Thursday, November 21, 2024


The divide between this human, Tom, and I, is more pronounced.  The awakening is in degrees.  First you realize you are not the body, mind and emotions, but don’t know what you really are.  You give names to what you think you are. Names like consciousness, awareness, observer, intelligence, etc. .  You just don’t know, but as you awaken more, there develops a more acute awareness, a further physical, mental emotional disconnect and distance from the body you inhabit.  You are consciously just watching your body, mind, emotions like it’s an alien, a temporary life-form with its own thoughts, ideas, programs, needs, wants, desires, beliefs, etc. .  You watch it like a father or mother watching its child.

You raised it, you were born with it, and when it was old enough you talked to it, gave it thoughts, information, clues, guided it, encouraged it, until finally it became aware of you, and it realized it wasn’t alone, had never been really alone.  You watched it grow from child, to toddler, to teen, to young person.  You were there the whole time having the experiences it was having, experiencing its needs, its wants, its desires, its habits, inclinations, opinions, attitudes, perspectives,  all the things that make it individually unique, all its doings, illness, sickness, injuries,, joys and sorrows, all its occupations, it’s loves and hates, gains and losses, anxieties, fears, hopes, and dreams.

And now you watch it as it enters its mid years or the beginnings or middle of its old age, you smile as it wants to know, and asks, “Who are YOU?  What are YOU?

So you share some more, and then you watch it as it finally realizes it is memories temporarily embodied, even as I am memories, a mere presence attuned and focused on it.   Though temporarily, you are you, and I am me, we are ultimately memories within the one memory of the one consciousness, the one intelligence, power and source that is life.  We are part and portion and the whole of the information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that is life, or that humans refer to as life, awareness, intelligence, consciousness.  
You are information and memories, physically embodied, having physical experiences.  I am information and memories, non-physical (to your way of viewing things) having your physical experiences, and the one is “experiencing” them all.

You are memories, or information, individualized.  I am memories, or information,  individualized.  The one is all memories, or information.  Everything humans sense, every person, place, and thing, are individualized memories, or information serving (within their capacity) the will, intent and purpose of life, which is equally embodied in humans and other more intelligent, self-aware, sentient creatures of creation, which intent and purpose is  joy, pleasure and personalized entertainment–living lives for the fun of it.
Come on, you too enjoy experiencing, watching humans, cat videos, and all the shenanigans going on in the world.  It’s chilling, it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, challenging, stimulating and damn entertaining.  There’s goals, ambitions, purposes, conflicts, risk and all the things that make life worth living.  Life is a wild circus, a scarey spook alley and carnival ride, a magical theme park, and you and I and everyone else and everything else are it, and in it, for the fun of it, for the joy and pleasure of it.  You can play any part you want, even a genius, village idiot, drugged or stoned or drunk or an eagle flying high.  It is all up to you, whatever you choose, and THAT is your life.  “Bon appétit, fellow traveler. ”

“OK, but how are things determined?”
“Well, that’s a whole other story, for another time.  So let’s just keep it simple.  If you are enjoying all that is life, you’ve got the best gig going.”

............  Scratching an itch is one of the great pleasures of life..........

If someone accuses you of not taking life serious, just tell them you were already an idiot in a previous life.

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