LIFE IS IMAGINATION AND MEMORY IN ACTION. Memory began when life began. Life is a game life plays with itself. All thoughts are game thoughts. Game bodies result from memory. Game bodies have genetic memory. Game bodies came a certain way because of memory. Game gains new memories. Life is a memory game.
Humans senses life as physical. Human senses make energy seem physical. Senses cannot penetrate the boundaries of energy forms without aid.
Imagination transforms thoughts into images. Imagination is less dense and can penetrate energy form’s boundaries. Imagination can create whatever it can imagine. Humans imagine life. Life is like a dream. Life is a vivid dream. The dreamer is life itself imagining itself separate forms. When a form is no longer vivid the dreamer yet lives. Life itself does not die, only imagined forms die. There is only one dreamer dreaming all dreams through its imagined separate forms.
Imagined forms have imagining minds of their own. They are self-aware. They have needs, wants, desires. They get physically, mentally, emotionally identified, attached and entangled with people, places, things.
If a mind imagines limitation, it is bound by those imaginations. If a mind imagines illness, old age, health and youth it experiences what it imagines. The more energy and intensity a mind applies to an image, the more dense and real it becomes, even until in is imagined physical. Believing is powerful because it is imagination. The placebo affect bears witness.
If you believe a thing strong enough, for you it is real, which is what counts, for you. You will conduct your imaged believe life accordingly. Doubt negates, destroys imagined and believed creations. Faith, belief, imagination, same thing. Faith, belief, imagination can move mountains. Faith, belief, imagination can walk on water. Whatever you imagine strong enough is your reality. You create your own reality.
The stronger your power of imagination the more you can morph energy forms. Practicing imagination, perfecting it, makes you the God of your life.
Nothing is real that isn’t belief, faith, imagination and memory. Real doesn’t exist. There is no real. There is no one reality. There is only belief, faith, imagination, and memory. Change your belief, faith, imagination, memory and you change your imagined reality.
Life is intelligence. Life is consciousness. Life doesn’t have intelligence. Life doesn’t have consciousness. Life IS intelligence, consciousness, awareness, observer of itself, and all it creates.
Imagine yourself bound, limited, finite, and you are, until an experience of being unbound, limited and infinite proves your imagining mind wrong.
When life imagined itself separate, it endowed its finite imagined forms with boundaries, and limitations. All life’s imagined forms are homeward bound. That is the journey of life. That is the game life is playing with itself. As long as you think you are real, you are, and will repeat, repeat, and repeat your thinking, imagined reality. You repeat because your get physically, mentally, and emotionally attached, entangled, and identified with what you think and imagine is real. The more experiences you have being all things, rather than one thing, the sooner you will be no thing and be back home being that which is the essence of life itself.
The journey out of this imagined reality or world begins when you realize you are not your body, mind, and emotions. You are far on the journey home when you realize, there is no you.
If you like being you, if you enjoy being you, if you want to continue being you even after your imagined body dies, you will continue to be you.
Life did life for its joy and pleasure. Stay and play as long as you like–until life changes its mind.
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