Sunday, October 13, 2024

I WOKE UP ONE DAY AND SAID, "It is what it is."


I woke up one day and realized I had been programmed and indoctrinated with a theology–a religion–a religion that I was required to believe, and I was forbidden to question it.  It’s basis was belief and faith, and if I questioned or doubted, I was accused and ridiculed for not having enough belief and faith.  After waking up I decided to dump the programs and indoctrination and look at life and myself as it really is.

Me, a human body with a self-aware mind and emotions, popped out of the earth via a pregnant woman–my mom--and her diet.  Truly, a human is an avatar of earth.  It’s a thinking, talking, walking earth mobile–a portion of earth mobilized, and it has a limited life span, maybe a hundred years if it’s unlucky.

After waking up I looked around.  I saw earth, water, air, sunshine and realized I was on life support, or rather, I was alive because of systems that support human life, and bugs, systems I did not make, but was subject to.  “Nice job,” I thought, “Wonder how and why it exists, and why I exist (though I know I am the result of two strangers bumping pelvises without my permission–‘Happy birthday to me’)?”

I decided to call the power that created everything I sense, Nature.  Then I wondered, “Though I and everything else popped out of the earth, or hangs around the earth, what’s it all made of.  Of course the answer was energy–things that move (“Thank you microscopes”).

So, I am made of energy.  I am an energy form.  “What motivates me?  What motivates this hunk of energy?”  I thought about it and decided that breathing, moving, doing things is fun.  Learning is fun.  Having new experiences is fun.  And I like comfort too, as well as challenge, excitement, risk and danger.  So, since I am here for a time I figured I might as well enjoy myself.

As I got older I realized that a lot of human earth mobiles do not have fun, are not at all happy that they were popped out of the earth without their permission.  And it goes without saying that a lot of earth mobiles were born with disabilities–physical, mental, and emotional–and when they looked around and compared themselves with others they felt they got shafted, got the short end of the stick, which included be born to parents that weren’t too happy about having kids, and of course I won’t mention funky living conditions compared to other earth mobiles.  OK, so I concluded, “Life’s not fair.”  And I don’t know why life’s not fair.

After awhile I just accepted the reality that life does what it does, and everybody gets what they get.  Sure, I looked around and saw prettier and handsomer earth mobiles than me, and more athletic ones, smarter ones, richer ones, and I said to myself, “So what?  I got what I got and I am going to make the best of what I got.”

So now, at old age, I figure nature is this way: I does what it does (not for me, or my sake) for its happiness, joy, pleasure and entertainment, just like earth mobiles do things for their happiness, joy, pleasure and entertainment, and if I am wrong, so be it, but I am enjoying my old age just as much as my young age, and why not, it is what it is, and it is what I make it, and I am making the best of it.

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