Tuesday, October 15, 2024


WHAT TO DO:  Receive all things with thankfulness.  Accept what was, is, will be.  Surrender your body, mind, emotions to what was, is, will be that you “cannot” change.  

BENEFITS: You enjoy life more.  You enjoy all that is life.

DETAILS: Start by enjoying the way your avatar is.  Then enjoy the way all avatars are.  Then enjoy the dance, the game, the play of life.  Enjoy the chaos.  Enjoy Ying and Yang, dark and light, good and evil, dense and enlightenment, health and illness, poverty and wealth, powerful or powerless, glory or infamy, life and death, and enjoy changing what you can, and what you can’t change.  Act like it matters, while knowing it doesn’t.  Be in the world but not of the world.  Win or lose, you win.  You always win.  Enjoy the universe just the way it is.

HOW?  First, foremost, essential, requisite, imperative, necessary, it must happen that YOU experience and realize YOU are not YOUR avatar.  YOU are not your body, mind, emotions.  YOU have an avatar. YOUR avatar is a separate body, with a mind and emotions, and it is not YOU.  What YOU have is YOURS, but YOU are not what YOU have.  YOU own an avatar, like YOU own a pair of shoes, but YOU are not YOUR shoes. YOU have been loaned an avatar.  YOUR avatar is a rental, a temporary physical vehicle, a separate body.  YOU walk around in an avatar.  YOUR avatar is like YOUR coat.  YOU put YOUR coat on and take it off like a hat, gloves, sunglasses.  YOU can be in YOUR car or exit YOUR car at will.  YOU can put on YOUR coat and take it off at will.  YOU can be in YOUR body or walk out of YOUR body at will.

You can train your avatar like you train a child, like you train a dog, or circus animals.  However, your avatar has a mind of its own, a self-aware mind.  Even when trained it will act up on its own, especially the “personal ego” that came programmed genetically and indoctrinate socially, and was also brainwashed and propagandized culturally, religiously, politically, economically, etc etera.  

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR AVATAR?  Tell your avatar to have no way life MUST go.  Tell it to have no physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires that MUST be met.  Tell it to have no preferences.  Tell it to not get identified, attached, entangled with people, places, things.  Tell it to do its best for the joy of doing its best, and be thankful for every outcome–to receive all things all its experiences with thankfulness.  And at any time it should fail to do that, YOU, the temporary “owner” of your avatar, accept that your avatar is not yet totally trained to receive all things with thankfulness, and then, YOU, appreciate that YOU inherited a Wiley Coyote AVATAR that will go off the reservation at times and go totally nuts and tell YOU to go to hell.

The more you work to quiet and still the mind of your avatar, the more it too will enjoy all that is life.  After a time, YOUR avatar will enjoy the Earth “wackadoodle” Theme Park as much as YOU do, while having empathy for humans who have not yet realized they are not their avatars.  

YOU and YOUR avatar have empathy for humans who are still physically, mentally, emotionally, attached, entangled, identified with their needs, wants, desires about people, places, things.  You view all asleep humans as children who have not yet become self-aware, who act up and throw temper tantrums and are still crybabies when things don’t go their way (which includes having empathy for YOUR own avatar who hasn’t grown up yet).  

And never forget, LIFE is having a really good time being YOU (YOU are one of life’s avatars) LIFE is YOU and YOUR avatar, which is why LIFE became avatars in the first place, for ITS  joy, pleasure, and entertainment.

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