Tuesday, November 19, 2024

It took a long time

 It took a long time for the intelligence that is life to turn mind-imagined characters into flesh and blood.

First it thought them, then imagined them, then made up a story about them, then wrote the story, then created a puppet show, then made visual flip cards so they would appear to move, then a movie, and finally flesh and blood characters.

You and me and all humans, are characters that started out as thoughts in the mind of a fiction story teller who finally figured out how turn its thoughts into flesh and blood characters.  PURE GENIUS.

And then to add more spice to the story of life, it gave the characters self-aware minds so they could wake up and realize they were mere characters in a fiction story.  

When a fiction character wakes up in a story, he or she acts different, becomes a different personification or takes on a different personality and has a different view of itself and the fiction story that is life.

Whether a fiction character continues after it dies, well, if so, then the story will have a new dimension added.  It will become a science-fiction or fantasy story.  But until then we’ll have to settle for the current  religious mystery stories created my fictitious characters in the current fiction book of life.

There’s been a big plot change in the current fiction story of life.  Russia is pissed and anything can happen next.  A lot of characters on the planet may be written out of the next chapter.  

It’s hilarious how many characters in this fiction story think they’re real.  Don’t they realize they’re just ink dots turned to letters and words on the pages of a fiction book?  My God, they get so attached to themselves, so identified as being real, and totally entangled in the story.  Good thing, right, or it wouldn’t be a story worth reading.

Without characters having physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, and without getting entangled, identified and attached to people, places, and things, and without opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, faith, theologies, philosophies, theories, judgements and conclusions, the story of life wouldn’t be worth the paper its written on.  No one would read THAT book, or watch the movie.

Characters that wake up in a book or movie (when they realize they’re mere fiction characters–can be kind of boring.  They no longer stress, get anxious, afraid, no longer bitch and moan and act like two year old crybabies when the story fucks with them.  They are no longer entertaining, not interesting or fun at all, unless they pretend the story is important and they keep playing like it actually means something.

It is also amazing how many characters are ignorant of world events and only stress about things they might actually influence locally.  They’re missing all the anxiety they could be enjoying if they just paid attention to world events.    Oh, and back to awake characters, not only don’t they stress about world events, they don’t stress about personal or local events either, though they may pretend to care when in the company of asleep characters, unless they want to piss off the sleepers and be entertained by their responses–you know, just for entertainment.

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