Monday, August 12, 2024


 You are an actor in the play of life, and the play is NOT ABOUT YOU, is NOT FOR YOU, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.  The play is for an audience.  

No producer produces a play for the benefit of actors.  A producer produces a play for HIS benefit.  Thus it is written, “I ‘God’ created the dark and the light, the good and the evil for my pleasure,” for my benefit, for my happiness and joy.

Whatever definition you have for God, if it works for you, WELCOME TO THE PLAY.

Who or what is the audience, the viewers, the listeners, the observers, the watchers or the awarenessess that is enjoying the play, that is getting pleasure from experiencing the play?  IS THERE AN AUDIENCE, or is something else going on?

ALL I SEE ARE ACTORS taking the play seriously.  Drama is everywhere.  The producer is very happy, the audience is happy.  The play is a success.  

War, peace, love, hate, heros, villains, dark and light, good and evil, likes and dislikes, WOW!  AWESOME PLAY.


If the actors wake up and recall they are actors, and if the audience wakes up and recalls they are watching a movie, everyone goes home.

I am a stage actor in a play.  I signed a life-long contract.  If I ever quit playing my part, I have to stay in the play until I die.  If I don’t want to die before my contract is up, I have to at least carry wood and haul water, but I no longer have to play the character I signed up for.  

The MOST profound realization you will ever have is the day you realize you are an actor in the play of life, and that the play is NOT ABOUT YOU, is NOT FOR YOU, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.  

Who was the play written for?   For the watcher, observer, awareness consciousness

The good news is, the audience claps when an actor wakes up and realizes he's an actor and quits playing his part and enjoys the play as much as the audience.  The audience is very entertained to see how the awake actor interacts with the actors who are not awake.  

However, the audience is NOT entertained when all the actors wake up and quit playing their parts and walk off stage.  

THE PLAY IS NOT ABOUT HUMANS; IS NOT FOR HUMANS; HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANS.  The play was created for the audience.  And humans are NOT the audience.  Humans are actors.  A producer hires actors not for the benefit of the actors but for an audience.  

An actor who wakes up and remembers he is an actor in a dramatic play, does not experience dramatic energy.

Humans think life the play is about them, but it is not about them.  It’s about an audience.  


I am a stage actor in a play.  I signed a life-long contract.  If I ever quit playing my part, I have to stay in the play until I die.  If I don’t want to die before my contract is up, I have to at least carry wood and haul water, but I no longer have to play the character I signed up for.  

The MOST profound realization you will ever have is the day you realize you are an actor in the play of life, and that the play is NOT ABOUT YOU, is NOT FOR YOU, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.  

The play was created for the audience.  And you are NOT the audience.  

The good news is, the audience claps when an actor wakes up and realizes he's an actor and quits playing his part and enjoys the play as much as the audience.  The audience is very entertained to see how the awake actor interacts with the actors who are not awake.  

However, the audience is NOT entertained when all the actors wake up and quit playing their parts and walk off stage.  

THE PLAY IS NOT ABOUT HUMANS; IS NOT FOR HUMANS; HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANS.  The play was created for the audience.  And humans are NOT the audience.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



WHO ARE YOU IN THE BEGINNING?  You came into existence when a quantity of energy resulted in a separate individual intelligence (an awareness, a consciousness) that eventually became your weird mother-in-law.  YOU ARE ENERGY IN A TEMPORARY FORM CALLED HUMAN.  YOU ARE AN AVATAR FOR THE INTELLIGENCE THAT IS ENERGY AND LIFE-FORCE, THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.

WHO ARE YOU AT BIRTH?  From a human avatar’s perspective, you are a body, mind, emotions.  You don’t HAVE a body, mind, and emotions.  You ARE a body, mind, and emotions.  You (body, mind, emotions) are a mirror reproduction of the genetic memories of your ancestors.  The spooky ghosts of your ancestors are alive and living through you, and they are YOU at birth and later hide in your closet and under your bed  waiting for a chance to scare the “BOO!!!” out of you.

The crazy voices in your head are your ancestor’s ghosts telling you what they want you to do, or what they think of you, and what they like and don’t like, and to eat more anchovies, but hold the pizza.  Welcome to your NATURE.  

WHO ARE YOU NOW?  Your birth-nature (what you came with) had programs (software) added to it.  You (your mind) was trained, disciplined, conditioned, educated, programmed, indoctrinated, brainwashed, propagandized and totally Hollywooded for the benefit of power, wealth, and glory, boob jobs, face lifts and the least psycho psychiatrists you can get counseling from and tell all your friends how sane you become.  Welcome to your NURTURE.  

Today, you are the result of nature, nurture, experiences and memories which makes you just neurotic enough to give a shit what people think.

SCIENCE DOES NOT KNOW.  Science does not know if there was a who done it, how it done it, when it done it, or why it done it, whereas east and west philosophers and theologians, guess, theorize, speculate, pontificate, make up stories, believe or have faith, after which they go to war to control the narrative.

TWO WAY TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE.   Way One: Don’t listen and don’t engage the voices–the thoughts–of your ancestral ghosts, and don’t listen and don’t engage the voices–the thoughts– of your programming (all your experiences and memories that haunt you).  In other words stay out of your mind, ignore your mind (use only the analytical part of your mind that knows how to boil water).  In other words, use your mind as tool, but don’t be its fool.  

Way Two: Talk with your ancestral ghosts, and talk with the voices of your programmed mind and its experiences and memories and enjoy a riotous ride on the wild side of chills and thrills and die screaming,  but remember to be thrilled to have had experiences and emotions that stressed you until you exploded.

WHAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE.  That’s kind of confusing.  Eastern thought is don’t come back for another life.  Extinguish yourself and never shine again.  Western religious thought is, live forever.  Become immortal and feed all the dogs and cats you ever owned throughout all eternity because nothing ever dies.

WHAT’S THE REAL BOTTOM LINE.  You get home from your jungle safari on earth, from your theme park rides, from your pain and pleasure adventure on Death World, and your family asks, “Did you  have a good time?  Did you enjoy it?  Tell us all about it, because I sure as hell ain’t doin’ it myself.  I’m too comfortable, but I don’t mind hearing about it, or reading the book, or watching the movie.  And if you didn’t enjoy it, and didn’t have a good time, remember, I WARNED YOU.”  

WHAT’S THE REAL REAL BOTTOM LINE: Life does life for its entertainment, for its joy and pleasure, just like all of us avatar’s-of-life do our lives for our entertainment, joy and pleasure.  And if you are not having fun, if you are not enjoying all that is life, obviously your avatar-mind is still nuts from all your genetic ghosts of Christmas past yelling at you, and all the programming and propaganda your mind spouts like gospel, so it’s not your time to wake up, but the good news is, you were free entertainment for the other avatars, and though the avatar mind’s that are awake have empathy for your plight, they can’t help but enjoy it, but they don’t tell anyone unless they want to die screaming, which is the coolest of all death options on Death World.