Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Again I am a human, temporarily, but this time I know what and who I am.  I am no thing that evolved into something (a conscious self-aware intelligence) that entered into a human.  This human is my avatar, my coat, my vehicle for the Earth Adventure.

I am only in my human sixteen hours a day.  The other eight hours I am again no thing, an unconscious, unaware intelligence, temporarily.

Life (energy) is a mindless, purposeless natural process that evolves conscious, self-aware intelligences that have purpose, and that do things for their joy, pleasure, and entertainment.

Energy is unbound, limitless, infinite until a portion evolves naturally into an energy-form that is bound, limited and finite as a conscious, self-aware intelligences.

A conscious, self-aware energy-form seeks experiences, adventures, challenges, risks, and the unknown for its joy, pleasure and entertainment, which is why it enters other energy-forms.  Life is about having experiences. When an experience is over it seeks other experiences.  When an Earth Adventure ends, it seeks other earth adventures.  When an avatar, coat, or vehicle energy-form wears out, it seeks a new model.

Not knowing that you are a conscious, self-aware, intelligence having a temporary human experience makes your experiences a more profound, impactful, mysterious thrills and chills exhilarating ride.  

Once you know what you are, it’s still a chills and thrills ride, but it lacks some of the excitement, though it does cause you to enjoy all that is life–every experience.  

Knowing what you really are is a trade off, less excitement, more joy.  So perhaps you might consider not telling humans what they really are. 

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