Friday, February 21, 2025

Most humans

 Most humans know how to enjoy all that is life, but won’t do it.  Why won’t they do it?  Because it goes against their programming.  Why won’t they dump their programming?  

“Raise up a child in the way it should go and when it is old it will not depart from it.”  Why is that true?  Because it’s easier to bitch about life, than change your thoughts. It’s easier to be miserable than do the work to dump your programming, because you think you are your program.

A child who has not been indoctrinated has no problems viewing life as it is.  Why?  Because it has no indoctrination to dump.  There are no deep rooted belief-grooves to undo in their minds.  Their minds don’t automatically follow deep seated patterns, because there are none.  They are free to view life rationally, logically, sensibly.  There are few humans who have not been screwed up.

What are you without your program?  Without your program you have to discover for yourself who you are.  When you dump your programming you catapult yourself right out of your comfort zone, which is a very uncomfortable place to crash.  One minute you’re someone, now you don’t know who you are.  One minute you had a life, now you’re just life.  One minute you had life figured out.  Now you have nothing figured out, and only have questions.  Not know shit is a very uncomfortable place to be.

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