Friday, October 4, 2024


 The happenings in a human are a microcosm of what happens on Earth, and Earth is a larger microcosm of happenings in the macro cosmic universe.

Life is a willy-nilly chaotic series of random happening moving in space like a perfectly tuned atomic clock.

Micro germs to macro galaxies appear and disappear like cosmic actors going for coffee.

Life on Earth is ancient tribes, New York Sky Lines, hilly billy life and mechanized farms rolled into a popcorn ball eaten by time.

And here I sit on a log in a forest contemplating it all and have to pee.  I get up and return part of myself to where I came from wondering, “What’s the point?”  

Life is a coiled spring pulled and pushed popping up like a jack-in-the-box and forced back down by a gleeful two-year old learning cause and effect, but when death knocks, won’t know why he was born.

“I am the universe and I do what I do for my joy and pleasure and entertainment,” said a voice in my head, “and I excuse not myself, and glory in the doing.”

“So there you have it,” said I to myself.  “I am one micro life happening within the one macro life, which means life and mini-me are one life peeing on each other for the fun of it.

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