, to take what I’ve got, see you later alligator.”

Some humans want to live forever and become Gods,  while others never want to live again and want to be permanently terminated, never to live again.  Quite a mental pendulum swing, don’t yea think?



Monday, November 4, 2024

My LIFE BEFORE LIFE EXPERIENCE - how energy becomes people places things.

My LIFE BEFORE LIFE EXPERIENCE - how energy becomes people places things.

You showed up.   What showed up will die. In between you do stuff.  

I see the world.  It is magnificent.  It is deadly.  Not exactly a vacation spot I would choose.  “Hey, I’m going vacation and everyone that goes dies.  Sign me up.”

Most people, once they showed up, want to keep showing up.  Most don’t want to die.  They never showed up before, so they hang on for dear life.

No one knows for sure if there’s a next adventure.  But since they showed up once, maybe they will show up again, and again, and again (or not).

I learned the following after I showed up, after becoming an “I” (until “I” showed up there was no personal separate “I” and no separate “me”.  However, there was ONE “I” and “IT” was all the energy in existence (that is currently known about).  I think of it as a human body.  ONE BODY, many organs, many cells, many atoms, many smaller energy particles, and lots of space in between them all.

At this point you have to take into account the way humans experience things and the words they have to use to describe those things, so...I’ll do my best with the most modern words available (imagine going back in time and using the words computer, cell phone, satellites, or telling them that humans can levitate, fly, suddenly appear out of nowhere, or take an energy pill that keeps their bodies twenty-six years old, forever.  Anyway, I’m getting ahead of ourselves. So here goes, using words we all kind of understand.

If you want to ask some currently unanswerable questions, here are a few: WHY did energy result in energy-forms (galaxies, solar systems, planets, sun, air, water, earth, people, places, things)?  WHY is there anything?  WHY is there life?  WHY are you alive?

Most people thank, or blame, God-the creator (whichever way they define God). HOWEVER, there may not actually be a WHY, but only a HOW.  Life could actually be the result of the nature of energy–how energy innately works, meaning the nature of energy (which human understanding is in its infancy).  

Of course you could just believe and have faith, and say God is uncreated, has always existed, made energy, made the laws of nature (how energy works) made humans, made you.  If that works for you, “Happy Birthday.  Live long and prosper.”

The nature of “some” energies is to combine, organize and become intelligent.  Another way to say it is, as one intelligence is more intelligent than another, and another more intelligent than it, all energy together is more intelligent than them all because IT (all energy) is all.  We do know that energy can act and be acted upon, which is why we can make tacos.  And there is some evidence that energy is people, places things, which is evident when looking around for a place to park.

Here is how space, portions of space (energy, consciousness, intelligence, awareness) morphed into people, places, things:  Thoughts and images in the mind of Intelligence resulted in humans, places, things (just like thoughts and images in humans results in people, places, things, all because thoughts and images are energy-in-motion/emotion).  Human bodies are vehicles for evolved Individual Intelligences to create in physical reality.  When a vehicle dies the intelligence lives on and continues to increase in intelligence.  

Energy by its nature has positive, negative, neutral “energy” and energy’s nature is to combine, communicate and increase in complexity, and remember.  The results are forms–images, blueprints, schematics in the evolved and complex energy-mind of an energy-form that has become an intelligence.  As energy intelligences continued to increase in intelligence by discovering how energy combines and works (the laws of its nature–cause and effect, action and reaction and interaction) more complex energy forms and images were constructed within their imaginations (image-formations) of energy-minds.  Humans are the embodiment of imagined energy-forms made corporal (flesh and blood) from memory chips (eggs and fertilizer) which were created by intelligent, self-aware conscious energy-minds.

Space is energy.  Space is one energy.  Space is all there is.  Space is in, through, roundabout all things.  It is intelligent.  It is all powerful, knowing, present.  It is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. When a portion, a piece, a slice of pie that space occupies, becomes a human, it is limited, bound, finite, individualized, separated, quarantined, isolated, yet is within space itself, and remains one pie.  When everything disappears, space is what’s left, and things start over.

Friday, November 1, 2024


Nemesis lives in a haunted house.  It was built in 1948 by a German couple.  They named the house, Thomas.  Nemesis possesses and haunts this house.  He observes, and watches.  He is aware and conscious of what is going on in this house.  Depending on unforseen events, this house should last another fourteen years, maybe longer.

The house didn’t know it was haunted until it was fifty years old when Nemesis appeared in person. Thomas was sitting on a beach watching the sunrise when out of ocean mist and walking on foaming seas came Nemesis, a being of light from another dimension.  Nemesis stepped onto the beach and face crashed into the sand.  He levitated horizontally, then upright, then glided towards Thomas.  

Nemesis thought Thomas would be shocked at his appearance, but Thomas was too busy laughing.  Nemesis stopped a few feet in front of Thomas, plopped down in the sand, and said, “Hi.  I’m Nemesis.”  Then Nemesis disappeared and rehaunted him.  You could say, Nemesis repossessed him.  Then just as quick, Nemesis unpossessed him and sat back down in front of Thomas.   Thomas wasn’t shocked, but had a quizzical look on his face, and said, “Astral travel much?  Who are you really?”  

Nemesis smiled and said, “It’s simpler to talk about who I am not,” He said.  

“OK,” said Thomas, “Who are you not?”

“I am not you, not me, not an astral body, not consciousness, not observer, not awareness, not intelligence,” said Nemesis, “We are not even figments of our imaginations, and most importantly, we are, and are not at the same time.”

“Great,” said Thomas.  That explains a lot of no-things. Can you be more precise?”

“We are a plague of physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, preferences, attachments, entanglements, and identities,” said Nemesis.  “We are the encapsulated energies of greed, anger and ignorance.  We are cause and effect (pain, suffering, pleasantness, joy).

“Cool,” said Thomas.  “By the way, my space capsule is named Thomas.  He told me to tell you, ‘nice to meet you, in person, finally.”

Nemesis and Thomas laughed, both knowing full well that though most humans want to know where they came from, why they are here and where they are going, they actually care more about how to enjoy their temporary lives.