Sunday, October 13, 2024




Non-existence is the place for me.
It’s the only place where I won’t be.

I have no needs, wants, or desires.
That is the price no place requires.

Once I’m not there, I cannot come back.
No I to slide into a meat sack.

There is no me, no human sidekick.
Without each other we don’t exist.

It took forever to not be me,
Took forever for me to be free.

This is my “Won’t see you later note,”
Which meticulously no one wrote.

Did your thoughts not help to make the person that is you?  Of the thoughts you could have thought who else but you did choose?  Like a seed your every thought produces fruit in kind.  Either you are victim of or master of your mind.  

I used to think I was human, but my body was acquired. I experienced I am life, and this body will expire.  I am not my avatar.  My avatar’s not me. And you are not your body that explodes if you don’t pee.

I think it through before I do, so I don’t rue my poison brew, and have to spew my noxious slew, and then undo my bugaboo, to not get screwed, tied and tattooed, because I blew thinking it through.

What I thought is what I got and what I got I thought.  Wise am I if I don’t blame an outside cause that’s not.

Life is a bunch of projects,
things to do until dead,
an endless potpourri of hustle and hurry, a do this, no, do that instead.  
I absolutely fathom
the secrets of this life.  
It’s an endless array of prodigious forays, a nettling vexation of strife.   
And when a long day is over,
after all of my pain,
I go to bed tired, have lost all my fire
then wake up and do it again.  
I want breakfast, lunch and dinner,
and something between to do,
and then when I die,
I’ll give a high-five,
and rot in a plot near you.
Thinking makes real,
and thinking makes you,
you think it, you feel it,
then you do.  
You take what is and give it a name;
you judge what is
with a biased brain.
It’s virtuous or vile;
 it’s good or it’s bad,
perhaps your beliefs
are driving you mad.  
Your angst and your fear,
your pain and your dread,
surely you know it’s all in your head.  
Life is just life
unless you believe,
it is what it ain’t
and then you’re deceived.  
The pain you inflict
by judging another
is why you’re unloved
except by your mother.
Are you a frustrated
and troubled soul,
filled with worry, fear, and dread?
And though among
the living you breathe
do you slouch as if you are dead?  
Do your shoulders droop
and hands hang down?  
Is mournful your very best smile?
And though your mind
is ever as nuts,
is your heart overflowing with bile?  
Are you inclined to pity yourself?  
Is your pillow soaked in tears?
Would you even have a life
without your misery and fears?  
is what you need;
with it you’ll no longer whine.
It will cure your woe am I looks
caused by your I am screwed mind.  
If perchance in your pain
you should ask,
“This cure sounds really great;
what must I do to profit from it
before it is too late?”  
My answer true, if you please, is this
(though you may not feel to do)
smile and say a kind word
to someone whose woeful as you.  
Give of yourself and do a kind deed
(a secret gift will do)
and give among the needy poor,
to they who are blessed
less than you.  
And then like sunshine
warms a cold day,
you will feel in your heart and soul,
a glowing light
that makes the dark bright
and takes away your woes.
You are NOT your mind.
Your mind is NOT you.  
Your mind IS a tool.
Don’t be its fool.  
If you have a way life must go,
sorrow is what you’ll know.  
If you have no way life must go,
joy is all you’ll ever know.  
I used to let my mind run wild,
untamed, unruly like a child.  
I didn’t know my mind’s a tool
that makes me wise or a fool.  
I started watching every thought,
banished the foolish ones I caught.  
Base thoughts that will not
leave my mind
I replace with other kinds.  
Two thoughts at once
no one can play
no matter what women may say.
When it’s a done deal
when it’s a fact
and you can’t undo it
because that’s that,
you have two choices:
You can resist
that which you can’t change,
get upset and angry,
condemn and cast blame,
or you can surrender
to that moment in time
and deal with it pleasantly
with clearness of mind.
Do not trust a human mind.
At your best, you too are blind.  
Prove everything that you can.  
Don’t fall prey to a con-man.  
Best intentions can turn foul.  
Best be wise or you’ll get screwed.
Do unto others
as you want done to you
is a practical rule
that most often proves true.
If you’re selfish and mean,
a creep in disguise,
may the pain that you suffer
open your eyes.
If you’re kind and loving,
a saint in the flesh,
the joy that you give
is the joy that you get.
”It is, what it is,”
is what I say,
when life doesn’t
go my way.
I had my heart set on it.  
My mind said this way must be.  
Then faster than an eagle
life took it away from me.  
I learned from my experiences,
gained understanding to know,
life will break the strongest heart
of a mind that is set in stone.  
I now put my heart into it,
but on it my heart’s not set,
and my mind like the eagle
soars free and without regret.
To earth your bound,
your journey to commence.  
Take with you this dictum sound
into a world of recompense:
How you view the world,
is your world.

If the shoe fits,
I just admit;
I take the hit,
don’t throw a fit,
and keep my wits.  
Expect the best,
be at peace with the rest,
or “rest in peace”
is all the peace you’ll get.
Your first breath was a battle-cry,
and your last breath will be a sigh,
and in-between is mystery,
wonder and magic
as you spin life’s realities
into your own.  
So mount-up, rise to the challenge,
engage the adventure
for all you are worth,
for in old-age and with fond reflection
you will realize it was the struggle,
the fight and the battle
that made life worth living.  
Yet how serene and joyful you will be
 if you engaged the wrath of life
with a cheerful heart
and vanquished your foes
with a smile, a chuckle,
and a mighty laugh
because you now know,
life’s insanity was but your own.
Without mind,
without thought,
without words,
without names,
life is all that remains.  
No judgment,
no complaint,
no devil,
no saint.  
Joy is all you know,
when you let go.

I am
who I think I am
which makes me
who I am.  
Life is
what I think it is
which makes my life
what it is.  
A plane carrying two guys
crashes on a snow-topped hill.  
To their surprise,
they are alive
‘cause neither got too killed.  
One takes a broken wing
and skis a most awesome drift.  
Two gets mad,
not at all glad,
enraged he falls off a cliff
(perspective is everything).

Brother and sister going
to visit their dying pop.  
Their car breaks down,
makes a loud sound,
comes to a grumbling stop.  
The car gets fixed and purring,
but at hospital too late.  
Sister depressed,
failed-heart is the guess,
exits to the pearly gates
(stress kills).
I relive my nightmares
and regret my every fling.  
Dumb thing to do,
just makes me blue,
cause it don’t change a thing.  
Yes, life is a potpourri,
mixture of pleasure and pain.  
Pity and regret
double the stress,
cause mind and body to strain
(thoughts affect health).

I once had a lot of friends,
family that loved me too.  
But I complain about my pain,
they avoid me ’cause I do.  
I get upset and angry
and irritable as well.   
Argue a lot, fight on the spot,
my life is a living hell
(Stupid affects relationships).
I used to be good looking,
but I prematurely aged.  
These old age spots
are awful thoughts,
I think I am their slave.   
And now a final thought
before I go away:
life is real grand
or a migraine head-slam,
depending on what my thoughts say.
What you think is true,
has great power over you,
and belief as well
can make your life a living hell,
or heaven on earth,
depending upon your mirth.  
Your thoughts and beliefs
feed your joy or your grief.
If I am blue, boohoo or sad
and can’t seem to find my glad,
I name again my blessings sure
and then I am woeful no more.  
It’s my thoughts,
not my circumstance
that causes me to slouch or dance.  
I am aware, compare my place
in the life of the human race,
and realize I could be off worse
if I were mulching in a hearse.
If I have thoughts I do not like
I tell them to take a hike.  
I think thoughts that inspire,
avoid the ones that stir my fire.  
Mean thoughts create mean words,
better that they’re never heard.   
Some thoughts might make me mad;
I don’t think them, keeps me glad.  
I think thoughts that make me smile,
keep them in my mental file.  
If kind and loving thoughts I do,
I’m always happy, never blue.  
I live life the way I think,
in peaceful joyful wonderment.
You can’t know up
if you haven’t been down,
and you don’t know square
if there’s no round,
surely you know this is true.  
You know pleasure
because you know pain,
and you know loss
because you know gain,
which makes you nobody’s fool.
Be thankful for opposites,
for without them,
life would be preposterous.

I passed beyond the world today,
crossed to the other side,
and walked among the living there
who recently had died.  
There are no frowns,
no furrowed brows,
no worries and no fears.  
There are no lonely hearts
yearning to return to here.  
They’re happy there, their joy is full,
with family and with friends,
and meadows green
and clear blue skies
and peace that never ends.  
In loving memory they recall,
with fondness they embrace,
their journey in a troubled world
among the human race.  
Those days are done, no trials now,
no more hearts of stone,
for all is love and love is all
in that eternal home.

The secret to enjoying
all that is life
is to have no way
life must go.

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