If part of your adventure is to NOT wake up and realize life is merely a temporary adventure, you came to experience the full emotional nuttiness that this world provokes.
On the other hand, if you know life is just a temporary adventure, then you have no problems with starving, freezing, injuries, disease, debilitation, getting old and ugly and dying from an infected paper cut. You have no problem with world and national leaders calmly introducing genocide as an alternative to dying in your sleep. You have no problems with going broke, being homeless and living under a really cool bridge, nor with conspiracies to steal your sleeping bag, and eventually wandering in the desert starving and looking to do combat with a rattlesnake to see, who eats who.
And ultimately, you have no problems with family and friends having whatever adventures life provides, regardless of whether they gave life permission to drive them nuts just because someone stole their last toy poodle that they were saving for Thanksgiving dinner.
Humans may or may not know where they came from, why they are here, or if the get to visit Europe when they die, but they certainly know what to do if they want to enjoy all that is life. However, most humans just won’t do it, so they suffer life instead of enjoying the insanity that makes Theme Park Spook Alley Circus World Earth such a fantastically cruel adventure.
Most humans have the perspective, attitude, mind-set and point-of-view that life owes them something, and those humans get really frustrated, upset, and angry when life proves to them, over and over again, that the problem is their mind-set, NOT life. Life is doing just fine, and has been just fine, for like EVER. And is just fine whether you die from a heart-attack because of worry and stress or road rage, or texting while practicing drunk driving.
What most humans don’t realize is that they live in their self-created mind-field where they attract what they fear and worry about. It’s a mental energy self-created reality, and if negative, it attracts those consequences, which means, ill health, disease, and disability, which is suicide by mind. It is preferable to let life kill you–which it will–than to kill yourself with your thoughts. Why? Well, which do you prefer, to live a fraidy-cat, freaked out, terrified life, and die, or die happy?
TOM BRAUN SENIOR - You can't make this stuff up, so I did
FREE INFORMATION. WORTH EVERY PENNY. NO REFUNDS (musings, rough drafts - may come back and correct errors (holding your breath probably not a good idea).
Thursday, March 6, 2025
If part of your adventure is to NOT wake up
Monday, March 3, 2025
You are in charge of molding your life, and you do it through your thoughts, beliefs, where you focus your attention, and what you actually do to accomplish your thoughts, beliefs, or faith. It is written, “Faith without works is dead.” This is not an idle statement. It is literally how the universe works.
We live in a dynamic, versatile, pliable, mold able, malleable, responsive universe. The universe is made of “Play Dough,” and you are the molder of your own destiny. Hope, belief, faith, aspirations, thoughts, emotions, words, deeds are the tools. Your truth becomes your reality.
What if I told you:
1. The laws of physics–as we understand them–are mental limitations.
2. Each person lives in their own dimension, and is only limited by limiting thoughts.
3. There are as many dimensions of life as there are people;
4. The dimension–or attributes–of your dimension are determined by your thoughts, feelings, emotions, what you focus your attention on, and what you do to make your reality true for you.
5. You are the wizard of your own world, or the slave of your programming that has created your world today.
6. You, and only you, limit your possibilities with the thoughts you believe true or false.
7. Change your thoughts; change yourself; change your life; change your world. It begins by believing nothing is impossible (which serves you better, to believe there are limitations, or to believe you have no limitations?).
8. All education is about limitations handed down from generation to generation, sold to you as laws of nature, and yet we know the supposed laws of nature, the believed laws of nature, are breakable, and have been broken throughout human “history”.
9. It’s a monumental work to dispel your indoctrination. Disbelief is the culprit. The way things work NOW is the linchpin that keeps you stuck in your programmed reality. The thoughts that this or that is impossible is your quicksand. Fear is a binding prison. For most humans, the unknown is a monster, whereas the unknown is the very essence that gives meaning to being alive. The greatest work you will ever do is to free yourself from your programmed self.
10. You become the God you believe in, the wizard that controls the impossible (the only impossible is in the minds of they who are just here for their programmed ride).
11. Step out of yourself and view who you think you are, and then de materialize it and build a new unlimited, unbound, infinite you.
12. Until you discard your limiting beliefs, and build a new you, your destiny is nothing but old karma repeating forever.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
I am watching everything happening on planet Earth. It’s not my planet. I am just watching, and soon I’ll be relaying what I observed to the council.
To understand what happens on Earth, I had to become a human and live the life of a human, thereby experiencing human limitations. And having done so, my report to the counsel will be accurate within the sphere of my experiences.
I experienced being in a body with a mind and emotions. I experienced physical, mental and emotional needs, wants, desires, attachments, entanglements, identity. I experienced opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs, philosophies, theologies, theories, and conclusions, and the consequences. I experienced pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, virtue and vice.
Before I became a temporary human, I was unbound, unlimited, and infinite, but as a human, I was bound, limited, and finite, and I lost the memory of what I really am. Even now I have no memory of what I really am, but I do know this life is temporary. This body, this avatar, will die. And when it dies, so will the idea that there is an “I”, a “me” a person known as Thomas. What will not die, and what will rise is the knowledge, understanding and wisdom gained.
Before coming out of the ocean as a drop of water, I was part of the ocean. I knew all things, but as a drop of water, I descended below all things. Eventually I will no longer be a drop of water and will again be all things.
Why did this happen? Two adult humans who know some things, get together and have a baby that knows no thing and watch it mature to know some things. Why does that happen? You could say, it’s the nature of nature do that, but why? There are many reasons for why some humans have babies, and one of the reasons is for the joy and challenges that having children brings.
It is the nature of nature to create and expand, to gain knowledge, understand, and wisdom. That’s WHY nature does what it does. It creates for its pleasure, for its joy, for its entertainment, for more and more knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as ONE INTELLIGENCE, and by becoming separate intelligences, IT becomes more intelligent.
The work of the ONE INTELLIGENCE is to create more individual intelligences. That’s what IT does. That is ITS nature, even as that’s human’s nature, to create offsprings of itself. Each human intelligence is the means whereby the ONE INTELLIGENCE gains more intelligence.
Each water drop returning to the ocean, is more intelligent than when it left, which makes the ocean more intelligent, even as the human race as a whole becomes more intelligent through the experiences of each individual intelligence. Human bodies are merely temporary vehicles for the individual drops of water that constitutes the ocean.
Just as humans want experiences that excite their passions, so is the Intelligence that is life. Always and forever will there be experiences intelligences can choose from. From unlimited, unbound, infinite to limited, bound and finite, and back again, is the journey of each intelligence. The journey began by descending below all things to ascend again to be all things, and descend again and again for further light, knowledge, understanding and wisdom for the joy and pleasure of knowing–by experience–all things. END.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Most humans
Most humans know how to enjoy all that is life, but won’t do it. Why won’t they do it? Because it goes against their programming. Why won’t they dump their programming?
“Raise up a child in the way it should go and when it is old it will not depart from it.” Why is that true? Because it’s easier to bitch about life, than change your thoughts. It’s easier to be miserable than do the work to dump your programming, because you think you are your program.
A child who has not been indoctrinated has no problems viewing life as it is. Why? Because it has no indoctrination to dump. There are no deep rooted belief-grooves to undo in their minds. Their minds don’t automatically follow deep seated patterns, because there are none. They are free to view life rationally, logically, sensibly. There are few humans who have not been screwed up.
What are you without your program? Without your program you have to discover for yourself who you are. When you dump your programming you catapult yourself right out of your comfort zone, which is a very uncomfortable place to crash. One minute you’re someone, now you don’t know who you are. One minute you had a life, now you’re just life. One minute you had life figured out. Now you have nothing figured out, and only have questions. Not know shit is a very uncomfortable place to be.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
EXPLORING: HERE’S A THOUGHT: I never had a thought until I was taught language. After training and programming, I started having thoughts. At first I just had thoughts, but later I said to my mom, “I just had a good idea.” At that moment I began wondering, Who is this ‘I’ that I just referred to that noticed I had a good idea? Is this just how language works, about pronoun usage, just the way thinking works? Anyway, one moment I can’t think, then I am thinking, and then I notice I am thinking. First there was no one, then there was a thinker thinking, and then there was me noticing thinking? Who is this ‘me’? Perhaps it’s just that a human mind, once trained, thinks and is aware of what it thinks. Which means there is only mind thinking and observing and being aware of its thinking. There’s nobody else in my head, just my brain being self-aware. Certainly that makes more sense than to assume there’s a separate being, or a separate observer or awareness observing a mind thinking? Why? It’s proven that there is mind thinking. It is not proven that there is a separate observer. And the assumption that there is also another separate observer, observing the first observer, observing the mind thinking. 1. Mind thinking. 2. Observer observing. 3. Observer observing the first observer. Instead, how about just saying, “The mind is aware of its thoughts. The mind is self-aware. The mind knows what it is thinking. The human mind is awesome. It observes its own thoughts, evaluates, contrasts, compares, draws hypothesis, makes conclusions, tries things, and creates things.
So...to say, “I am not my mind,” may not be true.” I am my mind, AND my mind can train itself, retrain itself, dump its programming, reprogram itself, etc. No other observer needed. The mind observes its own thinking. Which means the words “I” and “me” are just language constructs that muddle the mental water. Anyway, it really doesn’t matter one bit whether there is an observer observing the mind or the mind observes itself. And, using different words, it doesn’t matter if there is a separate awareness being aware of its mind thinking, or whether the mind is self-aware, and is aware of its own thinking. What matters is that MIND IS TRAINABLE, regardless of whether in trains itself or is trained by parents (at first) and later trained by schools, culture, society, and then by itself, or by an observer or awareness. Which means, a mind has multiple functional abilities. It records information. It remembers. It files information. And a different function analysis the information recorded and filed, and is able to look at it, reorganize it, reformat it and draw new conclusions. Giving credit where credit is due, the human mind is marvelous. And the mind having many various abilities, doesn’t negate that a human is also energy in form, is life-force in action, is conscious, has intelligence, and has a subtle energy-body, etc.
So whether mind retrains itself, or an awareness trains mind, doesn’t matter. The ‘you’ referred to when you say, I am training my mind, could be stated, “Mind trains itself, and retrains itself.” The “I” and the “me” could just be language befuddling the mental waters. Just because language works the way it works doesn’t mean there’s a separate “I” or a separate “you” doing shit. There’s just you being mind working on yourself, meaning mind working on improving itself to get better results, like being happy, enjoying life no matter what life does.
If you (mind) is not enjoying all that is life, consider retraining yourself to enjoy all that is life (no outside observer or awareness need apply for the position). That position came with the mind. How to say that using language: Who are you? I am a mind, answering another mind (and don’t let language confuse the obvious. We are two minds having a conversation. Just minds talking). Read the book, How A Mind Trains Itself to Not Be Nuts. In the book when the author uses the words, ‘you,’ or ‘I,’ the author is referring to a mind, and is NOT referring to a separate individual assumed to be in possession of a mind. There is only mind. There is no real or actual separate “I” persona. All is mind. Mind creates for itself a persona, a image that it presents to the world. There is only mind playing mind games with itself. A body doesn’t have a mind. A mind has a body. There is a mind, a body, a set of emotions, and it’s hell when they don’t cooperate with each other, is hell when they’re at odds. Body wants pizza. Mind says no. Emotions enter the argument. Who wins? Usually the mind, unless the emotions flare up and induce the body to beat up the mind. If the mind is tough, it wins. If the body and emotions gang up, who knows. It’s one hell of a circus act. CONCLUSION: DON’T KNOW SHIT, except to not give a shit and be happy no matter what shit hits the fan. More emotions have killed body and mind than minds have killed body and emotions (or whatever). The YOU, you call yourself, was created by the mind for its own entertainment. It created a separate you so it would have someone to blame all its troubles on. You are your mind. It just has different compartments. One compartment is aware of some of its other compartments. The more aware the aware compartment is, the more it knows what the other compartments are stressed about.
Monday, February 17, 2025
What value and benefit do you get by NOT
receiving all things with thankfulness?
What value and benefit do you get by NOT
being excited, passionate, thrilled, appreciating
and doing your best
with whatever appears in front of you?
Saturday, February 15, 2025
In the imagination-energy-field
In the imagination-energy-field of thought you can create whatever you know, whatever you are able to image you can visually create, HOWEVER, to create anything in the physical-energy-field of reality requires physical action. You can’t attract and get what you or someone else hasn’t thought AND created. Faith (thinking) is dead without works (doing). If no one had thought of a car and built a bunch, I couldn’t think about getting a car, but since someone did build a bunch and I wanted one, was passionate about getting one. I thought and visualized owning one, and I acted like I had one, saw myself washing it, driving it, feeling the joy of having it, and did all that in my mind, and with emotion, but I didn’t know how I would get it, seeing I had no money.
I got an idea (not for the car) just to make some money to live. I bought two barrels at a junk yard. Brought them home. Before I could unload them, a guy wanted them and bought them. It happened twice. The third time I went to get some, the guy put them on consignment for me to sell. I sold a bunch and had extra money. I looked at adds for a car–a car priced at what I could pay. I went there and bought it. I got the car.
I flew to a planet. It was lush. Lots of foliage, forests, water, but no people. No modern conveniences. I lived under a tree. I wanted a shack, a small house. I imagined it, visualized it, saw myself living in it, enjoying it. I waited for an idea, like getting barrels, selling them and buying a shack. No barrels available. I had to build the damn thing myself.
I was a singer. I could really sing. I wanted to be on stage, be famous, so I practiced. I was told about the law of attraction, so I saw myself on stage, famous, and in movies. Nothing happened. I wondered why? What did I do wrong. Then an angel showed up and told me Hollywood had not been invented yet, and to be patient for seventy years.
I wanted a woman friend. Not just any woman friend. She had to be like Spanish looking, like from Spain, and petite, and not fat, and fun, but mostly she had to need help, like someone who was broke down and need help to get back up. I wanted to be of service, like to a poor person. And sure enough, one showed up, materialized like out of nowhere. She was Spanish, petite, not fat, car broke down, needed help. I helped, we all helped, but she was nuts. If there’s a next time I will include she can’t be nuts like Cristin was–drugs, drank, liar, thief, con artist, narcissist. Be careful and precise about what you ask for. And of course, obviously, I had to know a Spanish gal, who was poor had to already been created for me to materialize her. I mean you can’t materialize a McDonald’s Big Mac without someone having already built a McDonalds.
If it ain’t available, you have to figure out how to make it available. You can’t materialize what you or someone else can’t think about and built. What does that say about the law of attraction, the law of how energy works?
I visualized and built a nice building and a business in Hawaii. I sold pineapples from a grass shack on the beach and fished all day. It was my dream life. I was retired, and enjoying the hell out of myself. I had visualized it for years, and it was finally reality. It was my first week, and it was great, until the earthquake hit and swallowed my shack and the beach. My visualization was blind-sided.
I visualized a good job and got it. The next day it went bankrupt. I didn’t visualized that, so how come it went bankrupt.
I visualized a girl friend. I got a girl friend. We were happy for two weeks and then she got killed in a car crash.
I visualized a new one. Also visualized we would be happy for fifty years. We both died on our fiftieth anniversary. It worked. It was 1879 and I couldn’t materialize a single Louis LaMour book. THE END.
What do you tell yourself?
What do you tell yourself? Is your self-talk lifting you up or pulling you down? Is your day wonderful or awful? It depends on whether you believe what your mind is saying. It depends on if you counter a negative thought with a positive thought. A negative thought is poison and a positive thought countering it is medicine, is the cure. Don’t let a negative thought poison your mind.
Your mind talks without your permission. What does it say? It says what it has been programmed with. It repeats what was recorded on it from youth. Train a young mind and it will not depart from its programming. Your mind is like a radio playing music. What music does it play. Does it play, “I am a winner. I never lose. I am always OK.” Or does it play, “I’m a loser. I never win. And the weather sucks.”
If you think you are your mind, you think your mind is you, and never give what it says a contrary thought. Not a single challenge. If you do that, you are your mind’s bitch. You are its goffer, its slave, its victim and flunky. Your mind is a tool. Don’t be its fool. Take charge of your mind. Talk to it. Make it obey you. Make it say what you want it to say. Don’t accept its program without analyzing its program. If your mind is making you miserable, reprogram it. You are the guardian at the gate of your mind. Do your job right and you will enjoy all that is life.
STORY: “I got home from a long hard day at work and
WELL, the universe did humans,
WELL, the universe did humans, the earth and all the stuff on it, so I know it can do things. Don’t know much more than that, but it’s a good start realizing the universe does stuff and did humans. So now what?
Are we the universe’s play toys, playthings, entertainment, pleasure? Bible says, “I do all things for my pleasure. I do what pleases me. OK, there’s that. It please the intelligence that does life to create.
Where did human intelligence come from, and where did our emotions come from, and where did our abilities come from? Must of come from somewhere, like the universe itself maybe. Universe does mosquitoes, ants, bacteria, and operas. OK. It does cool flowers, and trees, and cats. Does a lot of things. Humans can do some things if you give them the building materials, like found on earth. They can’t make the building materials.
How much truth is there in esoteric literature?
Earth is such a deadly planet, mostly because of nature (all who show up disappear) but also human nature. Lots of greed, killing, murder, government killing, genocide. And we got born into it. Definitely and adventure coming here, if indeed we existed before and came from somewhere.
How many reasons are there for not knowing shit except we’re here doing shit?
I am having a really good time being seventy-six,
I am having a really good time being seventy-six, just like I’ve had for seventy-six years. Why? Because logic always wins the day. If you lose your ass, you lost your ass, DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll make it worse. If you got fired from your job and need it for rent, mortgage, and to feed the kids, DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll make it worse than it is. Kids, wife and I went hiking. Tumbled down cliff, all with broken legs, no cell service, and ran out of water. Got hotter. We are dying. DEAL WITH IT PLEASANTLY or you’ll get to the other side and be in a bad mood and get reincarnated again and again until you deal with life’s tragic blessings pleasantly.
Life has ZERO capacity to care about you. Life is energy doing what energy does–cause and effect action and reaction, and if you don’t know that yet, test gravity to see if it cares whether you jump of a cliff, or test a cactus to see if it cares that you hurl yourself into its porcupine spines, or see if a cloudburst, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, earthquake or forest fire gives a shit that you are sucked into the air, smashed against a building, cut to shreds by glass, dropped into whirlpool, half drown, slide into an earthquake fissure, burned your eyebrows, and finally get dumped into quicksand. LIFE DOESN’T CARE what you do or don’t do with LIFE DOING WHAT IT DOES, but humans care. They make it their business to care, even if it’s just for their own ego-centric, vain, prideful, self-centered, selfish, narcissistic pleasure (or their empathetic natures). HUMANS ARE WHAT YOU MIGHT CONSIDER WATCHING OUT FOR (the weather not so much).
I am an intelligence evolving.
I am an intelligence evolving. I am an intelligent energy-form. When a form wears out I get a new one. Each new form is equal to my current capacities, equal to what I have focused my intelligence upon. Learning and then doing is the game of life. What’s next, the suspense, excitement, and passion are the energies that motivate intelligence to action. What new knowledge and skills await my exploration?
When an energy form dies, its knowledge and skills live on, however, the experiences that resulted in knowledge and skills slowly vanish from memory. The physical, mental, and emotional attachments, entanglements and identities would slow the progress, and acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Attachments, entanglements and identity slow advancement. They steal concentration, focus, and attention that are needed for progress, which is why they fade from memory. Memories of where, who with, what, when, why, and how you acquired knowledge is immaterial and a hindrance to further light and knowledge. Why you know a thing, is less important than knowing a thing. You know what you know, the why is not essential. Why is a distraction. The more you are attached, entangled, and identified with people, places, things, the slower your evolution. How you acquired knowledge, understanding and wisdom has no value for acquiring more. What you focus your attention on increases. What you let go decreases.
The human evolution of knowledge, understanding and wisdom (individually and as a species) results through the experiences of pleasure and pain freely provided by mother earth’s exciting eat or be eaten, conquer or be conquered, peace or war world. The details of the battles on battlefield earth are unimportant. The knowledge gained is what is important. So whatever is happening in the school of life during one of your many short lives in various energy-forms is not worth remembering, which is why you can’t remember being a mosquito, but does explain how you acquired the skill to be a bloodsucking money and power grubbing politician, banker or attorney or just your average psycho narcissist or common crybaby screaming that you’re pissed because life isn’t happening your way.
Your passion mirrors your evolution
Your passion mirrors your evolution, meaning, your knowledge, understanding and wisdom–just like a child develops physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually through its stages of evolution. Some stages are more evolved than others. You already are the whole package, the total deal, the one, just like a child who is a total human, yet not fully developed. Enjoy each stage of your evolution. Be passionate about what interest you, on where your focus is.
As your passion wanes in an area, it is a sign that you have reached a point of diminishing returns (are less excited about doing it) and are moving naturally forward.
The end of relationships, associations, and interests are natural consequences of evolving, and depending on your attachments, it can be easy or painful, pleasant or unpleasant. You’ll get over it either way, for no one stays in the same place. Staying would be more painful than letting go, so eventually all let go and move on. You’ll look back with love and appreciation for how they served your forward movement.
There is a time and a season for all things under heaven. The time comes when childhood toys no longer serve their purpose, but rather, hinder further development.
“I’ve had my fun. Learned many things. Time to move on. It’s no longer fun. Better toys await.”
Man is that he might have joy. Life is that it might have joy. All things together work for your good. There is never anything wrong. All things in the moment that they happen are right.
As soon as a mind no longer thinks that a thing is right, but rather that it is wrong, THAT thought, IS the key that unlocks your next step in your evolutionary journey.
“I enjoyed being mean and irritating. I never saw it as wrong. I embraced it, reveled in it, was thrilled and enjoyed doing it. Now I don’t enjoy it. I see it was wrong (though right at the time).”
He who is passionate about all that happens in life and all that is life is no longer separate from life, is no longer an individual life, but is life itself, and is home.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Whatever excites your bliss, do that,
Whatever stimulates and excites your bliss, do that, with zero attachment, zero insistence, zero expectation about what the outcome should be.
The philosopher wants to know how he ended up tied up, gagged, in a bag in a shed in a forest far from home. He climbed out of the bag, walked out of the shed, and wondered where did the trees come from, and what’s with all the animals? Who did all this and why, and how, and when, and where the hell am I and how did I get here? I can’t remember anything. I’ve got to know the answers to this mystery. Whereas the stoic says, “It is what it is; it will be what it will be, and I am going to enjoy whatever happens. Thanks for the adventure.”
There are they who enjoy exploring the whys of life, AND enjoy whatever life is. And then there are they who only enjoy life when life goes their way.
Only they who have no way life must go enjoy all that is life.
Only they who have no physical, mental, emotional needs, wants, desires that must be met, and have no entanglements, identity attachments to people, places, things, and outcomes enjoy all that is life.
Only they who joy in doing their best with whatever appears in front of them–with zero attachments to the outcome–enjoy all that is life.
Only they who make the decision to enjoy all that is life (regardless of what life does) enjoy all that is life.
Only they who have liberated themselves from their indoctrinated, programmed minds enjoy all that is life.
As to the rest of humanity, they only enjoys life when life, meaning, people, places, things and happenings, meet their mind’s expectations.
What can be said to a person who gets depressed when life shreds his mental image of what life should be like (and what their own life should be like)? What can be said when a person’s most cherished ideas, opinions, biases, prejudices, beliefs and conclusions are trashed by what life does, what other people do? When a person set his mind and heart on life going the way they think it should, that person will ultimately be disappointed and depressed. That person has had life going his way perfectly for so long, that he can’t accept it when life screws him. So what can comfort him, help him? What will work?
“Son of a bitch I just lost all my health, money, and my ex stole my dog, and then there was this gang that painted my whole house with red graffiti, and I haven’t even mentioned the tornado, earthquake, fire and flood. My great life just went down the shitter. And I guess I am a lousy lover too because my girlfriend turned gay. Anyone got any advice? What about you, Jed? Got any ideas?”
“I told you a year ago that you should buy a Happy Brain. They were on sale at Walmart, but back then everything was going your way and you said you’d never need one. And the problem with inserting a Happy Brain when you’re current brain is depressed is, it won’t work. The shock of how the Happy Brain thinks, will kill you quicker than your old brain.”
“Why would I buy a Happy Brain when I am happy. That’s dumb. I need it when I am not happy. Bad design. Who buys a Happy Meal when their full?”
“Well you could turn your bummed-out brain into a Happy Brain. Probable is, it takes a lot of work, and I know how you hate the word “work.”
“How do I do it?”
“You reprogram your irrational mind using the other words you hate, “logic, reason, and common sense.”
“That won’t help while I’m depressed. That very thought just makes me mad.”
“The only other thing that will help is to list all the things you are thankful for, in spite of losing everything you valued and cherished. Count your blessing. The things you appreciate. That helps.”
“There’s nothing left of that. It all got screwed up. I got nothing of value left.”
“You’re a dumb ass. You’re still alive, ain’t blind, ain’t deaf, still got your taste buds, can still smell your own farts, still feel things, and you can still think stupid thoughts. You could start by getting your health back and losing 300 lbs. After that you can get a new job, a new girl friend, a new dog, and a new house in a less gang infest neighborhood, a zone that is less earthquake, tornado, fire, flood prone.”
“Too much work.”
“Then you’re fucked. You’ve fucked yourself by thinking life will always happen your way. I’ve told you all along to have no way life must go, but you were too busy eating and thinking that life would always cater to your every need, want and desire. Everyone gets old, feeble and ugly. You just got there quicker.”
“Well, shit. Why the hell is life the way it is?”
“Lot’s of guess, lots of beliefs, but the ‘why’ doesn’t matter.”
“Why doesn’t it matter?”
“Because no matter why life is the way it is, you have to deal with life the way it is. That’s why. Because if you accept that life is the way it is (for whatever reason) you can enjoy all of life if you’ve a mind to, if you train your mind to be happy no matter what life does. Look at life as a grand adventure, where you, the hero, gets killed at some point or dies at the end. That outta cheer you up, and if that doesn’t, here’s some donuts.”
“Awesome! Now you’re talking my language.”
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Nature works the way nature works and humans don’t know why. Nature does what nature does and humans don’t know that either. Humans get born and die and no one knows why nature made humans in the first place.
A wild guess is, human-nature, and nature are one and a lot alike. You can discover the many “whys” of nature, by discovering the many “whys” of human nature.
Why do you do what you do? It feels good. I can. I want to. I have a desire to. I am passionate about this or that. I do it for the fun of it, for the entertainment, for the joy of doing it. WELL, maybe that’s why nature does what it does, EXCEPT, nature can do more of it, because nature is all of it, all of itself, including human nature. Not a big mystery. The how is a mystery until the how is known.
Humans are nature at work and play as humans. Nature made part of itself into humans and off they go doing their human nature thing. Nature naturally can’t be a one sided coin. There are no one-sided coins, no ups without downs, no long without short, and no in without out. Which means there is no good without bad, no virtue without vice, and no dark without light, not to mention no likes without dislikes, no love without hate, and no war without peace coins. It’s just how nature is. It’s the nature of nature. Opposites are the nature of nature. Without opposites, you wouldn’t even know you are feeling happy if you had never felt sad.
Part of nature becomes suns and planets and air, water, soil and termites and humans, and for awhile those parts of nature enjoy being and doing those things, and then, when a things time is up, naturally, it undoes itself. Apparently one of the aspects of nature–the way it works–is that a form can’t stay a form forever. Nature is energy particles and they form and unform according to the nature of that particular energy-particle-form.
Nature is having a really good time playing with itself, doing all it can do to have fun and entertain itself. And you, being a particular natural energy-form that nature morphed into is doing the same thing within it’s limited capacities and abilities.
Kind of cool. Here you are as you, however, in truth, you are a portion of nature expressing itself as an individual who was told by other individual nature forms that you are human, and then those forms indoctrinated you and you have a particular life of particular experiences, and when it’s time for you to expire as a temporary “human” you go on to other adventures as temporary something else's, or human, or whatever nature has in mind.
You Tom, are nature. Nature manifested as YOU. A portion of nature bound, limited, and "finited" itself into the human that you temporarily are. Nature is enjoying being you, experiencing itself as you. Nature is no more complicated than that (except for the humans who don’t know shit) which nature does to itself for joy of not know shit for awhile.
When a human egocentric self-absorbed prideful and vain self-serving mind realizes it is a temporary creation of nature, it initially goes more bonkers than it already was (because of its human programming and indoctrination) but then, as it’s retrained, it accepts its fate and only yells at you hoping you’ll change YOUR mind and again start catering to its every opinion, bias, prejudice, belief, conclusion, need, want, and desire like it did previously. Eventually it gives up and joins you on the joy ride of your life because it realizes it too is nature just being a human "nut" for awhile.
You can’t attract and get what you or someone else hasn’t thought AND created. Faith (thinking) is dead without works (doing).
If no one had thought of a car and built a bunch, I couldn’t think about getting a car, but since someone did build a bunch and I wanted one, was passionate about getting one. I thought and visualized owning one, and I acted like I had one, saw myself washing it, driving it, feeling the joy of having it, and did all that in my mind, and with emotion, but I didn’t know how I would get it, seeing I had no money.
I got an idea (not for the car) just to make some money to live. I bought two barrels at a junk yard. Brought them home. Before I could unload them, a guy wanted them and bought them. It happened twice. The third time I went to get some, the guy put them on consignment for me to sell. I sold a bunch and had extra money. I looked at adds for a car–a car priced at what I could pay. I went there and bought it. I got the car.
I flew to a planet. It was lush. Lots of foliage, forests, water, but no people. No modern conveniences. I lived under a tree. I wanted a shack, a small house. I imagined it, visualized it, saw myself living in it, enjoying it. I waited for an idea, like getting barrels, selling them and buying a shack. No barrels available. I had to build the damn thing myself.
I was a singer. I could really sing. I wanted to be on stage, be famous, so I practiced. I was told about the law of attraction, so I saw myself on stage, famous, and in movies. Nothing happened. I wondered why? What did I do wrong. Then an angel showed up and told me Hollywood had not been invented yet, and to be patient for seventy years.
I wanted a woman friend. Not just any woman friend. She had to be like Spanish looking, like from Spain, and petite, and not fat, and fun, but mostly she had to need help, like someone who was broke down and need help to get back up. I wanted to be of service, like to a poor person. And sure enough, one showed up, materialized like out of nowhere. She was Spanish, petite, not fat, car broke down, needed help. I helped, we all helped, but she was nuts. If there’s a next time I will include she can’t be like she was–drugs, drank, liar, thief, con artist, narcissist. Be careful and precise about what you ask for. And of course, obviously, I had to know a Spanish gal, who was poor had to already been created for me to materialize her. I mean you can’t materialize a McDonald’s Big Mac without someone having already built a McDonalds.
If it ain’t available, you have to figure out how to make it available. You can’t materialize what you or someone else can’t think about and built. What does that say about the law of attraction, the law of how energy works?
I visualized and built a nice building and a business in Hawaii. I sold pineapples from a grass shack on the beach and fished all day. It was my dream life. I was retired, and enjoying the hell out of myself. I had visualized it for years, and it was finally reality. It was my first week, and it was great, until the earthquake hit and swallowed my shack and the beach. My visualization was blind-sided.
I visualized a good job and got it. The next day it went bankrupt. I didn’t visualized that, so how come it went bankrupt.
I visualized a girl friend. I got a girl friend. We were happy for two weeks and then she got killed in a car crash.
I visualized a new one. Also visualized we would be happy for fifty years. We both died on our fiftieth anniversary. It worked. THE END.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
but does explain how you acquired the skill....
I am an intelligence evolving. I am an intelligent energy-form. When a form wears out I get a new one. Each new form is equal to my current capacities, equal to what I have focused my intelligence upon. Learning and then doing is the game of life. What’s next, the suspense, excitement, and passion are the energies that motivate intelligence to action. What new knowledge and skills await my exploration?
When an energy form dies, its knowledge and skills live on, however, the experiences that resulted in knowledge and skills slowly vanish from memory. The physical, mental, and emotional attachments, entanglements and identities would slow the progress, and acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Attachments, entanglements and identity slow advancement. They steal concentration, focus, and attention that are needed for progress, which is why they fade from memory. Memories of where, who with, what, when, why, and how you acquired knowledge is immaterial and a hindrance to further light and knowledge. Why you know a thing is less important than knowing a thing. You know what you know, the why is not essential. Why is a distraction. The more you are attached, entangled, and identified with people, places, things, the slower your evolution. How you acquired knowledge, understanding and wisdom has no value for acquiring more. What you focus your attention on increases. What you let go decreases.
The human evolution of knowledge, understanding and wisdom (individually and as a species) results through the experiences of pleasure and pain freely provided by mother earth’s exciting eat or be eaten, conquer or be conquered, peace or war world. The details of the battles on battlefield earth are unimportant. The knowledge gained is what is important. So whatever is happening in the school of life during one of your many short lives in various energy-forms is not worth remembering, which is why you can’t remember being a mosquito, but does explain how you acquired the skill to be a bloodsucking money and power grubbing politician, banker or attorney or just your average psycho narcissist or common crybaby screaming that you’re pissed because life isn’t happening your way.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
What am I?
You’re a temporary energy form called a kid, a human, a child.
Who made me?
You were made by temporary humans.
Who made them?
Other temporary humans.
Who made them?
No one knows for sure, but there are many beliefs.
So why am I here?
Because you got made.
Where was I before I got made?
No one knows for sure, but there are many beliefs.
Now that I am here what am I supposed to do?
You will do things you have to do to live, and choose from what is available to do.
How will I know what to choose to do?
You will do what you need to do to live, and you will do whatever you are drawn to, whatever interests you, whatever excites you, whatever you are passionate about.
How long will I be here?
Average time is seventy some years, but you could die anytime. No one knows.
What happens after I die?
No one knows for sure, but there are many beliefs.
What if I don’t know what to do?
You will do your best to live, to be happy, to enjoy life, and life will do things to you.
What if I don’t like what life does?
Then you’re screwed.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
What can I learn from this situation, circumstance, event, the way things are right now, instead of wishing or wanting them to be different. There is NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING more important than what is happening NOW. You need be nowhere where else , nothing else that needs to happen. Relish it, use it, rejoice in it, be grateful for it, appreciate it, love it, love yourself enough to do so, AND KNOW everything will change, BUT you can’t insist that it MUST CHANGE, otherwise you’re making your happiness conditional on the outside changing, instead of just saying “I will be happy no matter what is happening on the outside, because I know what is happening outside is just for my benefit, BUT draw no conclusion about what the happening means.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Act on your passion, on what excites you, for the joy of being able to do what you are passionate about, for the joy of being able to do what excites you, with ZERO expectation of what the outcome should be.
That which is your passion, that which excites you, is equal to your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. In other words, what you are passionate and excited about right now, is who you are, right now.
Ok, accept, thankful appreciate, value, prize EVERY experience with ZERO expectation, ZERO condition, ZERO preference what the outcome should be.
What you are passionate and excited about right now is where you are in your evolution (it is never your ultimate evolutionary state, because even as you are evolving, the universe is evolving). HOWEVER, for you, what you are passionate and excited about, IS your ultimate evolutionary state AT THIS MOMENT. You are a micro-universe evolving within the macro-universe.
You evolve painfully or painlessly depending on whether you have preferences, or do not have preferences. If you have ZERO preferences, your evolution is painless. If you have preferences, your pain is assured, ACCORDING to whether your preferences are met or not. You CAN prefer that things go your way, while at the same time, joy in them not going your way. It is a “I care and don’t care,” attitude. It is a “I am ALWAYS OK,” attitude. It’s a “I am OK whether I get it or not, have it or not,” attitude.
If your highest passion and excitement is to not be dead, and you wake up in the morning alive, you just won bingo. If your highest passion is, “WHATEVER,” then no matter what is happening, no matter what is available, no matter what you do, or what is done to you, you just won the lottery.
If your highest passion at the moment is to eat nuts, play, mate, and sleep, you’re probably a squirrel.
If your highest passion at the moment is to complain, bitch, moan and groan when life doesn’t go your way, you’re probably a human–a human who is on the elemental side of human evolution. And when you realize that complaining, bitching, moaning and groaning doesn’t serve you (has funky effects on you and those around you–everyone suffers) you will STOP doing that, and suffer not.
On the other hand, if you enjoy even your suffering, and do things and don’t care whether you are suffering, you’re just plain nuts, which means, “your just here for the fun of having another human experience”).
“Welcome home, Tom. How was your trip on Earth?” “Hell of ride.” “Ever going to go again?” “Probably. Who DOESN’T enjoy one hell of ride?”
Sunday, January 26, 2025
LIFE throws things. Last winter a kid threw a snowball at me. It was LIFE–in the form of a kid–that threw the snowball. At least it wasn’t an asteroid.
LIFE is always the culprit or the benefactor. Life is just doing what it does through its creations. LIFE is every person, place, and thing. LIFE is all knowing, all present, all powerful, all intelligence, all consciousness, all energy, all everything. Some call LIFE, God. Most call LIFE, “God dammit! CUT THAT OUT!”
When you boil a potato and mush it, you just boiled and mushed one of LIFE’S many forms, or in the case of a human, one of LIFE’S many faces.
Apparently (by historie’s accounts) LIFE doesn’t take itself seriously, however, it has humans for that. Human LIFE forms believe anything, sometimes everything, seldom nothing. Makes one wonder why they think so highly of themselves since they’re so dupable. No wonder most folks don’t trust politicians, lawyers, banks, and vampires.
LIFE plays games. LIFE amuses itself. You didn’t think it morphed parts of itself into humans just for the fun of it, did you? Well it did. Humans are grand entertainment. And you gotta admit, Death World Earth is one hell of a stage for thrills, chills, and murder. Good thing the average human life span is only six hundred and seventy four thousand, five hundred and twenty minutes long (but whose counting, right?).
LIFE doesn’t care. LIFE doesn’t care if you’re bored, blow up like a balloon, or get popped by the cops. LIFE doesn’t give a shit. It’s too busy having fun, which is as it should be since LIFE is humans, and humans want to have fun (except the crazy ones who think LIFE isn’t funny). Seriously, life is hilarious. Watch out for snowballs.
Humans have mental problems. They know that LIFE does what it does, kills who it wills, and only sometimes buries the bodies. Humans knowing this, object to LIFE doing LIFE its way, while fully knowing, it’s the ONLY way. To not accept the reality that life does its own thing without regard to human wishes, is the very definition of village idiot. Most humans are nonsensical, irrational, illogical, and nuts, which means LIFE is nonsensical, irrational, illogical, and nuts, EXCEPT, LIFE did LIFE for its joy, pleasure, and entertainment, which makes perfect sense in this perfect theater of the absurd.