Sunday, October 6, 2024


I wake up in the morning back in my body (this vehicle I use to experience DEATH WORLD EARTH, THE WILDEST THEME PARK WEST OF THE PECOS) singing, “I’m back in the saddle again...riding the range once more...packing my 44...I’m back in the saddle again.”

I like DEATH WORLD.  It’s a hoot visiting here.  Sixteen hours out of twenty-four I get to enjoy it.  The other eight hours this human-body-vehicle I’m riding has to sleep, has to recuperate so it doesn’t get saddle sores.   As soon as this body falls asleep, I exit stage left and go home to my other temporary life in the astral world.

Why do I leave the astral world to play in the much denser world of DEATH?  Because there’s death there, unlike in the astral world.  

The astral world is like drinking decaff coffee.   Not very stimulating.  DEATH WORLD is real coffee.   Energizing like hell (I’ll tell you about that world later)  The astral world is like  day dreaming.  DEATH WORLD is like a nightmare.  Delightfully terrifying.

In the astral world you don’t feel things intensely. It’s the difference between getting hit with a nerf hammer or a steel hammer.  It’s the difference between a stunt man falling and knowing he is going to land on a fluffy mattress and still be alive, and a human falling and not sure what he is going smash into or if he will become part of the landscape.  Thrilling, right?

Earth life is exciting.  And it comes with a bonus.  At first you don’t know why you’re there, don’t know where where is, and you don’t know your away from home.  You don’t even know you’re in a them park.

There are worlds more terrifying and exciting than earth worlds.  I went on vacation on a atypical world.  Here’s what it was like.  Try to imagine it:

You’re in a world where gravity shifts willy nilly, never knowing whether your next step will propel you into space or drag you into a hole; don’t know whether your boat will float or sink because water can suddenly turn to vapor; you don’t know whether you will wake up in the morning being the same person you were when you fell asleep.  Sometimes you wake up not even being a person.  IT WAS A SUPER COOL WORLD.

SO WHAT’S THE POINT?  I am here in this dense physical world, enjoying this theme park, and when this vehicle gets too old and it’s too painful to enjoy doing things, I’ll go back to my temporary astral home and figure out what my next adventure is going to be.  But right now I’m enjoying this old body, this old age experience.  Hell, I might never be this old again.

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