Thursday, December 12, 2024


 You are a boy, girl, your name is Joe, Mary, don’t do this don’t do that, be nice, obey, get along, stop crying, go do something, go out and play, time for school, learn language, math, history, more, and more, prepare for a job, don’t be lazy, do better, pay attention, this is how life works, get a job, career, make money, get a place to live, car, date, find mate, get married, have kids, support family, work, work, work, vacation here, buy consume, vote, do things, get hobby, do what interests you, help, serve, volunteer, get old, die, and don’t be late for your own funeral.

You have been groomed, programmed with ideas, beliefs.  You have opinions, biases, prejudices, expectations.  You now have a way life must go.  If it goes the way you have been trained you are happy, if not, you are unhappy.  You have religion.  Religion has requirements, even more ways you must do things to be happy now, and  to be happy after you’re dead.  You have been brainwashed.  Your mind is a warehouse of needs, wants, desires that must be satisfied to feel happy.

CONGRATULATIONS:  You are all grown up and are normal because you finally are physically, mentally emotionally identified, entangled and attached to your needs, wants, desires, beliefs, and to people, places, and things, and you have away life must go to be happy.  Welcome to the circus.  Welcome to clown world, where stress, worry, fear and road rage are normal, where lying, deceit, fraud, deception and murder are a way of life, where greed, selfishness, vanity and pride make you exceptional, where what people think of you is more important than what you think of you; where being exclusive is the program, and inclusive is shunned, and the game of life is to die having rented the most storage units full of past insecurities.  

Do your best to do, and to get what you are passionate about, but if your doing, doesn’t get, laugh your ass off.

I was hungry, lost, cold, in danger, and I came to a cabin and asked for help and was told to go get lost.  I told them I was already lost.  The guy pulled a gun and said, get out of here.  It so cheered me up I started laughing and jumping for joy and went deeper into the forest fully blissed out.

I lost my job, then my car, house, spouse, and went and lived under a bridge.  It was a really nice bridge, and I slept like a king.  I was sitting in a gutter watching traffic and a guy asked me if I was liberated.  I asked him liberated from what?  He said from cares, from need, want, desire, from physical, mental, emotional attachment, entanglement, identification with a to people, places, things, from having a way life must go, liberated from unrealized preferences, and likes, liberated from irritation, upset, anger, stress, cares, concerns, liberated from needing to survive, to live.  Have you overcome the world?

I said, I’ve overcome my human avatar.  I am energy being a temporary human.  The world is energy being a temporary world.  The world does life its way.  I do life my way.  And I have no way.  I do my best for the joy of doing my best with whatever is in front of me, and am thankful for every outcome.

Why did energy become me and this world?  For the same reason I do things, to feel certain energies. The secret trick is to feel the energies of bliss, and ecstasy without doing anything.  But since you can’t know you are blissful and ecstatic until you have experienced their opposites, energy became a world, and a you, and me, and energy in form was having so much fun-energy and was so entertained, it just kept doing it.  The greatest secret of life is that life does life for its joy, pleasure, and entertainment, the very same reasons humans do things.

Let’s see what life is going to do today.  Life includes people, places, things.  Everyday is a mystery.  Anything can happen.  Exciting.  But I just want to be safe and comfortable.  I want life to go the way I want.  Well then, you’ll be blessed with physical, mental and emotional hell when it doesn’t go your way.  Hell of an adventure.

Learning is enjoyable energy.  Having experiences you haven’t had is exciting energy.  Watching a child learning and having experiences is joyful and funny energy.  Laughing is exuberant energy.  Once you realize you are energy being a human with a mind of its own, you get to enjoy your human’s antics and laugh a lot, however, when other humans are not enjoying themselves, you are empathetic to their unwakefulness. 

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