Saturday, February 15, 2025

I am having a really good time being seventy-six,

 I am having a really good time being seventy-six, just like I’ve had for seventy-six years.  Why?  Because logic always wins the day.  If you lose your ass, you lost your ass, DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll make it worse.  If you got fired from your job and need it for rent, mortgage, and to feed the kids, DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll make it worse than it is.  Kids, wife and I went hiking.  Tumbled down cliff, all with broken legs, no cell service, and ran out of water.  Got hotter.  We are dying.  DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll get to the other side and be in a bad mood and get reincarnated again and again until you deal with life’s tragic blessings pleasantly.

Life has ZERO capacity to care about you.  Life is energy doing what energy does–cause and effect action and reaction, and if you don’t know that yet, test gravity to see if it cares whether you jump of a cliff, or test a cactus to see if it cares that you hurl yourself into its porcupine spines, or see if a cloudburst, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, earthquake or forest fire gives a shit that you are sucked into the air, smashed against a building, cut to shreds by glass, dropped into whirlpool, half drown, slide into an earthquake fissure, burned your eyebrows, and finally get dumped into quicksand.  LIFE DOESN’T CARE what you do or don’t do with LIFE DOING WHAT IT DOES, but humans care.  They make it their business to care, even if it’s just for their own ego-centric, vain, prideful, self-centered, selfish, narcissistic pleasure (or their empathetic natures).  HUMANS ARE WHAT YOU MIGHT CONSIDER WATCHING OUT FOR (the weather not so much).

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