If part of your adventure is to NOT wake up and realize life is merely a temporary adventure, you came to experience the full emotional nuttiness that this world provokes.
On the other hand, if you know life is just a temporary adventure, then you have no problems with starving, freezing, injuries, disease, debilitation, getting old and ugly and dying from an infected paper cut. You have no problem with world and national leaders calmly introducing genocide as an alternative to dying in your sleep. You have no problems with going broke, being homeless and living under a really cool bridge, nor with conspiracies to steal your sleeping bag, and eventually wandering in the desert starving and looking to do combat with a rattlesnake to see, who eats who.
And ultimately, you have no problems with family and friends having whatever adventures life provides, regardless of whether they gave life permission to drive them nuts just because someone stole their last toy poodle that they were saving for Thanksgiving dinner.
Humans may or may not know where they came from, why they are here, or if the get to visit Europe when they die, but they certainly know what to do if they want to enjoy all that is life. However, most humans just won’t do it, so they suffer life instead of enjoying the insanity that makes Theme Park Spook Alley Circus World Earth such a fantastically cruel adventure.
Most humans have the perspective, attitude, mind-set and point-of-view that life owes them something, and those humans get really frustrated, upset, and angry when life proves to them, over and over again, that the problem is their mind-set, NOT life. Life is doing just fine, and has been just fine, for like EVER. And is just fine whether you die from a heart-attack because of worry and stress or road rage, or texting while practicing drunk driving.
What most humans don’t realize is that they live in their self-created mind-field where they attract what they fear and worry about. It’s a mental energy self-created reality, and if negative, it attracts those consequences, which means, ill health, disease, and disability, which is suicide by mind. It is preferable to let life kill you–which it will–than to kill yourself with your thoughts. Why? Well, which do you prefer, to live a fraidy-cat, freaked out, terrified life, and die, or die happy?
FREE INFORMATION. WORTH EVERY PENNY. NO REFUNDS (musings, rough drafts - may come back and correct errors (holding your breath probably not a good idea).
Thursday, March 6, 2025
If part of your adventure is to NOT wake up
Monday, March 3, 2025
You are in charge of molding your life, and you do it through your thoughts, beliefs, where you focus your attention, and what you actually do to accomplish your thoughts, beliefs, or faith. It is written, “Faith without works is dead.” This is not an idle statement. It is literally how the universe works.
We live in a dynamic, versatile, pliable, mold able, malleable, responsive universe. The universe is made of “Play Dough,” and you are the molder of your own destiny. Hope, belief, faith, aspirations, thoughts, emotions, words, deeds are the tools. Your truth becomes your reality.
What if I told you:
1. The laws of physics–as we understand them–are mental limitations.
2. Each person lives in their own dimension, and is only limited by limiting thoughts.
3. There are as many dimensions of life as there are people;
4. The dimension–or attributes–of your dimension are determined by your thoughts, feelings, emotions, what you focus your attention on, and what you do to make your reality true for you.
5. You are the wizard of your own world, or the slave of your programming that has created your world today.
6. You, and only you, limit your possibilities with the thoughts you believe true or false.
7. Change your thoughts; change yourself; change your life; change your world. It begins by believing nothing is impossible (which serves you better, to believe there are limitations, or to believe you have no limitations?).
8. All education is about limitations handed down from generation to generation, sold to you as laws of nature, and yet we know the supposed laws of nature, the believed laws of nature, are breakable, and have been broken throughout human “history”.
9. It’s a monumental work to dispel your indoctrination. Disbelief is the culprit. The way things work NOW is the linchpin that keeps you stuck in your programmed reality. The thoughts that this or that is impossible is your quicksand. Fear is a binding prison. For most humans, the unknown is a monster, whereas the unknown is the very essence that gives meaning to being alive. The greatest work you will ever do is to free yourself from your programmed self.
10. You become the God you believe in, the wizard that controls the impossible (the only impossible is in the minds of they who are just here for their programmed ride).
11. Step out of yourself and view who you think you are, and then de materialize it and build a new unlimited, unbound, infinite you.
12. Until you discard your limiting beliefs, and build a new you, your destiny is nothing but old karma repeating forever.