Sunday, January 21, 2024


Why teach people how enjoy all that is life and never again get irritated, upset, angry, worried, concerned, anxious, stressed, afraid, (unpleasant)?  Why teach people that they are infinite, limitless, unbound, life having a finite, limited, bound human experience;
that they are not their body, mind, emotions, but are temporarily a body, mind, and emotions;
to do what is in front of them;
to do their best for the joy of doing their best;
to receive all things with thankfulness;  
to not be mentally, emotionally physically attached, entangled, identified with people, places, things;
to have no mental, physical, emotional needs, wants, desires that must be met;
to not use people, places, things to feel pleasant inside;
to have no way life must go;
to not care about outcomes, but rather, receive them with thankfulness;
to be inclusive, not exclusive;
to have no biases, prejudices, philosophies, theories, theologies, dogma, beliefs, faiths, religions, make no judgements, and draw no conclusions about life;
to accept what cannot be influenced, altered or changed?
to have no preferences, likes, dislikes, not use ethics, virtue, morality, not call things good ir bad, virtuous or vile, good or evil, not divide life into dark and light;
to manage their mind;
to relax, release and let go when their mind or emotions have conniption fits;
to not ignore that your self-aware mind creates your mental separation from life;
that the less you think you are “something” the more you are everything;
to live, love, dance, and not take life too seriously.
to just be grateful they are alive having experiences?


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