Friday, June 21, 2024


I have trillions and trillions of friends.  We are family.  We are all actors.  We are intelligent.  We can act, and be acted upon.  We organize into forms to play and have fun.  When a play is over, we go backstage and have a drink and talk about our next play, our next performance, our next adventure.

When we are not in a play, we know everything, but when in a play, we only know enough to play our parts.  

Not one of us better than another.  We are all equal in intelligence, the same, and when all together we are all the intelligence in the universe–more accurately we are all the intelligence in the place we call space where all that happens, happens.  Space is our medium, keeps us connected so we don’t wander too far.  

When we play a person, place, or thing, we forget what we are, what we have always been, which energy in the form of atoms.

When a human experiences that it is a bunch of atoms playing a human form, and experiences that even the chair it is sitting on is a few of its family being a chair, and that when a fly lands on his nose, that human is fully conscious and aware that’s just a few of his friends doing their united performance as a fly to bug the shit out of other family members.  When family members in the form of a fly bugs a group of atoms in the form of a human, that human might kill that form and return it to earth, or soil, and of course, earth or soil is made of atoms.  We are everywhere. You can run, but you can’t hide.

For now, some of my friends and me, are a human named Tom.  As a human, as atoms in the form of a human, and being separated somewhat from all our other friends, Tom doesn’t know much.  Tom is a separate consciousness, an individual awareness, an actor.

You reading this might ask, “How can a bunch of atoms play a human, and one of those atoms be writing this as if the writer was just one atom?”  My answer is, it’s a realization, a coordination of energy, and once experienced, that coordinated energy allows a singular atom, even when part of an energy-form (in this case, called a human, named Tom) to express it self through Tom.  There are no words to define it more clearly.  Anyway, here I am, one atom, writing through the vehicle which I am part of, named Tom.

As previously stated, every person, place, thing is composed of atoms, and we are friends, are individually equal in intelligence, but when a few of us get together, our combined intelligence (the ability to compute information) is increased.

As atoms, obviously we are full of ourselves, meaning energy.  Energy is vibrant, moves, is ecstatic, blissful, euphoric.  Those words try to explain our nature, which is seen by humans as light, and interpreted by their minds as images, forms, people, places, things.

Atoms seek to experience more than being their individual selves.  You could call it nature, or the results of the laws of nature, how things work.

In order to have greater and great and more far out adventures, some of us became animals, and then for even more excitement, more thrills and chills, some of us became animals with self-aware minds, which brings me back to humans.

When a human awakens to what it is (a bunch of atoms) that realization makes it friendly and loving to all the forms its trillions and trillions of friends are playing.  An awake human walks around saying hi to rocks, trees, bugs, soil, air, water, sun, snakes, and to other humans who are not busy trying to kill it.  AND, all forms humans call inanimate (not alive) are actually alive, or animate.  They’re made of my friends.   I mean, what the hell do you think they’re made of, dead atoms.  There ain’t no such thing.  They wouldn’t be called atoms if they were dead.  Atoms are intelligent and alive in every form they organize into.

Eventually all humans wonder where they came from, why their here, and where they’re going, and what the hell is going on.  The answers are, they came from atoms, are here to have experiences (that we call adventures) and will eventually return home and be with all their trillions and trillions of atomic friends.  In the meantime, we are having a hoot experiencing it all through the energy-forms we assume temporarily.

An awake human sees all the forms it encounters, but it also sees its friends (atoms) playing that form.  In other words, it sees itself, or groups of its family of atoms playing forms.   Eventually all it see is atoms having fun in form.  An awake human is a bunch of atoms that no longer see themselves separate from their family of atoms, whereas an asleep human still lives in the fantasy realm created by its self-aware mind.

Asleep humans live much of their lives in their self-aware minds wondering what the hell is going on.  Self-aware minds (from an atom’s perspective) are the greatest of our inventions, which makes life nothing less than a thrilling, chilling murder mystery.  And just so you know (the human reading this) we do all things for our pleasure (even as humans try to do all things for their pleasure, joy, peace, and happiness and thrilling terrifying adventures).   

When a bunch of atoms acting as a human (and that human is awake) gets in a car, it’s with its family acting as a car.  When an asleep human gets into a car it thinks it’s just in a car.  Perspective is everything.

You can’t kill a family member, but if the form they are in gets too obnoxious, you can send the atoms home.  Every atom understands that, though humans seldom do.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 On the way to “enlightenment,” if you will receive all things with thankfulness, you will enjoy the peace that passes all understanding, regardless of the way you
were, are, will be;
regardless of the experiences you had, are having, or will have;
whether in ego or out of ego;
whether you do or don’t have a way life must go;
do or don’t do what is in front of you;
do or don’t have  needs, wants, desires;
do or don’t chase needs, wants, desires;
do or don’t do your best for the joy of doing your best,
do or don’t have preferences, opinions, biases, prejudices;
do or don’t have a philosophy, theory, theology, belief, conclusions;
are or aren’t liberated;
think you are or aren’t your body, mind, emotions;
do or don’t experience energy shifts when things happen;
do or don’t get irritated, upset, angry;
get or don’t get depressed, anxious, stressed, afraid;
care or don’t care if you live or die;
care or don’t care what people think or say about you;
accept or don’t accept what you cannot influence or change;
stop or don’t stop trying to control others.

Wether you have or have not been, are, or will be trained, conditioned, programmed, indoctrinated, brainwashed, propagandized, and wether you think you are or are not bound, limited, finite, attached, entangled, identified, physically, mentally, emotionally to needs, wants, desires, people, places, things, if you will receive all things with thankfulness, every experience you have, you will, at a minimum walk through life in the peace that passes all understanding even when pissed off.

1.  I was on the way to the annual Bikini & Boots outdoor wilderness festival with my “Best Wild Pizza Ever” catering truck and trailer.  I had spent my last money ($5,000 dollars) on ingredients, and was absolutely prepped to serve over 10,000 individual pizzas, when a boulder rolled down the mountain and crashed into my pickup and trailer and pushed me off a small cliff.  I awoke in an ambulance with a slight injury.  What was my first thought?  “Thank you for this experience.”

2.  I was on the way to meet my fiancee, the love of my life.  We were traveling in separate carts to the airport to catch a flight to Hawaii for the wedding.  Our families had already arrived in Hawaii.  I was quite a distance behind her and when I came around the mountains edge, I saw car from the opposite direction crossed the no passing lane and crashed into her head-on, killing her instantly.  What was my first thought?  “Fuck the universe.”  My second thought was, “Thank you for this experience, and for me feeling and saying, ‘Fuck the universe.’”

I am awed that I have been graced and blessed to receive all things with thankfulness.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



There is only universal energy, all the energy in the universe (all the atoms are free-flowing in space, free-flowing in the universe.  There are no energy forms.

When atoms connect a form is the result.  That form is a small portion of the total energy in the universe.  That portion is now a separate energy-form, and its total energy is the number of atoms the form is made of.

A human is an energy form with a certain number of atoms, which constitute all the energy available to it.  

There are certain things that humans do that block the free-flow of energy that has been captured in order to be a human.  

When a human creates no blocks, it is, and feels, all the energy it is composed of.

What blocks energy-flow?  Thoughts.
What does not block energy-flow?  Silence.
Why do thoughts block energy-flow?  Focus.
A thought is free-flowing energy that is focused on the object of a thought.  It is as a funnel.  A funnel only allows so many atoms through at a time.  Remove the funnel (thought) and you are again all the energy your human form contains.
No thoughts, no persona, no personal you, no human form, and experience being all the energy in the universe, which is the real you.

When the temporary you (human) mind focuses on its humanness, on its body, mind, thoughts, emotions, you create temporary blocks, funnels, filters, and cannot experience being all the free-flowing energy in the universe.

If you want to experience all the free-flowing energy in the universe, STOP THINKING.

Energy is life, so kind of important.

What turns energy negative?  Is there negative energy?

Energy is never negative.   Nothing can turn energy negative.  Human negative thinking views energy as negative.  

Positive thinking doesn’t turn energy positive, and negative thinking doesn’t turn energy negative.  Thinking focuses energy.  Thoughts, words filter energy like the leaves on a tree filter sunlight.

If you don’t want to experience energy as it is NOT, don’t be what you are NOT, which is human, and thinking.  STOP thinking and you are unfiltered energy.

Thursday, June 6, 2024



“Tell me about yourself,” said Zen.
“You first,” said Nemesis.
“That’s not very respectful,” said Zen.
“Is that a problem for you?”  asked Nemesis.
Zen smiled, and laughed.  “Who is testing who?” asked Zen.
“I am testing you,” said Nemesis, “to see if you are a Zen master, or a phony.”
“How am I doing so far?”  asked Zen.
“I’m not sure,” said Nemesis, “are you suffering?”
Zen asked, “What is the purpose of Zen?  What should a Zen master be like?”
“Zen is the end of suffering, the absolute and complete abolishment of suffering,” said Nemesis.
“I am suffering you right now,” said Zen.
“Then you are not a Zen Master.”  Said Nemesis.
“Does that mean you don’t like me?”  asked Zen.
“Nemesis smiled and said, “Aaah, a test.  You’ll have to do better than that.”
“What do you mean?” asked Zen, chuckling.
“Did you like me when you called me disrespectful?”  asked Nemesis.
“Aaah, a test,” said Zen.
And then they both laughed until tears ran down their faces.  END

Zen Buddhism teaches how to master yourself and end all suffering.  It has nothing to do with being a master of others, or calling oneself a Zen master.
If you have mastered yourself (your avatar's ego mind) all suffering ends, and is replaced with gratitude that you are alive having experiences, which means, you receive all things with thankfulness, which means you enjoy ALL that is life.  END.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Your Self-Aware Mind

If you’re a kid or of college age reading this, you’ll have a better grasp of life’s reality than your parents did at your age, and most certainly a more intelligent understanding than  Google or your future mother-in-law.

Nature  may have not want to kill you, but there is no doubt that nature will kill you, which is why being paranoid is only a psychiatric condition for money).   Nature is how life works, the laws of nature, all working without intent, will, remorse, or a “How yeah doing?”
Self-aware minds want to know what the hell is life all about.  They want to know why they are here, where they came from, and where they are going, which is why there are over a thousand different ice cream flavored theologies trying to explain it ( fear not, your explanation is the one and only true theology).  The questions of  why, where and where presupposes that there are answers.  And there well may be answers, but apparently nature thinks (if it thinks) it’s none of your damn business, so believe whatever flavor tickles your palate.

Zen (which can be a phobia, thus Zen-a-phobia) is an anxiety disorder defined by an irrational, illogical and unrealistic lack of anxiety resulting in living in a cave blissed out or being super involved in life while extremely happy and joyful that nature is a murderer.

Nature, Mind, Zen–choose your poison or antidote because historically nature doesn’t care if you jump and cleared the cactus or got impaled as long as you enjoyed it, or freaked out.

There is a small chance in emergency-room-hell that nature cares whether you break the laws of nature and get injured, disabled, diseased, old and wobbly or die suddenly, however, there’s no evidence that nature actually gives a damn about you, or that nature cares, but there is an overflowing morgue of evidence that it doesn’t give a shit what you do, or why you did it, thus every human gets to experience the consequences of its ignorance, and if that’s not enough to drive your self-aware mind nuts, there’s this:

Death fuels life.  Earth is a killer world.  Nature will eventually achieve its goal and kill you.  You can’t eat if you don’t kill something.  If your diet (it’s called die-it because you have to cause someone or something to die before you can eat it) includes fruits and vegetable you can get someone–if you have money–to rip and tear them out of the ground for you so you can skin, dice, slice and broil, boil or saute them alive.  If you eat dead animals bodies, you can get meat packing plant to kill them for you for money.  Human butchers will pluck the gizzards out of murdered chickens, hot dogs and Twinkies and you can buy their corpses at a grocery store.  Yes, the living kill the living and eat them, and from the rotting leftovers grows new life. Mother-earth kills her babies.  It’s Mother nature’s loving way. She will reclaim you.  You have an expiration date.  She will repossess your butt.  However, mommy will first try to kill you with her scary weapons.  Maybe your murder will be by hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flood, quicksand, earthquake, or a government hit man.  On a more boring note, she may drive you nuts so you do the hit job yourself, or she will use her ravenous tear-you-apart-and-spit-you-out animal kingdom, or she’ll bug you to death one tiny bite at a time, or she will eat you alive with her micro-organisms that love to feed at the human-body buffet until you’re bone naked.  Mommy-nature is a genocidal mass-serial-killer and genocide fanatic, and she eats her babies.  Life is a buffet and you are the main course and your children are dessert.  Life is a picnic and nature loves picnics as long as you’re the meal.  Welcome to the park.  You enter crying, leave screaming, and end up manure which is why flowers grow out of decomposing eye sockets wherever the bodies drop dead or explode.   And finally, nature doesn’t care if humans torture, murder, rob, go to war and kill millions, and commit ecocide and genocide, for in nature’s own splendid way, it does all of those.  Welcome to your warm and fuzzy mother-earth’s nature. 

The reasons humans seek an explanation for nature is just in case nature’s nature is willfully diabolical, or just in case (with no chance in hell whatsoever) nature is merely a mindless nefarious metaphysical fluke that ends when the universe commits suicide with its thoughtless indifference, which, of course, is why spiritual after-life fairy tales sell like Snicker bars, Mountain Dew, Coke and beer at every convenience store, and why Zen–with its bliss while you burn philosophy–is getting more popular in the west than edible vegan yoga mats. (116).

Now that we’ve somewhat covered nature, and touched briefly on self-aware minds and Zen, we’re moving on to what nature–life–is really like.  And since humans are a product of nature doing its helter-skelter dance while many humans are whistling Dixie (to talk or act idly, to boast without basis, or to engage in unrealistic fantasies) while mindfully ignoring reality, we’ll cover human reactions to life’s gyrations.