Saturday, July 20, 2024



YOU will enjoy YOUR avatar’s experiences, adventures, enjoy it’s mental, emotional, physical needs, wants, desires, attachments, entanglements, identity, persona, personality, habits, traits, propensities, indulgences, wackiness, enjoy it’s chasing, and enjoy it having a way life must go, enjoy it’s duplicity, its worries, stress and fears, and enjoy everything it experiences as soon as YOU experience that YOU are not YOUR avatar.

As soon as YOU realize YOU are cosmic consciousness WITH a human avatar, YOU can either train YOUR avatar to view life the way YOU do (and then YOU and YOUR avatar will both be joyous no matter what happens) or, if YOU haven’t trained YOUR avatar, then YOU can just enjoy your avatar’s wackiness, while being empathetic to its plight as a human because YOU haven’t trained YOUR avatar.

Friday, July 19, 2024




What is the primary purpose of practicing Yoga, Zen, and all other eastern techniques?  ANSWER:  How not to suffer life,  but enjoy life.  However, there’s an easier way than practicing Yoga, meditation, and all the other techniques.  Simply receive all things with thankfulness (ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO YOU) and you will at a minimum enjoy the peace that passes all understanding, and at a “maximum” be blissed out the rest of your life.  That’s my experience at 76.  THE END.

ALL the things you don’t have to do to enjoy all that is life.

When you receive all things with thankfulness you will experience the peace that passes all understanding, and enjoy ALL that is life.

You will enjoy your mind, its thoughts, your personality, nothing will bother you.  You will never suffer again.  You will enjoy your needs, wants, desires.  You can be attached, entangled and identified mentally, emotionally, physically with people, places, and things.   YOU CAN ENJOY ALL THAT IS LIFE.  I’ve lived that way for 76 years.  Thankfulness is a mind-set, an attitude, a perspective that changes your life.  It works for me.  Just say to yourself, “Thank you that I am having experiences.” THAT’S ALL FOLKS.




You do not have to learn yoga, meditation, Buddhism, a philosophy, theory, theology, join a religion,  or have beliefs to be happy, to enjoy ALL that is life.  All you have to do is realize that your MIND is a tool, and STOP being its fool.

It was a life changing realization when I experienced that I HAVE a mind, but I am NOT my mind.  My mind is mine, but I am not my mind.

After experiencing I was not my mind, everything changed.  I changed my mind, which changed everything.  I became the boss of my mind.  I retrained it.  I talked to it.  It became MY servant.  I was NO LONGER ITS SERVANT, its flunky, its goffer, its stooge, its slave.  I was finally free of the little shit, the lying-dictator-foolis-usurper of happiness, destroyer of peace, killer of joy, squasher of bliss, constipater of ecstasy. I finally stopped my mind’s monster case of diarrhea thinking.

(It doesn’t matter what theory you believe, or the words you use that try to define what you REALLY are.  What matters is that you are aware that you are aware you are thinking or not thinking.  You are aware when your mental cup is full of hot chocolate, and you are aware when the cup is empty.  As long as your cup is full of thinking, it is impossible, or at the least, difficult, to be open to experiences beyond and outside your mind.  You can’t hear, you can’t tune into the  cosmic voice of life if your cup/mind is full of thoughts–or chocolate :).  However, when you’re ready, there are wonderful experiences available that exist beyond your PERSONAL limited-mind, finite-thoughts and bound-consciousness, and they await your liberation from the CRAZY (PERSONAL) part of your mind, the part that says, “Be afraid.  Be very afraid, LOSER.”

WHAT’S THE ONE PURPOSE OF LIFE?  The purpose of life is to enjoy it.  At the end of your life will you be able to say, “I enjoyed all that is life,” or will you say, “I suffered life, and only enjoyed it when it went my mind’s way.”

When a kid asks, “Where did I come from; why am I here; what am I, and where am I going? Do the kid a favor.  Tell it, “It doesn’t matter.  What matters is knowing how to enjoy all that is life.  THAT’S what every kid (and everyone else) wants to know.  And that’s what this small book is about–HOW TO ENJOY ALL THAT IS LIFE.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024


  I AM MIND.  I write stories.  A character in one of my stories is named Tom.  Tom wanted to know what it was, where he came from, where he was going, and why he got created.  I told Tom I created him in my MIND.  Tom wanted to know if he was real.  I told him that he is as real as I imagine him to be, and that I created him for my pleasure.

I AM MIND.   When I write a story, it’s not just on paper, it’s not just a play, movie, not even a hologram, not even computer generated.  My stories are physical, made of energy, atoms, very vivid, very real.

I AM MIND.   My characters actually exist.  Some of my characters appear in many episodes, some not so many.

Hi.  I am Tom, a temporary character created by MIND.  I don’t know how long MIND will keep me as a character.  It doesn’t matter, because though I actually exist, I am just a character created by MIND.

I had a conversation with the AUTHOR.  Kind of cool that the author was willing to talk with one of its characters.  I asked Author where it came from, how it came to be.  Author said it didn’t know.  It had always been, and it too wanted to know where it came from, and it even suspects it may be a character of MIND.

What’s the take away.  I am a character created by a mind called Author.  I play the part Author created for me.  I don’t know how long Author will keep me around, maybe a few more episodes, or not.  It doesn’t matter, because now I know I am just a temporary character created in the mind of Author, for his pleasure.  That’s cool.  I’m good with that.  What’s really cool is Author can morph its characters for whatever stories it has in mind.  

It is the nature of the universe to spontaneously create minds, and then minds create stories.  And that’s the way things are.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I woke up when I was two years old and realized I was back–again–in a new body.

 I woke up when I was two years old and realized I was back–again–in a new body.  When I wanted to I could recall my most recent past life, like when I was eighty-seven and living in a shack in the wilderness, and a life further back when I was a black man living in an African village.  

This time, even at age two, I was able to analyze my disposition, attitude, and abilities that I inherited from my previous life.  As I got older, more abilities revealed themselves, and the forest culture revealed more.  It’s easy for me to understand my own inheritance by realizing that I knows things, how certain things work, though I  don’t know why I know except that I learned those things in a previous life.

What I don’t know is why the wonder of life exists, why this planet is life and death, growth and destruction, and why humans wage war and genocide, torture and murder and destroy their environment, maybe even the planet.  

I think I  know why there is scarcity, why work is required to survive, why planet earth does not spontaneously provide what is needed to survive.  It would be boring.  Nothing to do but eat from the chocolate bonbon trees, or pluck Twinkies out of the garden.

So life is adventure, challenge, risk, and wild ride on the life and death side of reality.  Life does things, nature does things, and human nature does things, and that’s life, and you can either enjoy it all, or cry about it.  You work what is workable to survive, and that which you are powerless to change your don’t give flying hoot or care.

Needing, wanting, desiring life to be different than it is, is a ridiculous undertaking that only helps the psychologist, psychiatrists, drug companies and undertakers.

I wonder if life, the energy and intelligence that is life, and the atoms that are every person, place, thing, enjoys itself, or is oblivious.  I know my intent as a human is to be happy, at peace, joyful, even ecstatic just being alive having adventure experiences, or just sitting without a thought in my mind.

Mostly, humans forget what they were before they are again.  It’s a deep forgetting.  Why?  Perhaps it would make their current lives less interesting, like when I was a billionaire, when I was famous, powerful, and now I live alone in a deep dark forest with the animals.  If I spend too much time reflecting on what I had, it most certainly would impact my current life.  It’s like knowing you actually live in a million dollar penthouse and you go on vacation by going on a jungle safari with all its dangers, and when the going gets tough and even the cannibals think you’re tough, you regret ever having left the penthouse.

Anyway, the one source of life, the all powerful, all knowing, all present life force that is life (which is what every person, place, and thing really are) accumulates all its many form’s adventures, experiences, knowledge, and understanding, while yet manifesting as trillions and trillions of forms for its pleasure.  

So actually people, places, things only exist as energy-forms temporarily for the pleasure of source.  If it wasn’t for human self-aware minds, we couldn’t even think we are something other than source.

Source is unbound, unlimited, infinite.  People, places, things are source bound, limited, finite, until source leaves forms.

Source is revealed in the stillness of silence, between thoughts, when asleep, meditating.
When you have no thoughts, there is source and no you.  When you think, that is you, an avatar of source, and there are two, you and source.  If you want to experience source, stop thinking.  If you really want to experience source in a grander way, be less you.  And if you want to experience source fully (even while in the form of an avatar) focus on no thing long enough and you, your persona, the person you think you are, the awareness you think you are, temporarily disappears and you are source only, singularly, until you become aware again.  

The cup is source.  Empty the cup and there is only source.  You can’t fill a full cup, and you can’t know the cup when thinking you are the hot chocolate.

What are you?  You don’t exist, except in the mind of a human avatar.    

What does awake mean?  It means a human avatar mind realizes it is a temporary avatar for source.  It is as when an actor in a play wakes up while acting, and realizes it is only a temporary character in a play.   Awake is a movie character taking a coffee break between takes.  Awake is a stage character who quits in the middle of a scene and yells, “I quit!  I’m not a bad guy in real life.  I’m going home.”

After an actor, a character, a human avatar mind awakens to its situation in a play, it enjoys the play.