Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 EXPLORING:  HERE’S A THOUGHT:  I never had a thought until I was taught language.  After training and programming, I started having thoughts.  At first I just had thoughts, but later I said to my mom, “I just had a good idea.”  At that moment I began wondering, Who is this ‘I’ that I just referred to that noticed I had a good idea?  Is this just how language works, about pronoun usage, just the way thinking works?  Anyway, one moment I can’t think, then I am thinking, and then I notice I am thinking.  First there was no one, then there was a thinker thinking, and then there was me noticing thinking?  Who is this ‘me’?  Perhaps it’s just that a human mind, once trained, thinks and is aware of what it thinks.  Which means there is only mind thinking and observing and being aware of its thinking.  There’s nobody else in my head, just my brain being self-aware.  Certainly that makes more sense than to assume there’s a separate being, or a separate observer or awareness observing a mind thinking?  Why?  It’s proven that there is mind thinking.  It is not proven that there is a separate observer.  And the assumption that there is also another separate observer, observing the first observer, observing the mind thinking.  1.  Mind thinking.  2.  Observer observing.  3.  Observer observing the first observer.  Instead, how about just saying, “The mind is aware of its thoughts.  The mind is self-aware.  The mind knows what it is thinking.  The human mind is awesome.  It observes its own thoughts, evaluates, contrasts, compares, draws hypothesis, makes conclusions, tries things, and creates things.
So...to say, “I am not my mind,” may not be true.”  I am my mind, AND my mind can train itself, retrain itself, dump its programming, reprogram itself, etc.  No other observer needed.  The mind observes its own thinking.  Which means the words “I” and “me” are just language constructs that muddle the mental water.  Anyway, it really doesn’t matter one bit whether there is an observer observing the mind or the mind observes itself.  And, using different words, it doesn’t matter if there is a separate awareness being aware of its mind thinking, or whether the mind is self-aware, and is aware of its own thinking.  What matters is that MIND IS TRAINABLE, regardless of whether in trains itself or is trained by parents (at first) and later trained by schools, culture, society, and then by itself, or by an observer or awareness.  Which means, a mind has multiple functional abilities.  It records information.  It remembers. It files information.  And a different function analysis the information recorded and filed, and is able to look at it, reorganize it, reformat it and draw new conclusions.  Giving credit where credit is due, the human mind is marvelous.  And the mind having many various abilities, doesn’t negate that a human is also energy in form, is life-force in action, is conscious, has intelligence, and has a subtle energy-body, etc.

So whether mind retrains itself, or an awareness trains mind, doesn’t matter.  The ‘you’ referred to when you say, I am training my mind, could be stated, “Mind trains itself, and retrains itself.”  The “I” and the “me” could just be language befuddling the mental waters.  Just because language works the way it works doesn’t mean there’s a separate “I” or a separate “you” doing shit.  There’s just you being mind working on yourself, meaning mind working on improving itself to get better results, like being happy, enjoying life no matter what life does.
If you (mind) is not enjoying all that is life, consider retraining yourself to enjoy all that is life (no outside observer or awareness need apply for the position).  That position came with the mind.  How to say that using language: Who are you?  I am a mind, answering another mind (and don’t let language confuse the obvious.  We are two minds having a conversation.  Just minds talking).  Read the book, How A Mind Trains Itself to Not Be Nuts.  In the book when the author uses the words, ‘you,’ or ‘I,’ the author is referring to a mind, and is NOT referring to a separate individual assumed to be in possession of a mind.   There is only mind.  There is no real or actual separate “I” persona.  All is mind.  Mind creates for itself a persona, a image that it presents to the world.  There is only mind playing mind games with itself.  A body doesn’t have a mind.  A mind has a body.  There is a mind, a body, a set of emotions, and it’s hell when they don’t cooperate with each other, is hell when they’re at odds.  Body wants pizza.  Mind says no.  Emotions enter the argument.  Who wins?  Usually the mind, unless the emotions flare up and induce the body to beat up the mind.  If the mind is tough, it wins.  If the body and emotions gang up, who knows.  It’s one hell of a circus act.  CONCLUSION: DON’T KNOW SHIT, except to not give a shit and be happy no matter what shit hits the fan.  More emotions have killed body and mind than minds have killed body and emotions (or whatever).  The YOU, you call yourself, was created by the mind for its own entertainment.  It created a separate you so it would have someone to blame all its troubles on.  You are your mind.  It just has different compartments.  One compartment is aware of some of its other compartments.  The more aware the aware compartment is, the more it knows what the other compartments are stressed about.

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