appeared in front of me, a small shining light dancing in a blue sky. I
wondered what it was? Almost immediately an answer came into my mind,
“I am a starchild, as are you, but you are cloaked.”
I wondered at my thought.
“No need to wonder. It’s me sending thoughts to you. I am Rom.”
“What are you?” I asked.
am a starchild; an independent and free intelligence; a mind. I am an
unveiled, organized thinking energy being. I am what is at the heart of
all self-aware conscious beings: Thinking energy. Do any of those work
for you?”
“You look like a miniature sun or star.” I said.
know. That is why we call ourselves star children. We are all star
children in essence. You are a starchild. Your star is cloaked. You are
in a human cloak. Been there; done that. Might do it again.”
“Why are you here talking to me?” I asked.
“I’ve been playing in the thought stream and picked up yours.”
“What are the odds?” I asked, not expecting an answer.
odds are good when you fine tune yourself. Thoughts are not just
scattered. They vibrate at certain frequencies. To much junk out there
to not fine tune. Like searching the internet, but no pop-ups and no
bogus sites.”
“What was I thinking that made you curious?” I asked.
than curious.....I only engage when intent is genuine. And we have a
history. You were thinking about the origin of life before matrixes. You
want to know the fundamental construct of consciousness or
intelligence. I’ve been following your thoughts stream for some time.
You come up with some wacky conclusions. Some are not bad, but mostly
they are incomplete.”
“I’m never surprised that I get it wrong considering this veil. I’m surprised anything comes through this body,” I said.
maybe if you weren’t so polluted. You can’t see the full power of a
light through muddy water. And the light you do see gets distorted by
all the junk in you. If you quit smoking, quit drinking pop and eat less
and better, you’d be fooled less. Remember that eleven day fast you
went on years ago? You got some things right then. Maybe you should stop
“Since you know about that fast, do you know about the
three day fast without food and water, and the guy I was with came out
of the desert and became a polygamist and I came out thirsty and hungry.
Zip to anything else,” I said.
“Three days don’t cut it. It helps, but you are not going to get real stuff in that time. Little effort, little gain.”
relative went without food for forty one days. All he found was that he
could go forty one days without eating and not die.” I said.
a big deal you know. You really want to know what is behind the
scenes, what the core of life is about. And that’s why I’m here. Shall
we begin?”
“Will you start from where I am now as a human and go back to the beginning,” I asked.
are not human. You are dressed as a human. You wear your human body
like a cloak. As soon as a starchild enters a body, any 'form', it
forgets that it is a starchild. It forgets that it is all knowing
intelligent energy (there is no precise way to say that): Thinking
energy (at times....not already know EVERYTHING)
vibration; starchild; consciousness, intelligence. Those words hint at
what you are).”
“Why did we become humans? Why did you become a human?” I asked.
like you, like everyone on earth, already know EVERYTHING. We go human
to experience NOT knowing. I’ve been around awhile. I’ve been a human
many times. I do it for the adventure, the challenge. Same reason all of
us do it.
“The universe is not as complex as scientist and
philosophers make it out to be. The family unit is an excellent synonym
for the oneness, unity and contectedness of all that is.
is only one consciousness, but it is not like a single celled amoeba. It
is one ‘body’ made up of countless ‘cells’, and like mitosis in one
human results in another human. Mitosis in the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS
results in another consciousness, or in this case, star children (that
explanation doesn’t do it justice...words have limitations).
consciousness or energy (when not within a ‘created’ form) is the REAL
you. When you come to the realization that you are not human, that you
are merely a consciousness ‘dancing’ in a human body, it will change how
you look at life on earth, and how you deal with everyday life.
you awaken to your starchild status, you cannot refrain from shouting
with joy. You experience the feeling of absolute joy. And you also know
that they who are not yet awake, do not share your perspective and often
dislike how you look at life and how you deal with everyday life. Most
humans have no clue as to the joy a human cloaked awake starchild feels,
and most awake star children are cautious about sharing it. Of course
I’m not speaking of you because you are a blabber mouth.”
“When I was a young German boy my mother called me a quatschkopf (a head that talks too much) but blabber mouth works,” I said.
awake starchild has an excellent sense of humor and is NEVER offended
no matter what is said about him. He does not care. Awake star children
see the world through different eyes than sleeping ones. Their values
are different. Their outlooks and perspectives are different. They live a
carefree life, fearing neither injury or death (though seek neither)
have an ‘I don’t care,’ attitude. They engage in what they want and step
aside when they don’t want. They are not concerned with what people
think, like some old people in that way. Though they have human egos,
they control them.
“Awake star children take each day as it comes
without concerns. If they eat, great, if they don’t, equally
great–nothing bothers them. If they don’t like a person or situation,
they walk away. Many become hermits because it’s unprofitable for an
awake starchild to constantly engage with sleeping ones. If they can
help a starchild awaken, they help, but if the starchild is not ready to
awaken they leave him to his journey. An awake starchild does not
judge, condemn or belittle. He may criticize, but only when he KNOWS a
benefit will be derived. Awake star children do not complain.
starchild who is waking up questions everything, doesn’t believes for
the sake of believing (he believes or is open to all things and acts on
what proves true).
“All star children serve each other. Service
cannot be avoided because interaction at some level cannot be avoided.
Whether hero or coward, both serve. Whether savior or killer, both
serve. Most men value safety, peace and comfort and do not value danger,
war and aggravation. An awake starchild values them all because his
understanding of their value is greater.
“Sleeping star children
have many dramas in their lives. They care; they’re concerned; they
worry; they fret; they angst; they stress; they fear. Sometimes it is
their pain that awakens them.
“Awake star children still need,
want and desire things, they just don’t care if they get them, or if
things turns out the way they expected. For them, life is what it is
moment to moment–cause and effect–and if it turns out the way they
wanted, excellent, and if not, equally excellent.
“If their
country is invaded, they might join in to defend it for the adventure,
or they might go fishing. They take nothing seriously. If an awake
starchild is laying in a mortar hole, bleeding to death, dying of
thirst, dying of hunger, the sun is frying him, and he doesn’t know if
his wife and children made it out of town before the rockets hit, and
doesn’t know if they’re hurt or alive, it’s still a good day. Star
children have no bad days. Awake star children are like young human
children in their attitudes–they frolic and skip through life in joyful
anticipation of WHATEVER life has to offer.
“Awake star children
know they are one with all things, and not separate. They know they are
part of the whole. They have experienced oneness. They really know what
oneness means: an unthinking, a totally knowing of everything,” said
“Well then, it’s no wonder that sleeping star children
dislike how awake star children look at life,” I said. “And it’s no
wonder that awake star children are cautious about sharing their
perspective with sleeping ones. On another question, how long does the
human paradigm last? And what’s after for an asleep AND an awake
“The human paradigm is as timeless as imagination,”
said Rom. “The conditions of wakefulness or sleep (human) is a cloaked
condition, and that condition does not exist after leaving a body or
before entering a body. It does not exist in an uncloaked starchild
(non-embodiment) THOUGH, when a human dies and sheds his human body he
may not shed his less dense body (spirit body...if you will) and if that
is the case, he can still be quite dense...and have less dense
“An uncloaked starchild is not an actor, is not
playing a character. It is uncloaked intelligence, awareness,
consciousness. It is an observer. Its state does not change until he
again dawns a cloak, enters a character and joins a play.
is a play. You are an actor. Earth is the stage,” said Rom. “Exciting
isn’t it, entering a new play. Playing life is what life is about. Can
you imagine it being any other way, any better?
“The interim
between embodiments is a timeless state of delight and joy and bliss, a
vacation from the schools and adventures of duality, a state of
unbridled life without restrictions or boundaries. It is experiences of
imagination without limits (if you so choose). Most star children do
not think (do not limit themselves by thinking) and just enjoy the
peaceful state of ALL KNOWING.
“It is a timeless state of joy
without sorrow, pleasure without pain and peace without war. It is the
eternal imaginations of everything wonderful. It is home.
you awaken in the play, as many are doing right now, the play loses its
hold upon you. When you realize you have been an actor–a starchild
cloaked–the veil of illusion is rent, and the rest of your days rest
lightly upon your ‘soul’. You are free, even while yet cloaked.
experience the joy of sorrow, the peace of war, the pleasure of pain,
but more importantly, you feel the sorrow, the warring and the pain of
they who yet sleep, thus your compassion and kindness is stirred and
knows no bounds. You now bring joy, not sorrow; peace, not war;
pleasure, not pain; laughter, not tears.
The rest of your days
are spent in building up, not tearing down. You love, not hate, and by
this you know you are awake. Your veil of illusion is rent. The actor is
no more. The starchild is revealed.
And see your
fellow beings differently. You actually see and feel the REAL THEM, a
them that is merely housed in bodies that DO NOT KNOW VERY MUCH, but you
know that within those bodies are STAR CHILDREN who, like you, KNOW
essence they are you and you are they) and thus you look at their human
bodies and try not to laugh, you look at their doing and antics like
you look at children...but mostly you feel compassion... BUT....mixed
with reality, because you understand (though they may not) that they are
game-players and actors and came to experience an earth-life adventure,
a limited reality of short duration, an experience away from home and
away from who and what they really are which is all knowing star
children who came to experience not knowing.
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