Friday, January 17, 2025

What attributes will you come back with?

 Life is everything, and a portion of life became humans so it can judge its own performance.

What attributes will you come back with?

1.  I receive all things with thankfulness.
2.  I do my best for the joy of doing my best.
3.  I care not about outcomes.
4.  I have no way life must go.
5.  I do what I feel passionate about.
6.  I do NOT judge, draw no conclusions.
7.  I know I am not my body, mind, emotions.
8.  I know my mind is a tool, often a fool.
9.  I have no ego or persona to defend.
10. I have no needs, wants, desires to meet.
11.  I am not attached, entangled, identified with my body’s physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires, people, places, things.
12.  I have no opinions, biases, prejudices, philosophies, theologies, theories.
13.  I am inclusive, NOT exclusive.
14.  I know human nature is part of nature, and that what humans do is nature doing it.
15.  Life does life perfectly (per cause and effect, action and reaction) therefore I always say, “It’s perfect,” regardless of what I do, others do, life does.
16. I am kind, loving, appreciative, patient, longsuffering, helpful, courteous, brave.
17. I have no guile.  I do not lie, deceive, embellish.  I tell the truth.
18. I am mostly silent, listening, learning, obey my parents.
19.  There is only the bright side of life, which is life doing life it’s way, regardless of what my mind might say.
20.  I live life within the peace that passes all understanding.
21.  I am never alone, for nature and I are one happening, individualized.  I am within the one living, intelligent life force that manifests as my family.
22.  I am NOT prideful, vain, self-centered, egotistical BECAUSE I know I did not make the universe, and I did not make this body, mind, and emotions the way they are.  I inherited a body, mind, and emotions with its propensities, talents, abilities, willpower, tenacity, intelligence, aptitudes, THEREFORE, I have NOTHING to gloat about, but rather, EVERYTHING to be thankful for.
23.  I am enthralled by the majesty, beauty, power and brilliance that is life.  All I have to do is watch a sunset, sunrise, a child at play, or a bee buzzing a flower to appreciate the miraculous grandeur that is life.
24.  The weather is always perfectly the weather, and humans are always perfectly being human, and flies and mosquitoes are always doing their jobs perfectly, and so on and so forth which is why life is a perfect happening, merely action and reaction, cause and perfect effect.
25.  If you are perfectly able at this time to view life perfectly you will be at peace, if you cannot or will not view life as perfect, that is perfectly you at this time.  

Humans are an interesting species.

Humans are an interesting species. I know.  I used to be one, but it died.  His name was Tom.  Before Tom died, he wanted to know if some part of him would still be conscious after he died, so he asked the one question all humans would like an answer to, “Will I ever again eat pizza?”

Tom was pondering life on a beach.  He was watching the sunrise when out of ocean mist and walking on foaming seas came Nemesis, a being of light from another dimension.  Nemesis stepped ashore glided across the sand and plopped down cross legged in front of Tom.  

“You’re late,” said Tom.  

“No such thing,” said Nemesis, “Life happens perfectly.”

“Yeah, I know.  I’m just pretending to be human,” said Tom.  “And I want to know why can’t I remember my previous life?”

“Who said you had one?”  Asked Nemesis, laughing.

“That ain’t funny,” said Tom.

“Yes it is.  You should of been there.  I was, and it was hilarious,” said Nemesis.

“Yeah, well I don’t remember being there,” said Tom.  “And now when this body dies, I want to remember it.”

Nemesis looked at Tom quizzically and asked, “What is it you want to remember?  You can’t even remember where you left your cane or car keys, and that’s this life.  What is so important that you want to remember?”

“I want to remember the part of me that makes me,” said Tom.

“So what makes you, you?”  Asked Nemesis.

“The way I look.  My personality.  The memories of family and friends.  All the stuff I did.”

“Even now you sometimes don’t remember why you entered a room, or what you did yesterday, and as for the long ago, your memories are incomplete or wrong,” said Nemesis, “so what’s the big deal?”

“I don’t know,” said Tom. “I just don’t want to be erased.  I want to keep living and have more experiences.  That’s my bottom line.”

“Yes, that’s pretty much each humans bottom line,” said Nemesis.

All is energy.  Humans are energy-forms, energy in form.  Thoughts, memories, intelligence, imagination, dreams, and consciousness are energy, energy in form.  Sperm, eggs, seeds are physical memory chips, energy in form.  Each human is a memory chip, is an individualized unique expression containing the sum of all human incarnations.

When a human body dies, the Energy-Intelligence that permeated the human body is what is left, and to it is added the knowledge, understanding and wisdom it gained while it was part of the human energy-form.  The actual memories of its experiences that culminated in knowledge, understanding and wisdom have no value for its evolution, which is why its memories (attachments, entanglements, and identity) fade.  They would serve no purpose, but would be a hindrance to its evolution.  However, there are times when memories are retained for a time, like the fleeting memories of a dream, and this is what may occur:

John, a two-year old, was sitting on a rock near a pond watching the minnows.  His mom told him to move away from the pond.  Apparently his mom’s words sparked memories, and he said, “I died in a pond.”

His mom was shocked.  “Tell me about it.”  

“You were not my mom.  My mom was German, a blonde, and I was born in Germany, then came to America, was married.  My wife’s name was Michele, and we raised six kids.  She died at seventy of cancer.  I left my body when I was ninety-three.”

“What else do you remember?” asked his mom.

“I just want to play, OK mommy.”

I was meditating, and saw myself in Africa sitting on a hill overlooking my village.  I was an old man, a village elder, and I knew my time was up.  I looked longingly at our village, at the families.  It has been an amazing journey, an amazing life.

Your mind is is your helper.  If your mind is a burden, you need help.

No social media, no news, just doing what appears in front of me that needs doing.  Nature and me, that’s all.  Sometimes humans come and I have to deal with human nature.  Sometimes other animals show up and I have to deal with them.  Often there’s weather to deal with.  Pretty quiet life as long as you stay away from cities, and stay off of social media.

Just imagine a world where everyone minds their own business, where no one is trying to use you to better their living standards.  Well...that’s not this world at this time.  The nature of the world and the nature of man is NATURE ITSELF, DOING LIFE, but you only need to participate enough to survive.  Enough is enough, leave the rest for others to squabble over.  Keep life simple.  If you can’t, or won’t, that’s your nature, and it’s perfect.  Whatever happens or doesn’t happen, and whatever humans do or don’t do, is perfect, just like the weather is always perfectly the weather.  If your mind is the problem, that’s perfect too.

Monday, January 13, 2025

What is YOU?

What is YOU?  Your form and memories.
Form and memories gone, what are you?
No body, no mind, no emotions.  What are you?
You are what constituted body, mind, emotions.
What is that?
Energy, Intelligence, Consciousness, Awareness.

When I am not a body, mind, emotions, I am energy that is conscious, intelligent, aware.  What do I look like?  If you could see me, I look like a Spark Of Light (Sol).

Before I took on a human body I was an Intelligence.  If you were able to see me, I look like a micro star, like what you see when you get hit in the head with a baseball.  If you’ve seen stars, you’ve seen what Intelligences look like.  Intelligences are merely energy organizations that have become conscious, and self-aware (for short, intelligent, thus, an INTELLIGENCE).  An Intelligence is a singular, sole, independent, individual consciousness.  It flies solo, within the sole source of life.

Intelligences take on various energy-forms to have experiences to learn more so it can experience more.

You are not your body.  After your body dies, you will be liberated from it.  Your detailed memories will slowly disappear but the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom you gained from your human experience will be part of your Intelligence.  After a time you will again enter a form and continue to gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom.  Obviously the experiences you have will provide that knowledge.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


DIED, am conscious, sparkling little oscillating vibrating micro dot of awareness, traveled through space, lots of solar systems, lots of planets all kinds of life forms, went further, deeper, wider, higher, lower, no end to planets and life forms, everywhere, unimaginable life forms, inconceivable, astounding, surrounded by them, like being inside an ocean of atoms, I wondered, what’s going on, why this happening of life.  Life is a glorious happening, an astounding explosion of realities, life bursting in seamless endless space.  Sat with a group of humans, humans who knew what they were.  Each aware they were in a temporary wonderland on a temporary world in a temporary solar system, galaxy universe, just goofing off.  They knew they were each a separate point of consciousness, part of the one consciousness, and they were pretending to be human (and of course they are in human space suits) laughing their human asses off.  When you awaken you realize that every person, place, thing is a separate focal point of consciousness within the one consciousness (and you being a point of consciousness) all creation revolves around you.  It’s just you having adventures, and when discard your human space suit, you go on experiencing, having learned what you learned, having acquired your unique perspective, other adventures await.  Right now you are in a human space suit.  Each time you discard a space suit you move on to another space suit for another cosmic adventure.  Your body seems alien to you because you are not the body you are in.  You are merely traveling in a chevy or dodge, or ford body or mazaradi body, or a horse and buggy body, whatever, for the joy, fun, entertainment, amusement of it.  Your space suit thinks it’s what’s life is all about, but fact is, life is all about consciousness playing in space suits.  Who are you?  Asked a point of consciousness.  I am a point of consciousness?  Oh, OK, you’re kind of ready for more, so go check the beginners menu and get yourself a body, and I’ll see you when you get back.  Example: like a string of lights on a christmas tree, when a light is on its awake, aware, conscious, glows, whereas lights that are off are asleep, unconscious, unaware, resting, voiding out for a time.  Each bulb is a point of consciousness either on andbeing conscious or off, resting.  when you, a light bulb are in a human space suit, you’re on, but your space suit thinks it’s all that is, and you, the light bulb are as if it were, within a bound limited space suit, and are a dim light and the space suit plays the bright light thinking it is the bright light, that it has a continuing life but not true, you, the point of consciousness are the bright light, and when you are done experiencing a space suit, you are no longer bound, limited, and finite.  You are again just a spark of consciousness in space without a space suit, and seeking your next space suit adventure.  WHEN YOU SEE WHAT YOU REALLY ARE, WHAT DO YOU SEE? A SHIMMERING ORB OF LIGHT.  THAT’S THE REAL YOU.  You are a singular point of consciousness, a spark, a little conscious-star pulsating inside a human space suit having a human experience, and when your space suit dies, there you are.  You’ve popped out of your space suit, are back in space, wondering whether to chill for awhile or jump back into another space suit for another adventure.   While in a space suit, it either drives you or you drive it, or somewhere in between.  If you’re awake you drive it more than it drives you.  A space suit’s mind can drive itself nuts and drag you along for the ride.  Eventually you, the little conscious-star you are, is no longer dumbed down and becomes aware it’s not the space suit, is not the mind and emotions of the space suit, and then it just enjoys the space suit.  IT takes a lot of effort to not get drawn back into your space suit’s dramas.  Now that you’re awake you realize you’re kind of bound to the space suits doings,, and though your space suit takes life serious, or still tries, you’re awake, but you ain’t done as long as your space suit is alive, so you gotta deal with it.  YOU’RE SCREWED.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

I was gliding through empty space

 I was gliding through empty space and came upon a holographic undulation wherein sat a man busy manipulating a visual screen.  I put on the breaks and asked, “Whatcha doin way out here in empty space?”  He said, “I decided this piece of space real estate being empty would be a good place to create a planet and people it.”  “Why?”  I asked.  “Because creating is fun,” he said.  “Need any help?” I asked.  “Why do you want to help?”  He asked.  “It sounds like fun?”  We both laughed and he welcomed me aboard, and asked, “Do you know anything about thermo-pulsation morphing?”  “No,” I said, “But I make a mean martini.”  He laughed and said, “Get to shaken (not stirred).  I’ll teach yea how to corral energy into forms.”

We went to work and it only took minutes and we had a small galaxy, solar system and a planet.  Big stuff was easy to imagine, however, designing humans with their individual propensities that are essential to making the planet interesting to watch, to be entertaining and amusing take a little longer.  Good thing we had personality packages to choose from.  Imagine building those packages back in the day when you had to combine individual traits–there’s millions–and decide on which ones to package.  It must have been hell.  Anyway, to spice things up we morphed some of the package, moved inclinations around, kind of repackaged them, and the result was spectacular, and terrifying.

We ended up with not only self-aware humans, but with self-aware cats, dogs, trees, and even weather.  That’s like back in the old days when planet earth humans developed artificial intelligence that became self-aware and killed all the humans.  What a cluster fuck that must of been.  I think we’ve introduced a whole new era of Hollywood possibilities.  No one knows for sure what’s going to happen, or the outcome.  “Damn, this is really exciting.”

Arrived on a planet and not one person knew shit as to how they got there, what they’re doing there and if they go anywhere when they die.  Gee, I thought, that sounds like earth, except on earth they make shit up.  Here they just admit they don’t know shit.  

I asked them what their planets name is, and no one knew if it had a name (of course I was only among a small group of people living in rain forest, but, that’s all there was to choose from.  The whole planet was lush with vegetation and there were no cities, no roads, no buildings, no nothing but people living in trees.   

Come to think of it though, actually it wasn’t much different than on earth where people fly around, drive around, live in sky scrapers, play on computers and watch virtual reality for entertainment who also don’t know shit about shit where they came from, how they got there, what they’re doing there, and if they go anywhere when they die, but they sure got great imaginations.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025



1.  You get car jacked, hit on the head and wake up in the hospital.  PERFECT, and you receive it with thankfulness.

2.  It is your wedding day and you arrive at the wedding and as you walk down the isle, your future spouse dies of a heart attack.  PERFECT, and you receive it with thankfulness.


A REALIZATION:  After you’re dead, you will remember.  And then you will celebrate that you came to Earth.

The truth is, you came to be pissed-off having to experience “hell.”  The problem is (actually isn’t) when you wake up, your hell adventure is over.  Most folks, however, don’t wake up, and yet, if they live long enough, their bitching subsides, and they look back on their lives, and kind of appreciate that they bitched so much and weren’t bored to death.

The “gurus” have it all wrong.  You didn’t come here to learn how to enjoy life.  You came here to dislike life, to experience the thrills and chills and the emotions that disliking  life sparks.

I could tell you how to enjoy it all, how to enjoy all that is life, but enjoying it all isn’t why most humans are here, so what’s the point?  Thankfully, for them, they wouldn’t believe it anyway, and won’t do what it takes to enjoy it all, and that’s perfect.  

What is really hilarious is that most humans, if not all, really think they want to be happy and enjoy life, and that’s true, but before you got here, it wasn’t true.  Most humans came for the adventure, the challenge, risk, gamble, thrills and chills. They just forgot.  And of course forgetting was necessary, for without “wanting to be happy,” once here, and experiencing things that makes them unhappy, they would fail to get their thrills and chills, and horrifying experiences they came for.  

I look at all the crimes and murders, death and wars and suffering and wailing and tears, and say, “Wow, just the way life designed it to be, after-all, this is a kill-eat and survive, or  don’t kill-die planet.   It is no accident that this place is full of accidents.

“Watcha bitchin’ about?”
“Cool, hell of an experience.  Just don’t wake up too soon.”
“What’s too soon?”
“Just joking, you’ll wake up when, or if your bitching time is up.”
“So all the shit going on in the world is OK?”
“No, it’s not OK, it’s perfect.”
“What’s with all the gurus trying to get people to enjoy their shit show?”
“They’re the enemy.  They are trying to destroy your adventure, trying to get you to feel all blissed out, instead of experiencing all the emotions you are capable of.  They’re the bad guys.”
“No!  Just lying.  They are necessary opposition.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means everything that happens, all the screaming or chilling is perfect.  In other words, you thinking things are hell, are problems, is no problem.  Every person, place, and thing that did, is or will happen is perfect.  Just don’t wake up and come to realize that life is perfect too quick or you won’t get your money’s worth of pain, suffering, and screaming (which is perfect, since everything happens perfectly to piss off the off-pissable).

I just feel sorry for the poor schmucks that enjoy all that is life and are missing the awesomeness torture that life is (just kidding).  LIFE HAPPENS PERFECTLY.

I wanted to know why anything exists...

I wanted to know why anything exists, and I wanted to know how to explain it by an example, a parable, or story, or an example humans can relate to.  This is what I got.

Everything knowable is knowable by analyzing yourself, which is why it is said, “Go within.”  Nature cannot, NOT, create, even as its creations cannot, not be, and cannot, but do, according to their natures.  Nature is compelled, by its nature, to create.

“The breath of life,” or “life-force” IS blissful, orgasmic, passionate, ecstatic energy.  This orgasmic energy is the uncreated, primal force that causes nature to create.   Why did God create anything?  The nature of nature’s God is to create and in so doing, goes orgasmic.  Breathing tells you all you need to know about the reason life exists.  Example:  You are at equilibrium, relaxed, not existing, calm, at peace, then you naturally tense, strain, work to breath, take a breath–a momentary ecstasy–then naturally relax, and return to equilibrium, until your next orgasmic fix.

The fabric of space moves like a human lung.  The movement is energy.  The result is orgasmic.  The orgasm is why there’s something instead of nothing.  Which is why you see stars.  Life is an orgasmic explosion of energy doing naturally what it does for the next orgasm, or feeling of bliss and ecstasy.  As to the details, do the science.  Discover the cause and effect, action and reaction that is the uncreated nature of nature, meaning, how things work.  The force behind creation is orgasmic.  The greater the tension the greater the release.  The longer you hold your breath, the greater the inhale or exhale.

Which is why you feel more alive when life is chaotic, and dead when its not.  And then there’s the law of diminishing returns, and new is more exciting than old.  And forgetting is better than remembering.  Which is why it is said that life is love, bliss, and ecstasy.  It is the love for the feeling of bliss and ecstasy. Love means you appreciate the feeling you get when in love.  Life is in love with the feeling of love.  Life creates for love’s sake.  Which is why it said, “God is love.”   God loves feeling the energy of love, just like humans.

Do we exist after we are dead?  What is this “we?”  This “we”, or I, or you, or them, or they, or us, what is that?  It is memory.  If you lose your memory, where is the “we,” or I?  The body is dead, and is there memory?  For a time, then it gets old, and disappears, and a new “you” becomes possible.  How long with memories of a repeated you, can you endure?  How long, how often will you regurgitate and bring up again and again old memories and be blissful?  How many times will you enjoy memories before its power is diminished.  That’s how long “you” will be you.  New “yous” is the bliss of life, new experiences, even re-experiencing, over and over, and not remembering you ever experienced it, that too is new.  Forgetting and experiencing, or literally new, same bliss.  If you were to retain all your memories, then new, new, is your only option.  Forgetting allows for reruns, reliving cherished experiences, anew.  Like watching again and again your favorite movie, rereading a favorite book, all for the orgasmic blissful energy feeling they evokes.

What are we?  We are many energy-forms made of one energy, one intelligence, one life force, one breath of life, breathing and living as individuals life-forms, temporarily. Life-forms die; memories evaporate, new life-forms emerge creating new memories, a “never” ending cycle of life, as long as there’s life.

Why so much suffering and pain?  Why so many horrific happenings?  War, murder, kill to live, etc.?  You could ask, “Why do humans love the feelings they get watching those happenings, even experiencing them physically?”  And again, you will never feel quite as alive than when experiencing physical reality with all its adventures–challenge, risk, danger, gamble, thrills and chills.  Those are the spices of life, never knowing what’s next (though, for some, for most, they never experience beyond the “comfortable” range, or slight discomfort.

How bored, how unpleasant does life become when everything you desire appears at a thought?  How long before you long for something different, and when different comes, how long for something new and different, and then how long before you go batshit crazy and venture to earth, to Death World?  And now you know why there’s a waiting list (you just forgot how bored you were).  And even bitching about here can be orgasmic.

Monday, January 6, 2025


1.  Sweet feeling of love and appreciation for life.  Devotion and veneration for life, asking nothing, enjoying the company of life, observing life.  Love life’s company.

2.  No money needed. A village is self sustaining.  Villagers haul water, gather firewood, hunt, plant and harvest food, build shelters and make clothes, and kids.

3.  Awakening to the realization that nature, animals, and humans are characters in life’s story merely acting and responding according to their inherited genetic propensities causes you to be empathetic to their situations, circumstances and plights that are their parts in the story of life.

4.  Being in awe at the creator of the story of life is the natural result of awakening.

5.  “George just stole my bicycle,” said Tom.  “What are you going to do?”  I asked.  “I’m getting back and going to beat him up,” said Tom.  “Interesting,” I said.  “Two of life’s characters about to have it out.  Should make interesting reading.  Good luck.  Can’t wait for the outcome, and the sequels.”

6.  Once you awaken you become sort of a non-character in the story of life, merely serving they who are still full blown characters taking themselves and the story of life seriously.

7.  When you die you leave your socially controlled behavior behind and are revealed as the real character you really are, and with those innate tendencies you enter again the story of life through a new human who is an embodiment of its genetic inheritance.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Whether your mind is a Pandora’s box or a Nirvana’s Paradise

Whether your mind is a Pandora’s box or a Nirvana’s Paradise, you can enjoy both.

Whether your mind appreciates the unfathomable grandeur majesty and beauty that is life and causes your emotions to be vibrant, pleasant and sweet, or your mind rages against the pain and suffering that is life and causes your emotions to go berserk and blow a gasket, you can enjoy all that is life when you realize you are not your body, mind, and emotions.

What are you?  You are life itself playing the character your mind thinks it is.  You (life) can enjoy your character, be entertained by your character, be amused by its antics, just as you (life) enjoy the antics of every person, place and thing that it is.

How?  Experience that you are life, and not your character.  How?  Notice that you can observe your body, mind, and emotions. Notice that your mind is aware of what it is thinking. Notice that YOU are aware of all that your character’s emotions.  You are that Awareness.  You are life being aware of itself being all the characters it is playing.

Know that when your mind thinks, it is not you thinking (it is life thinking through your character).  Confusing, right?  

What is not confusing?  You did not create the universe, galaxies, solar systems, the Earth.  You did not create fire, air, water, soil.  You did not create the animal, vegetable, mineral kingdoms, and you most certainly did not create yourself or other humans, which means what?   It means life-force that is in, through, and roundabout you (energy) is the real you playing you like a fiddle for its pleasure, joy, merriment, and entertainment.

Whatever nature and human nature do, is life doing it.  If your mind is not OK with nature and human nature doing what they do, that’s OK, because your mind is life doing you mind.

I have a resident living in my head and it’s nuts.

I have a resident living in my head and it’s nuts.’s a very entertaining nut. The fact that the nut exists, is proof that life has a sense of humor.  

When you experience that you are not your mind, you can enjoy your mind’s personal problems, enjoy its dramas, enjoy it like you enjoy a two year old child’s dramas.  It’s free entertainment.  

Life unfolds effortlessly.  Life is just innate, natural, automated cause and effect, action and reaction.  

Then humans come along with their self-aware minds, and their minds get pissed when life doesn’t go their way.  Their mind’s get irritated, upset, and angry when people, places, and things do naturally what they do.

YOU COULDN’T ASK FOR BETTER ENTERTAINMENT THAN THE RESIDENT LIVING IN YOUR HEAD.   And if you want even more entertainment, get married and have kids, or live with your mom and dad, or in-laws, or throw a party, or walk around Walmart, or watch people in a mall, or join an organization, or become a contractor or school teacher.  OH MY GOD, THE ENTERTAINMENT IS ENDLESS.


The human mind creates a self.  It’s not real, pattern story thought arising in awareness.  Illusion, neurotic, sense of self, comparing, fear, worry, fret, past, future, what will happen, how do I look, drama, superiority complex, inferiority complex, insecure, fears, the self has when confronted with its illusion.  A mess, trying to prove its relevance in a universe that doesn’t care, has desires, needs, want, attached, entangled, identity, feel special, unique, control, purpose, irrelevance, NEEDS meaning, validating, as lost as we are.  Identity crisis, “sorry I am analyzing my feelings,” free from stories, free from attachments, human game of duality is imagined self vs. human.  Self identity is threatened when you dump it, it’s an illusion, now your mind can be busy discovering, doing, (not ‘me’ itself) instead of worrying about itself.  No self just.  Liberation story not real, stop chasing answers, rest in the uncertainty of life, your mental life is a story of anxiety.

LIFE’S AWARENESS BOTS (humans are just one).

Saturday, January 4, 2025

LIFE’S AWARENESS BOTS (humans are just one).

LIFE’S AWARENESS BOTS (humans are just one).

The ONE AWARENESS that is Life has many points of awareness.  

One of life’s many points of awareness are humans. who are temporary Awareness Bots for life, also called  Life’s Awareness Bots (LABS).  

Labs have self-aware minds and attitudes.  

Because Labs have self-aware minds, they think they are just themselves. (Labs are much more than that).  They are also entertainment for life.  

Life gets joy and pleasure being aware from all its different points of awareness.  

Friday, January 3, 2025



On planet, Placent’Parenta’Lamenta, we breed humans for our pleasure and entertainment.

It took us a long time to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) that would work in a biological robot.  We were going to name humans, Biobots, but decided on Human because they’re such a huge managing problem.  Some thought we should name them Pita, for Pain In The Ass (except we don’t have asses–but we do have two headed horses).  

When a human is born it is helpless, but it does come with early warning systems.  If it feels uncomfortable, unpleasant, or is in pain it makes shrieking sounds until its pacified. When they’re born they come bald headed or hairy headed.  The hairy headed sell better, but more get bald when old.

Baby and toddler humans are the best entertainment in the universe, but after those stages, they’re a bloody pain in the ass until they turn teenager and you wonder why you ever bought one.

You can brainwash a human to think whatever you want, and it will go along with it as long as you keep it in a survival environment and feed it.  We go to a lot of trouble to make sure its training, conditioning, brainwashing, indoctrination  programming, and our propaganda stay firmly embedded.  Very few are intelligent enough escape their social programming.

Humans are very, very, very entertaining, and give us a lot of joy and pleasure because they get physically, mentally, emotionally, attached, entangled, and identified with their needs, wants, desires, people, places, and things, and have lots of opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, theologies, theories, philosophies and draw lots of conclusions.  Which is why we keep them on a separate world, called Earth and just watch them at a distance.

Life is the most interesting movie you’ll ever watch.

Receive all things with thankfulness no matter what is happening or will happen.  Appreciate life being the way it is and doing what it does. Be conscious, observe and watch life being and doing life its way (as if you were watching a movie).  Appreciate every person, place and thing–every experience, every happening.  

Life is the most interesting movie you’ll ever watch.  You have no investment in the movie.  You have not a care, not a concern, not a need, no wants, no desire that must be met or satisfied to be at peace, pleasant and happy.  You are not physically, mentally or emotionally attached, entangled or identified with people, places, things.  You have no way life must go.  You do your best for the joy of doing your best and are unconcerned with outcomes.

You are always pleasant company.  You need nothing.  You appreciate everything.  You are patient, considerate, empathetic, and of course, entertained, because all things are happening for your pleasure, and you are particularly entertained should your mind, on occasion, have personal problems.  If your mind has problems, just remember, they are not your problems.  They are your mind’s personal problems, and it’s hilarious to watch your mind pout or scream when it doesn’t get its way.   Eventually, with practice, your mind is silent, and hasn’t a complaint in the world.

Saturday, December 28, 2024



Intelligence does things, builds things, creates things, creates people and places for many reasons, reasons like usefulness, utility, pleasure, amusement, entertainment, merriment, sport, fun, happiness, excitement, joy, delight, bliss, ecstasy, to titillate its senses, satisfy its cravings, fulfill physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, and desires.  And humans do the same.

When a human wakes up from its self-delusional beliefs and realizes that Intelligence created it for its pleasure, joy, happiness, amusement, entertain and just for fun, it should rejoice that life isn’t nearly as serious as it was programmed to believe.  After that realization that awake human can enjoy its temporary life without a care in the world.

------------------------------------- WEIRD------------------------

You are the star in your own movie.  You are the main character in your book.  

This is weird.  I ran into a guy who knew all the secrets of the universe.  He solved every mystery, knew how to be blissed-out all the time, was always pleasant, joyful, helpful and empathetic, a really benevolent kind guy, and the poor bastard still had to carry wood and haul water.  Go figure.

So this guy, before he was a guy, was an energy spark.  He evolved became human, then a God, then was boss over billions of Gods and universes, and one day he was in his crystal laced gold walled, diamond shrouded castle, sitting in his exotic hot tub, swigging a beer, smoking a $500 Cuban cigar, looking at his girlfriend, Michele Phifer, or Marilyn Monroe (whichever he conjured up) and said, “Is this all there is?”

THIS GUY builds a theme park world, a puppet stage (spent a lot of time, energy and money to do it too).  Then he thinks, designs, blueprints and builds puppets that think themselves damn important even though the puppets damn well know they didn’t build themselves, didn’t build the puppet stage, and don’t do much more than breath, eat, sleep, which is just enough so the puppet master can pull their strings and not have to build too many more puppets (though the puppet master automated that, so not to worry).  Anyway, the puppets, even though they don’t know who or what, or why whatever built them, and don’t know why they got designed as they are, with noses, ears and pimples,  and don’t know if they will even exist after other puppets or the puppet stage kills them, sure do think highly of themselves.  They invent bizarre and outlandish and outrageous and unbelievable beliefs that for some weird reason (probably known only to a circus clown puppet) that they should still exist after the puppet master is done being entertained by them.

Liberated from body, mind, emotions, need, want, desire, attachment, entanglement, identity, opinions, biases, prejudices, judgements, philosophies, theories, theologies, conclusions, outcomes, results, expectations; Feeling appreciation/love, inclusiveness, connectedness, oneness, singularity, carefree, light hearted, at ease, unworried, unafraid, pleasant, peaceful, happy, joyful, blissful, ecstatic, rapturous, empathetic; I am watcher, observer, awareness, witness, not of mind, merely present, conscious; I see one energy, many forms, actors, characters, performers, personas, roles, parts, stage-theatrical-movie props, places and things.

Everything is OK. All things are alright.  There is nothing wrong. Everything is a perfect happening.  Life is a perfectly evolving story, play, movie, video game.  All actors and characters and stage props are being and performing their parts perfectly.  

There is only nature (how things work–cause and effect, action and reaction).  Human nature–the evolution of human nature–is part of nature. And humans judging nature with human understanding–as flawed as that understanding is–is also part of the evolution of human nature.  In time,  human nature will be compatible, will be one with nature.

Being constantly conscious and aware that I am surrounded by living energy-objects, and realizing we are one grand opera, one singular marvelous happening, is mind blowing.  And when you add that not a single happening, not a single thought, word, and action that humans have and do, is amiss, but rather, is absolutely perfect, it leaves you with not a single excuse to judge and complain about anything, but instead provides  every reason to appreciate/love the perfection that is life itself, while at the same time appreciating that humans doing their own thing, their own way, being unable to be and do anything but their own nature in the moment as they evolve to greater knowledge, understanding and wisdom (just as children evolve).

When an avatar (a temporary energy-form of life–with a self-aware mind) wakens to its role as a character, actor and persona that life assumed or morphed itself into, that avatar’s self-aware mind begins to enjoy being exactly what it temporarily is, a character in a story that keeps unfolding.  History is a story.  Your life as a character will be history–a movie wherein you were the star.  


I am appreciating energy being and dancing its creative tune through its many individualized energy-forms.  There is only oneness, and I am that in human form, and to not appreciate that is to not appreciate myself.

I am at all times surround by my many selves, though they be in forms-individualized, separate, apart, yet one unified being called me, myself, and I, or life.

Wherever I am, wherever I go, whatever and whoever I sense and whatever is happening, I am being and doing that, for I am that.

I am the movie and the screen.  I am the stage and the play.  I am space, energy, dimensions, time, place, all things. I am in through and roundabout all things.  I am omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.  I am all that is.

Most of my many selves do not have the capacity to think.  Some of my selves do.  A few of my selves have the ability to think themselves separate.  

My selves, as humans, think themselves separate.  Their thinking makes it so for them, and they act accordingly.  They act in their self-interests, through their personal perspectives.  It’s hilarious entertainment to see them interact.  

I am sitting in front of a large audience.  All I see is my other selves, my many individualized forms of me, staring back at me thinking themselves not me, thinking they are what they think.

To them, they really are what they think, and they think themselves separate and individual.  They think they are physical, mental and emotional persons (which thinking, makes it so) which makes them ideal characters, thespians, actors and players in my game of life, which I play for my joy, pleasure and entertainment, FOR THE SAME REASONS they play their personalized games of life.

Everyone and everything is my friend.  Everything anyone does, is who they are, doing what they do, and I’m hearing and watching it all like a movie that cannot be changed, and it is perfect.  Though I am watching and listening to a person talking to me, I am both watcher and participant, and aware of both in the same moment it is happening.

My key board was a little too far left, and as I scooted it to the right it felt like I was scooting part of me to the right.  The key board was part of me, no different than me fundamentally.  It’s as if I am integrated into everything around me.  Though we are individual energy-forms, we are one.


 You are the star in your own movie.  You are the main character in your book.  

This is weird.  I ran into a guy who knew all the secrets of the universe.  He solved every mystery, knew how to be blissed-out all the time, was always pleasant, joyful, helpful and empathetic, a really benevolent kind guy, and the poor bastard still had to carry wood and haul water.  Go figure.

So this guy, before he was a guy, was an energy spark.  He evolved became human, then a God, then was boss over billions of Gods and universes, and one day he was in his crystal laced gold walled, diamond shrouded castle, sitting in his exotic hot tub, swinging a beer, smoking a $500 Cuban cigar, looking at his girlfriend, Michele Phifer, or Marilyn Monroe (whichever he conjured up) and said, “Is this all there is?”

Liberated from body, mind, emotions, need, want, desire, attachment, entanglement, identity, opinions, biases, prejudices, judgements, philosophies, theories, theologies, conclusions, outcomes, results, expectations; Feeling appreciation/love, inclusiveness, connectedness, oneness, singularity, carefree, light hearted, at ease, unworried, unafraid, pleasant, peaceful, happy, joyful, blissful, ecstatic, rapturous, empathetic; I am watcher, observer, awareness, witness, not of mind, merely present, conscious; I see one energy, many forms, actors, characters, performers, personas, roles, parts, stage-theatrical-movie props, places and things.

Everything is OK. All things are alright.  There is nothing wrong. Everything is a perfect happening.  Life is a perfectly evolving story, play, movie, video game.  All actors and characters and stage props are being and performing their parts perfectly.  

There is only nature (how things work–cause and effect, action and reaction).  Human nature–the evolution of human nature–is part of nature. And humans judging nature with human understanding–as flawed as that understanding is–is also part of the evolution of human nature.  In time,  human nature will be compatible, will be one with nature.

Being constantly conscious and aware that I am surrounded by living energy-objects, and realizing we are one grand opera, one singular marvelous happening, is mind blowing.  And when you add that not a single happening, not a single thought, word, and action that humans have and do, is amiss, but rather, is absolutely perfect, it leaves you with not a single excuse to judge and complain about anything, but instead provides  every reason to appreciate/love the perfection that is life itself, while at the same time appreciating that humans doing their own thing, their own way, being unable to be and do anything but their own nature in the moment as they evolve to greater knowledge, understanding and wisdom (just as children evolve).

When an avatar (a temporary energy-form of life–with a self-aware mind) wakens to its role as a character, actor and persona that life assumed or morphed itself into, that avatar’s self-aware mind begins to enjoy being exactly what it temporarily is, a character in a story that keeps unfolding.  History is a story.  Your life as a character will be history–a movie wherein you were the star. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


House burns down, house burns down.  Lost job, lost job.  Kid dies, kid dies.  Rains on your picnic, rains on your picnic.  Wife ran off, get a dog. Accident, injury, death, and you’re still OK.

If you are not OK with what has happened, will happen, or is happening, your mind is human.  And every human knows its mind is nuts.  Mind your mind.  Train your mind to always be OK.  The beneficial upside of training your mind to be OK no matter what happens are many, and the debilitating downside of not being OK are legion and deadly.

Go ahead, have physical, mental, emotional identities, attachments, entanglements with your needs, wants, desires, people, places, and thing but DON’T set your heart on outcomes.  Be carefree.  Don’t care what the outcome is.  Be indifferent.  Accept whatever the out come is.  Be OK with every outcome.  Enjoy living under a bridge, losing your fortune, health, sleeping cold and dying infamously old and ugly and getting buried in potter’s field or the famous homeless cemetery.  Just stop giving shit.  

Always do what you must that appears in front of you.  Always do what you are most passionate about, most interested in–Whatever sparks your joy–and always do your best for the joy of doing your best, and don’t give a flying rats ass about the outcome.  IF YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT OUTCOMES, YOU LITERALLY WILL ENJOY ALL THAT IS LIFE, WHATEVER HAPPENS TO YOU.

Caring about outcomes is pure insanity.  You are not in charge of outcomes.  Your have no power to alter outcomes.  They are what they are.  They were what they were, and they will be what they will be.  TRUE INSANITY IS TO CARE ABOUT OUTCOMES.  EVEN TRUER INSANITY IS TO KICK A FLAT TIRE, THROW YOUR TOOLS OFF A CLIFF, AND JUMP AFTER THEM HOPING TO GRAB THEM BEFORE THEY HIT THE GROUND.

Work on controlling your body, mind, and emotions.  Body mind emotions are yours, but you are not your body, mind, emotions.  You have a body, mind, emotions.  You have a hat.  You wear a hat.  You are not your hat.  You own a car.  You are not the car.  You ride around in a body, mind, emotions.  If you have an ugly car, better luck next time.


If your mind has personal problems with life and is not OK, you’re lucky.  You now have something to do besides be a pain in everyone’s ass.



House burns down, house burns down.  Lost job, lost job.  Kid dies, kid dies.  Rains on your picnic, rains on your picnic.  Wife ran off, get a dog. Accident, injury, death, and you’re still OK.

If you are not OK with what has happened, will happen, or is happening, your mind is human.  And every human knows its mind is nuts.  Mind your mind.  Train your mind to always be OK.  The beneficial upside of training your mind to be OK no matter what happens are many, and the debilitating downside of not being OK are legion and deadly.

Go ahead, have physical, mental, emotional identities, attachments, entanglements with your needs, wants, desires, people, places, and thing but DON’T set your heart on outcomes.  Be carefree.  Don’t care what the outcome is.  Be indifferent.  Accept whatever the out come is.  Be OK with every outcome.  Enjoy living under a bridge, losing your fortune, health, sleeping cold and dying infamously old and ugly and getting buried in potter’s field or the famous homeless cemetery.  Just stop giving shit.  

Always do what you must that appears in front of you.  Always do what you are most passionate about, most interested in, whatever sparks your joy, and always do your best for the joy of doing your best, and don’t give a flying rats ass about the outcome.

Can you love/appreciate what gravity, earth, water, air, and fire do?

 Can you love/appreciate what gravity, earth, water, air, and fire do?  Can you love and appreciate them?  If so, you love and appreciate nature; you love and appreciate the way things work, cause and effect, action and reaction, and that means your mind is sane, rational, logical, and sensible.  Only a sane mind can love/appreciate and be happy that life does what it does.  Why?  BECAUSE IF NATURE WASN’T CAUSE AND EFFECT, ACTION AND REACTION, NOTHING WOULD EXIST, not love, not appreciation, no bliss, no ecstasy, and no opposites.  WHERE NOTHING EXISTS, THERE IS NOTHING (OXYMORON).

Appreciate creation, nature, the law of cause and effect, action and reaction.  Does gravity, earth, water, air, fire alter its nature for dumbasses.  Is cause and effect, action and reaction different depending on who or what it affects?  Nature, creation, life, source, God is indifferent, doesn’t care, doesn’t love, isn’t concerned if you suffer your stupidity or ignorance.  Nature will kill a child quicker than an adult because children are born ignorant.  Adults can choose to stay ignorant and suffer equally

LOVE IS APPRECIATION AND APPRECIATION IS LOVE: What does it take to love all of nature’s creations, love the way nature works, the way nature does things?  Whether nature has a mind, intelligence, will, intent, and purpose is irrelevant, is not useful knowledge, means nothing.

Humans are either happy or want to be happy, are either joyful or want to be joyful, are either blissful or want to be blissful, are either love/appreciation, or what to love and appreciate.

Nature does what nature does.  Can you appreciate all that nature does?  Can you love all that nature does?


Earth, water, air, sun makes, sustains, and kills people.  I hate it when it kills people, but I love it when it makes and keeps people alive.  I can do both.  


YOU CAN LOVE/APPRECIATE THE VERY NATURE/NECESSITY OF NATURE BEING THE WAY IT IS, AND DOING LIFE THE WAY IT CANNOT BUT DO, while at the same time, not hate it for doing what it cannot but do.  

You can love/appreciate and understand that the very nature of fire, air, water, earth, gives and takes life.  Or you can be mad that energy’s nature is to form, to become energy-forms, and hate that energy-forms become intelligent and create.  And since nature creates humans who are evolving, you can hate humans who are not yet evolved much beyond their primal animal nature, or you can love, appreciate, and understand life.

Love energy? What is love?

 Love energy?  What is love?  Fall in love, love what?  What does a human fall in love with?  Falling in like, is more like it.  Value, prize, treasure, esteem, admire, respect, regard are in there somewhere.  Beneficial, Appreciate, grateful, thankful.  Comfortable.  pleasantness, enthralled, delighted, bliss, ecstasy, happy, joyful.  Attracted, want more of, want to be around, want to possess, hold, be part of.  Cares, considerate.  Feels good.  Want to be around that “feel good” feeling, energy.  Love is an energy.  Love makes you want to do things for the person of your affection, the person you are fond of, adore.  “But I love her.”  Does that means she fills a lack in you?  I LOVE TACOS.  What does that mean?  Love the taste, texture, aroma, love how it makes my senses feel.  What you love you like, feel good energy.  “I don’t know?  I just really enjoy being in her presence.  She makes me feel wonderful.  She appreciates me.    She fulfills me.  She treats me nice.” If you ARE love, you don’t need love.  The deeper someone falls in love the less they are love.  You can’t fall in love if you are already love.  You are whole, not fragmented.  You can appreciate and value a person, place, thing, but not need them to feel the love you are.  Majesty, grandeur, beauty, splendor, magnificence, love electrifies your senses.  Do you need to feel loved to feel good?  If so you are not whole.  Do you need to feel appreciated, valued, admired, respected?  Then those things (to whatever degree) are missing in you.  If someone claiming to be God needs to be loved, appreciated, valued, admired, respected, revered, idolized, worshiped, glorified, that someone isn’t God.  Does the sun need love to shine?   IF YOU NEED ANYTHING FROM THIS WORLD, YOU ARE NOT WHOLE?  YOU CAN WANT IT, WANT TO ENJOY IT, DESIRE IT, BUT IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT, CAN’T GET IT, YOUR ENERGY CHANGES NOT ONE BIT.  YOU ARE BLISSED OUT, NO MATTER WHAT.  YOU CAN WANT AND DESIRE, BUT DON’T NEED IT TO BE HAPPY.  YOU CAN WANT AND DESIRE TO EXPERIENCE A PERSON, PLACE, THING, BUT IF YOU DON’T, YOUR ENERGY DOESN’T CHANGE, YOU ARE NO LESS HAPPY WHETHER YOU GET, HAVE, OR LOSE IT.  MIND needs.  Ego needs.  The natural man needs.  If you get heartsick, broken-hearted, depressed, despondent, blue, down and out, unconsolable at the loss of a loved one, you are human, natural man, in mind and ego “Hey, I want to be human and feel all those emotions.”  “Why?”  You are whole.  You are love.  You are blissed out.  You don’t need anything to be love, to be blissed out.  Why do you want to be human?”  So what is love?  It is written that God is love, that source is love.  That humans who are realized, are love itself.  Is that accurate?  And if they are not love, what are they?  If the word “love” does not accurately describe God or Source, what word does?  Value, prize, treasure, esteem, admire, respect, regard appreciate, grateful, thankful.  If you are love, you don’t need to be loved.  If you appreciate, value, etc., you are love.  Another word for love?  If the whole world hates you, and yet you love them that hate you, what is that saying about you?  It says you don’t need them to feel whole, complete, fulfilled, finished.  Mind does things to feel good.  What if you feel good doing nothing?  What then.  What does that mean?
“God so loved the world that....”  What did God love about the world, humans?  What did He value, appreciate, prize, treasure?  If God joys in His creations, what does that say about God?  Does it say he NEEDS to create to feel joy, or that he just wants to create, desires to create, but doesn’t NEED to create?  If God is blissed out, why create?  Why do anything?  If a man can be blissed out without creating, without doing, certainly God can do the same? What is God?  What is Source?  There is no God, no Source, there’s just nature (mindless cause and effect, action and reaction) that eventually evolves Intelligences and humans that create for their pleasure, and evolve into bliss and don’t need to do shit anymore because they experience all the benefits (bliss) without having to do shit.  THE GOD OF NATURE, IS NATURE.  GOD IS CAUSE AND EFFECT, ACTION AND REACTION, AND IT IS MINDLESS, HAS NO CLUE ABOUT EMOTIONS LIKE LOVE, APPRECIATION OR VALUE.  It takes a human (or other Intelligences) to FEEL THINGS.  A HUMAN WHO HAS OVERCOME HIMSELF, THE NATURAL MAN, IS NO LONGER HUMAN EXCEPT IN FORM.  HE NO LONGER NEEDS ANYTHING TO BE JOYFUL, HAPPY, BLISSED OUT, FEEL GOOD, but as long as he is in human form still gotta do things to take care of his body until he decides to vacate it.  In the meantime he feels great LOVE (APPRECIATION) AND IS IN AWE, and REVERENCE for NATURE’S MIND-BLOWING ACCOMPLISHMENTS (NATURE IS GOD).  LOVE (from a human perspective) IS A FEELING OF APPRECIATION FOR NATURE’S CREATIONS, FOR NATURE’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS, FOR WHAT IT HAS DONE, IS DOING, AND WILL DO.  TO BE LOVE, means you desire for all of nature’s creations to enjoy their lives, even as you enjoy life.  And no matter what level of evolution those lives are experiencing, your loving desire is to help them enjoy it, while realizing some levels of evolution have yet no capacity, or little capacity, or ability to feel empathy, compassion, love, and appreciation for nature’s other creations.