Wednesday, July 17, 2024


  I AM MIND.  I write stories.  A character in one of my stories is named Tom.  Tom wanted to know what it was, where he came from, where he was going, and why he got created.  I told Tom I created him in my MIND.  Tom wanted to know if he was real.  I told him that he is as real as I imagine him to be, and that I created him for my pleasure.

I AM MIND.   When I write a story, it’s not just on paper, it’s not just a play, movie, not even a hologram, not even computer generated.  My stories are physical, made of energy, atoms, very vivid, very real.

I AM MIND.   My characters actually exist.  Some of my characters appear in many episodes, some not so many.

Hi.  I am Tom, a temporary character created by MIND.  I don’t know how long MIND will keep me as a character.  It doesn’t matter, because though I actually exist, I am just a character created by MIND.

I had a conversation with the AUTHOR.  Kind of cool that the author was willing to talk with one of its characters.  I asked Author where it came from, how it came to be.  Author said it didn’t know.  It had always been, and it too wanted to know where it came from, and it even suspects it may be a character of MIND.

What’s the take away.  I am a character created by a mind called Author.  I play the part Author created for me.  I don’t know how long Author will keep me around, maybe a few more episodes, or not.  It doesn’t matter, because now I know I am just a temporary character created in the mind of Author, for his pleasure.  That’s cool.  I’m good with that.  What’s really cool is Author can morph its characters for whatever stories it has in mind.  

It is the nature of the universe to spontaneously create minds, and then minds create stories.  And that’s the way things are.

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