Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Your Self-Aware Mind

If you’re a kid or of college age reading this, you’ll have a better grasp of life’s reality than your parents did at your age, and most certainly a more intelligent understanding than  Google or your future mother-in-law.

Nature  may have not want to kill you, but there is no doubt that nature will kill you, which is why being paranoid is only a psychiatric condition for money).   Nature is how life works, the laws of nature, all working without intent, will, remorse, or a “How yeah doing?”
Self-aware minds want to know what the hell is life all about.  They want to know why they are here, where they came from, and where they are going, which is why there are over a thousand different ice cream flavored theologies trying to explain it ( fear not, your explanation is the one and only true theology).  The questions of  why, where and where presupposes that there are answers.  And there well may be answers, but apparently nature thinks (if it thinks) it’s none of your damn business, so believe whatever flavor tickles your palate.

Zen (which can be a phobia, thus Zen-a-phobia) is an anxiety disorder defined by an irrational, illogical and unrealistic lack of anxiety resulting in living in a cave blissed out or being super involved in life while extremely happy and joyful that nature is a murderer.

Nature, Mind, Zen–choose your poison or antidote because historically nature doesn’t care if you jump and cleared the cactus or got impaled as long as you enjoyed it, or freaked out.

There is a small chance in emergency-room-hell that nature cares whether you break the laws of nature and get injured, disabled, diseased, old and wobbly or die suddenly, however, there’s no evidence that nature actually gives a damn about you, or that nature cares, but there is an overflowing morgue of evidence that it doesn’t give a shit what you do, or why you did it, thus every human gets to experience the consequences of its ignorance, and if that’s not enough to drive your self-aware mind nuts, there’s this:

Death fuels life.  Earth is a killer world.  Nature will eventually achieve its goal and kill you.  You can’t eat if you don’t kill something.  If your diet (it’s called die-it because you have to cause someone or something to die before you can eat it) includes fruits and vegetable you can get someone–if you have money–to rip and tear them out of the ground for you so you can skin, dice, slice and broil, boil or saute them alive.  If you eat dead animals bodies, you can get meat packing plant to kill them for you for money.  Human butchers will pluck the gizzards out of murdered chickens, hot dogs and Twinkies and you can buy their corpses at a grocery store.  Yes, the living kill the living and eat them, and from the rotting leftovers grows new life. Mother-earth kills her babies.  It’s Mother nature’s loving way. She will reclaim you.  You have an expiration date.  She will repossess your butt.  However, mommy will first try to kill you with her scary weapons.  Maybe your murder will be by hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flood, quicksand, earthquake, or a government hit man.  On a more boring note, she may drive you nuts so you do the hit job yourself, or she will use her ravenous tear-you-apart-and-spit-you-out animal kingdom, or she’ll bug you to death one tiny bite at a time, or she will eat you alive with her micro-organisms that love to feed at the human-body buffet until you’re bone naked.  Mommy-nature is a genocidal mass-serial-killer and genocide fanatic, and she eats her babies.  Life is a buffet and you are the main course and your children are dessert.  Life is a picnic and nature loves picnics as long as you’re the meal.  Welcome to the park.  You enter crying, leave screaming, and end up manure which is why flowers grow out of decomposing eye sockets wherever the bodies drop dead or explode.   And finally, nature doesn’t care if humans torture, murder, rob, go to war and kill millions, and commit ecocide and genocide, for in nature’s own splendid way, it does all of those.  Welcome to your warm and fuzzy mother-earth’s nature. 

The reasons humans seek an explanation for nature is just in case nature’s nature is willfully diabolical, or just in case (with no chance in hell whatsoever) nature is merely a mindless nefarious metaphysical fluke that ends when the universe commits suicide with its thoughtless indifference, which, of course, is why spiritual after-life fairy tales sell like Snicker bars, Mountain Dew, Coke and beer at every convenience store, and why Zen–with its bliss while you burn philosophy–is getting more popular in the west than edible vegan yoga mats. (116).

Now that we’ve somewhat covered nature, and touched briefly on self-aware minds and Zen, we’re moving on to what nature–life–is really like.  And since humans are a product of nature doing its helter-skelter dance while many humans are whistling Dixie (to talk or act idly, to boast without basis, or to engage in unrealistic fantasies) while mindfully ignoring reality, we’ll cover human reactions to life’s gyrations.

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