Thursday, February 27, 2025


 I am watching everything happening on planet Earth.  It’s not my planet.  I am just watching, and soon I’ll be relaying what I observed to the council.

To understand what happens on Earth, I had to become a human and live the life of a human, thereby experiencing human limitations.  And having done so, my report to the counsel will be accurate within the sphere of my experiences.

I experienced being in a body with a mind and emotions.  I experienced physical, mental and emotional needs, wants, desires, attachments, entanglements, identity.  I experienced opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, philosophies, theologies, theories, and conclusions, and the consequences.  I experienced pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, virtue and vice.

Before I became a temporary human, I was unbound, unlimited, and infinite, but as a human, I was bound, limited, and finite, and I lost the memory of what I really am.  Even now I have no memory of what I really am, but I do know this life is temporary.  This body, this avatar, will die.  And when it dies, so will the idea that there is an “I”, a “me” a person known as Thomas.  What will not die, and what will rise is the knowledge, understanding and wisdom gained.

Before coming out of the ocean as a drop of water, I was part of the ocean.  I knew all things, but as a drop of water, I descended below all things.  Eventually I will no longer be a drop of water and will again be all things.  

Why did this happen?  Two adult humans who know some things, get together and have a baby that knows no thing and watch it mature to know some things.  Why does that happen?  You could say, it’s the nature of nature do that, but why?  There are many reasons for why some humans have babies, and one of the reasons is for the joy and challenges that having children brings.  

It is the nature of nature to create and expand, to gain knowledge, understand, and wisdom.  That’s WHY nature does what it does.  It creates for its pleasure, for its joy, for its entertainment, for more and more knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as ONE INTELLIGENCE, and by becoming separate intelligences, IT becomes more intelligent.

The work of the ONE INTELLIGENCE is to create more individual intelligences.  That’s what IT does.  That is ITS nature, even as that’s human’s nature, to create offsprings of itself.  Each human intelligence is the means whereby the ONE INTELLIGENCE gains more intelligence.  

Each water drop returning to the ocean, is more intelligent than when it left, which makes the ocean more intelligent, even as the human race as a whole becomes more intelligent through the experiences of each individual intelligence.  Human bodies are merely temporary vehicles for the individual drops of water that constitutes the ocean.

Just as humans want experiences that excite their passions, so is the Intelligence that is life.  Always and forever will there be experiences intelligences can choose from.  From unlimited, unbound, infinite to limited, bound and finite, and back again, is the journey of each intelligence.  The journey began by descending below all things to ascend again to be all things, and descend again and again for further light, knowledge, understanding and wisdom for the joy and pleasure of knowing–by experience–all things.  END.

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