Friday, October 11, 2024



Life is for entertainment purposes only.  Should you take life seriously, you should seek mental counseling from a certified and licensed government authorized specialist who cannot be sued for his bullshit.


Life is a game life plays for its pleasure, joy, and entertainment.

The delicious illusions of life are many.  Insanity is the accepted norm.

When a human avatar is  no longer influenced by the traps of power, wealth, glory, joy, pleasure and entertainment, half the battle for sanity is won.  

It’s not that parts of life are a problem.  Life itself is the problem.

Being fit for life is not a compliment, neither is being human.

Calling cause, effect, action and reaction Karma, is the same as saying life causes life. Life itself is karma.  The only time there is no karma is when there is no life.

Life is the greatest illusion.

Being alive, being a self-aware conscious intelligent energy-field-form avatar, whether corporal, or one of the many less than corporal energy-field-forms, is the very thing sages of Buddhism rail against–and rightly so.

Teaching that ignorance never was happiness, teaching that the purpose of life is to gain appreciation through experiencing opposites so that one knows it is experiencing joyful energy, and teaching that the purpose of life is to have experiences to gain knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and for one to say that it enjoys all that is life, is the same as saying, “I know life is a game of Chess, Risk, and Monopoly, and I know how to win, and the only way to win is not to play.

The reward for discovering the meaning of life, the purpose of life, discovering where you came from why you are here and where you are going, or, stated simply, when you discover why there is life, the reward is, you exit life.

The game life plays is so alluring and enchanting that it takes life times of lives before human avatars no longer want to play.  

Human avatar’s of life get physically, mentally, emotionally attached entangled, identified with their needs, wants, desires, and with people, places, and things.

Doing things, having experiences, riding on the wild side of life and death, feeling all the emotional energies life offers is intoxicating.  Eventually, you will decline getting drunk.  Eventually, you, a self-aware conscious intelligent energy-field-form avatar, whether corporal or one of your many less than corporal energy-field-forms-human-avatars will choose not to  get plastered, soused, or drunk.  Until then, saddle-up.

By the way, everything on earth, and in your mind, are game pieces for life’s game.  You are a chess piece at war, playing risk, placing houses on a monopoly board called Earth, whereas your biases, prejudices, opinions, beliefs, judgements, philosophies, theologies, theories, and conclusions that create your perspectives, point-of-view, and attitudes are your mental game pieces that make the game thrilling, exciting, and deadly.

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