Sunday, December 22, 2024

Just had fun.

 Just had fun.  Never gave esoteric information a thought.  Just did naturally what was available to do that appeared in front of me.  Wanted certain outcomes, but whatever the outcome I was OK with it.  Though I had a way I wanted life to go, I didn’t care if it went that way.

Who am I?  I was told I am a human.  I got told a lot of things by my parents, relatives and school.  I believed them.  Why would they lie.  I watched them.  They lied, but they were lied to too.  At first no one knows they are being told old stories, given old repeated information.  And after awhile folks are vested in that information, build their lives around old tales, and hate being told they were duped, even innocently.    So what is the truth?  Truth, kind of, is things as they were are will be, but from whose perspective?  You’d have to know everything from all perspectives to know the truth about something.  You’d have to have all the information available to know the truth about all things.

Here is some information.   Wake up each morning and do what’s in front of you that needs doing, as usual, like yawning, stretching, going to the bathroom.  For most of us, even at a young age, there’s an established routine.  For babies it’s eat, sleep, eat.  For toddlers its’ eat, play, nap, eat, sleep.  For school children, eat, school, play, eat, sleep.  For adults it’s eat, job, eat, entertainment, sleep, all eventually die.  THAT’S LIFE.

So what’s the point?  I mean why are there chipmunks, ants, and dinosaurs?  And why does the earth kill everything, make shit, and grow new things just to see them killed, turn to shit and grow new ants and flowers?  Everything comes and goes on repeat for thousands maybe millions billions trillions of forever years.  Why?  Why are we even here or there or anywhere?  Why is life happening at all?

Today isn’t much different than the stone age when cavemen thought thunder was a god being angry.  Today we think energy is every person place thing and thunder is just noisy.  Today we realize thought, imagination, dreams, movies, video games and holographs are as energy-real as physical reality, just reality-light (not a full robust beer, just beer light).  We think we are energy appearing physical, have a holographic-spirit like a twin, have an intelligence, consciousness, awareness, observer, and don’t know shit.  Chipmunks have more fun than humans, and they just eat nuts, instead of having minds that drive them nuts.

Jumping into the future, so what if we can extend life, become immortal, move our consciousnessess to new bodies, travel slow or beam me up scotty, they’re all just experiences, shit to do, and so you live longer and do more shit.  Congratulations Methuselah, now you’re really fuckin old.  Ahhh, found the meaning of life, the point of life, the purpose of life, well, old dude, welcome to knowing there is no point except the one you choose.  Life doesn’t have a point, but the results of life that are intelligent and self-aware like humans create a point, get to create a purpose, a meaning, and that’s the truth, whatever the hell their minds conjure truth to be, whatever they want to believe, or imagine, that will be the truth for them and they will act on it and have that life.  We don’t know shit, we make up shit, turn things to shit and in the end we become shit, so life is just an asshole disguised as people, places, and things.  Thank god life has a sense of humor, after all it created you, me and religion and then there’s always the best part, we get to enjoy pleasure and pain at no cost whatsoever.

Bottom line is life doesn’t care what we do, but life turns out life-forms that do care, which is what makes life so interesting. Eventually life-forms that care will figure out how life works without life having a care in the world.

Whether you’re in nature’s jungle or human nature’s jungle, just know, energy-forms need to eat energy-forms to survive, and whether vegan, vegetarian or carnivore, everything eats something, so life is a buffet and mother nature is a serial killer.  So eat up until you’re eaten, because that’s physical reality.  Bon App’etite

And if you want to enjoy your life, find something, anything that stirs your passion or excitement or enthuses you, and then keep doing it every day until it doesn’t spark your fancy, and never ever-give a shit about the outcome, the results.  If everyday you wake up just being glad you ain’t dead, and then have the bonus of having something to do that you’re passionate about (or at least like enough not to kill yourself) then your mind will be satisfied enough to let you live another day.  Now, if you are not the boss of your mind, all bets are off.  Make your mind focus on what it does like, which, if trained, likes everything, every experience.  Good luck.

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