Monday, August 12, 2024


I am a stage actor in a play.  I signed a life-long contract.  If I ever quit playing my part, I have to stay in the play until I die.  If I don’t want to die before my contract is up, I have to at least carry wood and haul water, but I no longer have to play the character I signed up for.  

The MOST profound realization you will ever have is the day you realize you are an actor in the play of life, and that the play is NOT ABOUT YOU, is NOT FOR YOU, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.  

The play was created for the audience.  And you are NOT the audience.  

The good news is, the audience claps when an actor wakes up and realizes he's an actor and quits playing his part and enjoys the play as much as the audience.  The audience is very entertained to see how the awake actor interacts with the actors who are not awake.  

However, the audience is NOT entertained when all the actors wake up and quit playing their parts and walk off stage.  

THE PLAY IS NOT ABOUT HUMANS; IS NOT FOR HUMANS; HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANS.  The play was created for the audience.  And humans are NOT the audience.  

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