Saturday, February 15, 2025

I am an intelligence evolving.

I am an intelligence evolving.  I am an intelligent energy-form.  When a form wears out I get a new one.  Each new form is equal to my current capacities, equal to what I have focused my intelligence upon.  Learning and then doing is the game of life.  What’s next, the suspense, excitement, and  passion are the energies that motivate intelligence to action.  What new knowledge and skills await my exploration?

When an energy form dies, its knowledge and skills live on, however, the experiences that resulted in knowledge and skills slowly vanish from memory.  The physical, mental, and emotional attachments, entanglements and identities would slow the progress, and  acquisition of new knowledge and skills.  Attachments, entanglements and identity slow advancement.  They steal concentration, focus, and attention that are needed for progress, which is why they fade from memory.  Memories of where, who with, what, when, why, and how you acquired knowledge is immaterial and a hindrance to further light and knowledge.  Why you know a thing, is less important than knowing a thing.  You know what you know, the why is not essential.  Why is a distraction.  The more you are attached, entangled, and identified with people, places, things, the slower your evolution.  How you acquired knowledge, understanding and wisdom has no value for acquiring more.  What you focus your attention on increases.  What you let go decreases.

The human evolution of knowledge, understanding and wisdom (individually and as a species) results through the experiences of pleasure and pain freely provided by mother earth’s exciting eat or be eaten, conquer or be conquered, peace or war world.  The details of the battles on battlefield earth are unimportant.  The knowledge gained is what is important.  So whatever is happening in the school of life during one of your many short lives in various energy-forms is not worth remembering, which is why you can’t remember being a mosquito, but does explain how you acquired the skill to be a bloodsucking money and power grubbing politician, banker or attorney or just your average psycho narcissist or common crybaby screaming that you’re pissed because life isn’t happening your way.

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